Tiger's Dream (The Tiger Saga #5)

I returned it as Kelsey continued, hoping it meant our fight was over.

“Help me be strong enough and wise enough to do what’s necessary,” Kells said. “They both deserve a chance to have a life.”

We stood there, all four of us, two of us unseen and the other two holding hands. Nothing happened. Ana frowned and then lifted her eyebrows to me as if I would know what to do. I shook my head and shrugged. A few more minutes went by. The goddess and her tiger didn’t appear.

Ren changed back into a tiger again. Ana flicked her hand and time stopped. Ren and Kelsey stood there frozen. The dust particles that sparkled in the rays of sunlight didn’t move. “What happens next?” Ana asked.

“Well, the goddess and her tiger appear. She gives Kelsey Fanindra and the gada.”

Her brow furrowed as if she was in thought and then she nodded. “Very well. Follow my lead.”

She waved her hand and channeled the power of the earth and the scarf. Before I could ask what she was doing, the ground shook. The stone covering the print fell away. Kelsey touched her hand to it, and I felt my body lurch and reposition as I sunk down into my tiger form. I was stiff and frozen in place. Ana! I thought.

Patience, Damon, was her reply. At least try to trust me.

Kelsey placed her hand on the statue, and through a sort of film over my eyes, a bright light appeared. It was so dazzling I wanted to close my eyes, but I couldn’t, so I growled softly. Little by little, I felt my limbs coming alive again. Dust tickled my nose and instead of sneezing, I bared my teeth and growled softly.

Ren roared a challenge and I recognized he was getting ready to leap on me. A hand touched my shoulder, and I looked up to see Ana, dressed like the goddess, brandishing all of the weapons that I knew were just in a knapsack on my back. I was inches away from her bare midriff and her long, long legs. The skirt was slit high up her thigh and the tight bodice clung to her curves. She smelled of lotus and jasmine and her long hair hung down her back in gleaming waves. Two of her arms rested on me and she communicated with me silently. We’ll do this together.

Ana lifted a long, golden arm, her bracelets clinking softly. “Welcome to my temple, daughter,” Anamika said. “Your offering has been accepted.” The smile on her face was so sweet, her voice so melodious that I stared up at her as enraptured as Ren and Kelsey. You’re so beautiful, I thought, then swallowed, wondering if she’d heard my inner voice.

Ana hesitated, then one of her hands lifted to my head and she played with my ear. A golden sort of satisfaction swept through me, and I wasn’t certain if it was coming from her or if it was me or if it was our connection, but either way, I liked the feel of her fingertips brushing through my fur.

“I see you have your own tiger to aid you in times of battle,” Ana said.

“Umm, yes,” Kelsey answered, “this is Ren, but he is more than just a tiger.”

“Yes. I know who he is and that you love him almost as much as I love my own Damon. Yes?”

Wait. What? She loved me? Did you mean that? I asked mentally. How could she when she’d been so angry with me in Kishkindha just recently.

Hush, she answered, her second arm massaging my ruff. Can you not see I am busy?

Ana continued, “You have come to seek my blessing, and my blessing I will give. Come closer to me and accept it.”

Ren crept closer and I flinched as he sniffed. Did he recognize me? I remembered Ren saying that Durga’s tiger was orange. Glancing down, I saw that indeed, my paws were orange. I scratched at the stone thinking I preferred them black.

Ana told them where they were supposed to go and warned them of danger. I was too busy watching Ren, who was eying me much too closely for comfort to notice Ana holding the gada out to Kelsey.

Are you sure? I asked.

Yes. The weapons of Durga are now a part of me as well, she explained almost sadly. I can summon them from the ether at any time or place I wish. When we no longer have need of them, we simply relinquish our hold and they will return from whence they came.

I blew out a breath, which, on a tiger, looks like a chuff. It wouldn’t make sense to Ren at all but there was nothing I could do to take it back.

Kelsey tested out the gada and I was surprised to see that she had the strength of the goddess. I’d always assumed that Ana’s strength came from the earth portion of the amulet, but Kelsey had it even at that point. I wondered then if it was the connection to the tiger that gave the women the abilities they had. If so, the curse of the tiger wasn’t a punishment but a blessing. Without it, Ana and Kelsey would have died on the battlefield, assuming they had survived their other hardships first.

I closed my eyes and tilted my head. Ana reached over and scratched just beneath my jaw. Her hands were definitely distracting me. Enough so that I missed Fanindra coming alive and gliding over to Kelsey. What surprised me even more was that Fanindra had grown to full size. When had that happened? I wondered.

She feeds on time, Ana said, answering my question. During our recent time travels, she has matured rapidly.

That answered two questions. Not only did I now understand Fanindra’s rapid growth but I knew that Ana could also hear my secret thoughts. She’d heard me call her beautiful.

Kelsey trembled as Fanindra approached. The poor girl was obviously petrified.

Glancing up at Ana, I huffed. I’m sorry, I said. I know you’ll miss Fanindra. Ren and Kelsey were too preoccupied with the snake to notice the tears on Ana’s face. None of that now, I added. Who knows what demons you’ll create with those. Ana’s hand gripped my fur tightly. I rubbed my head against her very toned leg. We’ll see her again, won’t we? I asked.

I caught the slight nod. She will heed my call whenever I ask for her assistance. I have given her the ability to leave a metal duplicate with Kelsey when occasion permits. But Kelsey will have need of her at present.

That’s interesting. While Kelsey and Ren freaked out about Fanindra, I wondered just how many times on our journey we were carrying around a piece of jewelry instead of the real thing.

When Fanindra reached Kelsey’s arm, she lifted her head and flicked her tongue out as if saying good-bye to the goddess and then turned into an armband.

Ana explained, “She is called Fanindra, the Queen of the Serpents. She is a guide and will help you to find what you seek. She can conduct you on safe paths and will light your way through darkness. Do not be afraid of her, for she wishes you no harm.” She smiled and stroked Fanindra’s head. “She is sensitive to the emotions of others and longs to be loved for who she is. She has a purpose, as do all of her children, and we must learn to accept that all creatures, however fearsome they may be, are of divine origin.”

I sensed more to Ana’s words than just an attempt to counsel Kelsey. Was it possible Ana loved those horrible demons? The killer monkeys? When she said Kelsey and Ren should use their hearts to find one another, the truth stone hanging at my neck burned. Am I not using my heart to find my purpose? Ana had accused me of keeping my mind and heart from her. How could I prove that I was not?

Ren and Kelsey kept asking questions, desperate to learn more, but Ana used the scarf and the power of the earth to cover us once more in grit and stone. A veil crept over my eyes and I became immobile again. Kelsey stretched out a hand to my dusty head and touched my ear, where Ana’s hand had been. A cold feeling came over me, and though I was still stuck inside the tiger statue, I sensed Ana had gone.

Kelsey spun when she heard a sound, and I saw Ana standing close by, her hands on her hips. She was once again dressed in her typical attire, soft leather boots that came up to mid-thigh and her green dress. Her eyes flashed as she looked at me, but Kelsey couldn’t see her.

Ren followed Kelsey out of the temple, and after a few long moments, I heard the Jeep leave down the road.