Tiger's Dream (The Tiger Saga #5)

Puppy Love

Anamika murmured a quick good-bye to Ren and waved at Nilima before heading in my direction. When she was close enough to take my hand, she looked at it and then glanced up at me. Cocking her head, she considered my expression, and then unhurriedly, she touched the tips of her fingers to mine and slid her palm across my hand. Though I seethed inside, I showed nothing on the surface.

With my hand wrapped around hers, I drew her close and began dancing with her. The pounding beat reflected my mood. Ana had the ability to channel our connection when her body brushed mine as we moved together in the close crowd. If she had, she could have read my thoughts easily, but she restrained herself. It soothed the beast within a little, but it still wasn’t enough to calm my temper completely.

When the music changed to a slow dance, I stood there stiffly grinding my jaw. Ana turned to watch the other couples and then stepped closer to me. I could feel the heat radiating from her and it made my blood pound. She slid her arms around my neck and we automatically began swaying together.

I tugged her against me tightly, and when she gasped, I loosened my grip and spanned my hands lightly against her bare waist. The feel of her soft skin against my fingertips distracted me from my anger, but my blood still boiled all the same.

“What is wrong?” she murmured in my ear. When I didn’t answer, she pressed, “Was it seeing Kelsey?”

“No,” I mumbled. Her long hair tickled my wrists. I glanced up and saw Ren dancing with Randi, the blonde he’d brought aboard the ship to prove to Kelsey he was moving on. Across the beach I saw a small figure and knew it was Kells headed back to the ship.

She’d seen Ren with all the women. What he’d done had broken her heart. The next morning Kelsey was going to ask me out on a date. She was going to cut her hair and we’d have dinner together and she was going to look amazing, and…it didn’t matter. She’d still end up with Ren.

It was always Ren. My brother would get Kelsey. He probably would have gotten Yesubai too. Then there was Randi. She clutched Ren fiercely, her eyes lit with determination. Nilima might have even gone for Ren had he been interested. And now it was Ana. Ren dancing with her was the last straw.

Seeing her touch his arm like that was too much. Ana was not going to fall for him like everyone else. I wouldn’t allow it. Her hand belonged on my arm, not his. I was her tiger. Ren abandoned her to run off after Kelsey. He left her alone. I was the one who stayed. If anyone deserved Ana’s commitment and devotion, it was me. My neck tightened as I looked at Ren with extreme jealousy. Ren had his harem and I had nothing. I had no one. Not even my sorry excuse for a brother. He’d abandoned me as much as he’d left the goddess.

Ana took my hand and pulled. I turned away from Ren and followed her like a zombie. We walked a short distance from the party, far enough away to feel alone and yet still close enough to hear the music. A breeze came in from the ocean and blew her cover up away from her body. I growled softly and pulled the fabric around her again but it did nothing to hide her curves.

She brushed my hands away and surprised me by wrapping her arms around my neck again. As she slowly swayed, I moved with her, but it was a broken, shattered, grieving man she danced with. When she stopped and touched her palm against my neck, she spoke to me in her thoughts. What is it, Sohan?

I liked that she asked rather than took.

Mentally, I replied, It’s…it’s just Ren. He… Wait. How do you know that name? I asked. Only my mother called me Sohan.

Her eyes slid guiltily away from mine. I…I visited your family when you were younger.

“What?” I said out loud, taking a step back.

“Shh,” she hissed. Then, mentally, she added, Ren has powerful hearing. He might hear us, even from here.

When did you meet my family? I demanded. Where?

You were about the age of twelve.

I don’t remember that.

You wouldn’t. I wiped it from your memory.

We stopped dancing because I froze. I knew such a thing was possible. I’d done it myself. To Kelsey and to Ren. The idea that Ana had used the power of the amulet the same way with me didn’t sit well. You took my memories? I asked, a chill going through me.

Yes. I was afraid it would taint your future to let you retain them.

And was that the only time?

She didn’t answer immediately and those seconds seemed far too long to me.


If she had been lying, I would have sensed it through our link. Even now electric charges shocked my nerves when she touched me. It was, at once, exciting and soothing, and intimate in a way. Seeing her hand resting on Ren’s arm had left a bitter taste in my mouth.

Had she felt the same spark when she touched him? Did the cosmic connection cross over? He hadn’t looked like it did, but all the girls probably felt a special tingle when touching my brother. Setting aside my jealousy as best I could, I took hold of her shoulders. Then return them now, Ana. Show me what you saw.

She let out a soft breath and nodded. My hands fell back naturally to the curve of her waist. Her skin was warm and soft. Almost without meaning to, I pulled her closer. She lifted her hands to my face and touched her fingertips to my temples. Ana’s green eyes pierced mine and I got lost in those liquid pools. For just a second, my mind fought back, but her mental touch was as light as her physical one and I found I couldn’t resist either.

I closed my eyes as she sifted through my memories, and then she found what she was looking for. Gently, she tugged and a veil slipped away, revealing something magical. It was her smile I remembered more than anything else. Her teeth sparkled in the sunlight like pearls. I’d never seen Ana smile like that. It was so free and full and lovely. My young self had thought she was the most beautiful woman in all of India.

The memories came back slowly, dropping like autumn leaves spinning in the air. Attentively, I watched each one unfold. I tightened my grip on her waist and heard a breathy gasp, but she remained still as she revealed parts of my life that she’d stolen from me.

Ana had appeared out of nowhere. Traveling on a path alone. She wore her bow and her green hunting dress and was warmly welcomed into our kingdom. Ana had spun an elaborate story about her journey, and though they were amazed that she had traveled alone and remained unaccosted, my parents had embraced her and welcomed her to their home, especially when she claimed she was a distant relative of my father’s—a great-niece of his estranged brother.

It didn’t matter really who she was. My parents were the type to welcome strangers as warmly as family, so Ana was given food at our table, servants to see to her needs, and was told she could stay as long as she liked. She willingly accepted their hospitality and in exchange gave them a small token, a precious gem she had brought with her. It was one I recognized. Kadam had brought it with him when we escaped from Lokesh years later. Even now, it probably rested in the family vault. He’d never used it. Not even in his attempts to rescue Ren.

Ana quickly became a favorite and was sought after by everyone, including my mother and Kadam. I watched my mother spar with Ana and was transfixed by the warrior woman with all the fascination of an adolescent boy. She’d said she was only staying over for a few days, but she’d lingered for a whole week. A long, unforgettable week, especially for a boy of twelve.