Tiger's Dream (The Tiger Saga #5)

I’m fine, was her mental reply. The relief I felt at knowing we hadn’t lost our mental connection was overwhelming. I let out a shaky breath and inhaled cinders.

As the others began coughing, I summoned a wind to blow the smoke away and kept the fire banked enough not to hurt them. Kelsey touched the handprint, the signal for Ana to emerge. I watched in fascination as the wax melted away from her. Her glorious hair was aflame and she smoothed it away from her head, dousing the blaze. She looked more like herself with only two arms and yet she was still magnificent in her fiery gown. She smiled and I saw the others react to her tinkling voice with a kind of reverence I also felt, but she didn’t turn her lovely gaze on me.

“It is good to see you all again,” she said.

Fanindra came alive in Kelsey’s hands, and I looked down at my arm, surprised to see the snake missing. I hadn’t even felt her go.

My old self made a noise.

Without looking up, Ana sighed and said to him, “You must learn to be patient where women and goddesses are concerned, my ebony one.”

I sensed in that moment she wasn’t only talking to him but to me.

“Forgive me, Goddess,” he replied.

“Learn to love the moment you are in,” Ana said softly. “Treasure your experiences, for precious moments too quickly pass you by, and if you are always rushing toward the future”—she glanced over at me briefly—“or pining for the past, you will forget to enjoy and appreciate the present.”

We locked eyes for the briefest of moments, and yet a thousand words seemed to pass between us during that time.

“I will endeavor to treasure every word that passes from your lips, my goddess,” my old self said.

Ana leaned down and touched his cheek fondly. “If only you were always so . . . devoted,” she said.

I frowned. What are you doing, Ana? I asked.

She ignored the question and began talking to Kelsey. I tuned it out until I heard Kelsey ask, “The tigers get to be men full time after we find the next prize, right?”

Ana paused for a long moment, then answered, “The form of the tiger was given to them for a purpose and soon that purpose will be realized. When this fourth task is completed, they will have the opportunity to separate themselves from the tiger. Come and take your last weapons.”

Pulling the sword from her belt, Ana twisted it, creating two blades, and then she spun them, distracting both Ren and my other self well enough that we didn’t even react. She could have killed us if she’d wanted to. It was embarrassing how easily we’d been transfixed by her. Ana gave Ren his weapon but kept the other sword at the throat of my old self. I knew it wasn’t really him she was challenging, but me.

She sparred with him for just a moment or two and still managed to beat him. I let out a sort of wistful sigh. I’d missed seeing her in action. “Not to worry, my dear Kelsey,” Ana said. “The black tiger’s heart is very hard to pierce.”

I moved around in her line of sight and she raised an eyebrow as if daring me to deny her claim. She didn’t even notice how my old self was looking at her. I did, though, and she grinned at me as she touched the tip of the sword to his chest again.

When he shoved it away, she twisted it, offering him the handle, then gave them the brooches and demonstrated how to use them. Clasping my hands behind my back, I walked around to the other side until I stood right behind the shoulder of my old self.

Ana, looking right at me, her voice a purr, ran her hand over the shoulder of my former self and said, “Perhaps it would be better for the time being for you to remain in these modern clothes.” Leaning closer and giving me a wink, she added, “I have a weakness for handsome men dressed in battle gear.”

My fists tightened. She was flirting. On purpose. With the man I used to be.

Stop it, I said.

Why? Does it bother you to see another man who is interested in me?

That’s not another man, Ana. That’s me.

Yes. Well, my choices are limited at the present.

What is that supposed to mean?

Shh, I’m busy right now. “These brooches were created especially for the two of you,” she said, her voice husky and mesmerizing. “Do you like my gift, ebony one?” she asked softly.

My old self was practically falling over his feet to reach her. He took her hand and I flinched, knowing she hated it, but she didn’t even bat an eye. Instead, she offered him a warm smile as he stumbled over his words. “I think you are . . . I mean, I think it is . . . incredible. Thank you, Goddess.” He kissed her fingers and she…she liked it.

“Hmm.” She smiled appreciatively. “You are welcome.”

Loudly, Kadam cleared his throat. “Perhaps we had best begin our journey. Unless you have more to tell us . . . Goddess?” he said, giving her a knowing look.

Ana fidgeted under the scrutiny of her teacher and immediately took a step back. But she looked back up at me with a taunt in her eyes. I lifted my chin, acknowledging it. If she wanted a fight, I’d be more than happy to give her one. Her chest heaved and her arms tightened as if she was going to spring. I suddenly remembered the blind chase through the forest and the girl who wanted me to catch her. My fingers twitched in anticipation. It was Ana. It had to have been.

I think we need to talk, Ana, I said.

She narrowed her eyes. “I have said all that is necessary.” Turning to the others, she smiled. “Until we meet again, my friends.”

Ana’s body stiffened and Kelsey quickly asked, “When will we meet again?”

But the goddess just gave her a quick wink and then she was a wax effigy once more.

I stared at the form of the goddess, waiting for her to appear, but it seemed she wanted me to wait. Ren shouted at my old self and punched him. I winced, feeling that punch all over again.

“If I ever see you treat Kelsey that way again, I’ll do a hell of a lot more than just knock some sense into you. I highly encourage you to apologize. Do I make myself clear, little brother?” Ren demanded.

He left with Kadam and I listened to myself apologize to Kells and ask if she was still my girl. Kelsey just nodded, but I could easily see she was nowhere near as mad as I had been just now seeing Ana flirting with my old self. If it had been Ren throwing himself at the goddess, she would have been livid. Or at least heartbroken. Regarding me, she was neither of those things. I missed Kells. But she was happy. She’d moved on. It was time for me to do the same.

After they were long gone and Ana still hadn’t made an appearance, I folded my arms across my chest and said, “Don’t you think you have some explaining to do?”

In answer to my question, I heard the snick of a blade being unsheathed, and before I could react, the tip was pressed against the back of my neck.

“Shall we pick up where we left off, tiger?” a smooth voice asked.

Chapter 33

Shrine of Water

Backing up quickly, she tossed me another sword.

I turned and snatched the weapon out of the air. “Where did you find these?” I asked, admiring the gunmetal-gray sword, polished and sharp.

Ana shrugged. “Borrowed them from a warlord.”

I gave an exasperated grunt. “Did you go off and do something without me again?”

With a wolfish grin, she said, “Beat me and I’ll tell you.”

She leapt forward; her sword came down with enough force to cleave my head from my body. I spun and my sword met hers in a shower of sparks. I threw her back, but she kicked out her toned legs and twirled with a catlike grace, then managed to slice open my arm. Blood trickled down my elbow. Looking down, I frowned as I watched the wound heal itself. “Why are you doing this, Ana?”

Pacing back and forth, waiting for me to attack, she replied, “Why do you ask so many questions?”

“Maybe it’s because you never tell me what’s going on with you.”

“How about I just show you instead?”