
“I’m sorry about jumping you like that outside,” Reid said, following me over the sofa. “I got a little carried away when you said you were single,” he chuckled.

“Yeah, me too. Probably not a good idea to attach my face to the first guy I see, huh?” I joked.

“I’m just glad it was me,” he smiled. “So, what happened with Beau?”

“What do you think?” I teased. He shrugged, I could tell he was trying to play off that fact that he was sure it was because of him. I sighed, “He was worried when I didn’t answer my phone, so he came over. I might have answered the door wearing your sweatshirt. Needless to say the conversation kind of took a left turn from there.”

“I’m not going to pretend like I’m not thrilled that you’re done with him,” he admitted. “But, I’m sorry if it made the situation uncomfortable.”

“It wasn’t just you. It was a lot of things. We were never going to be that couple that had the epic love story, you know?”

“But, you think we could be?” he asked, hesitantly. “That couple. I mean, I think we could.”

“Now, you’re getting a little carried away.” I laughed. “I was thinking maybe we could just get to know each other again. You hurt me, Reid, and as much as I think I’m ready to move past that, I can’t just jump right back in to a relationship with you.”

“That makes sense,” he agreed. “We can take it as slow as you want,” he said, taking my hand in his. “Just because speed is my thing with my job doesn’t mean I live my entire life that way. I want to take my time with you, Shutterbug. Do it right. I don’t expect you to just forgive and forget what happened back then. I know I have to earn your trust again. And, I will.” I wanted to tell him that I’d already forgiven him and that I was trying to forget that part of my life, but I didn’t think I was ready. When his serious expression turned playful, I knew it was his way of giving me the time I needed. “I do have a few requests though.”

“Lay it on me.”

“We get to do this now without feeling guilty.” He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss against my lips. “Any time we feel like it.”

“Okay.” I nodded. I’d definitely missed the feel of his kiss, and I was done pretending like I didn’t. The skill of his lips and tongue could have won medals.

“Two,” he said, touching his nose to mine. “I don’t plan on kissing anyone else.” He leaned back. “Can we keep whatever this is, just me and you? I mean, I love a good competition, but not as far as you’re concerned. I want you all for myself.”

“Deal,” I agreed. The last thing I was planning on doing was playing the field. My life had been super complicated lately, I was looking to simplify. The guy sitting across from me was making it impossible to even entertain the idea of another man being in my life.

“Oh, and,” he waggled his eye brows, “I’m going to need you to come over for a ride every day. I missed having you on the back of my bike.” He grinned.

“I could probably live with those terms,” I agreed, leaning in for one more kiss. The impromptu make-out session we’d just had in the trailer had been enough to satisfy the desire I felt for him... for now, but I’d just asked him to take things slow with me and even if I wanted to rip his clothes off, I knew it was a terrible idea. “So, how about you take me to lunch?”

“Your wish is my command,” he grinned.

If only I could make a wish that the future be as easy as it was to be with him at that moment. A wish that ensured we could get a happy ending. That hearts wouldn’t be broken. Especially mine.


Elizabeth Lee's books