
“What aren’t you telling me, Nora?” The caution I was showing was definitely not what I was feeling inside. I wanted to throw that damn caution to wind and grab hold of her and never let go.

“Beau and I broke up this morning.” She placed her other hand on me, and before she could move it an inch, I’d covered my mouth with hers. The caution was thrown. Hard and far. One sentence was all it took. I finally heard the words I’d been hoping to hear come out of her pretty little mouth.

I wrapped my arms around her body and pulled her as close as I could possibly get her to me. My tongue sweeping through her mouth like I was a dying man in the desert looking for a drop of water. Desperate and driven, I kissed her and tried to ruin her for any other man to come after me. Not that any would. Knowing that she was free and clear of her asshat boyfriend, the only man she’d be kissing from here on out was me. Mine.

I moved us to the workbench that ran the length of the trailer and parked her sweet ass on it, grabbing it with both hands for old times’ sake once more. I felt animalistic manhandling her, but she didn’t seem to mind, matching my excitement with her own movements. Her arms locked around my neck like a vise grip as she held on to me. Her long legs wrapping tightly around my waist.

I nipped her bottom lip and moved my mouth to her neck. Each whimper and moan that she released fueled my desire to have her. To mark her as mine. Just having the taste of her skin on my tongue again was enough to drive me insane. I pulled her forward on the bench and pressed myself between her legs. The firm length of my cock pressing into her center. She shuddered with delight as I rocked my hips forward creating friction between us. Years of frustration and pent up passion threatened to break both of us apart at the seams.

“You’re mine, Nora. You hear me? Mine,” I growled.

“Yes. Yours, Reid. Always.” Her greedy hands pulled my face back to hers as she crushed her lips against mine again. This time her tongue darted between my lips, seeking attention that I was happy to reciprocate. I loved that she was as anxious for this to happen as I was. That she was eager and knew what she wanted and wasn’t afraid to show me.

“Well, I’ll be damned,” Brett said, immediately interrupting a very spectacular fucking moment. “Look at that, Hoyt,” he said, nudging my brother who was standing next to him. “The son of a bitch did it.”

I rested my forehead against hers momentarily composing myself. I was hard as rock and I knew she needed to catch her breath before we moved far, far away from Brett and Hoyt. I didn’t want an audience for what I had planned.

“The son of bitch hasn’t even gotten started.” I shot them a glare, before placing my hands on Nora’s waist and helping her to the ground, trying to adjust myself as best I could. The pink sweep of embarrassment on her cheeks at being caught by my idiot entourage had me seeing red. “You two have fantastic timing,” I deadpanned, as I took Nora’s hand in mine and led her out of the trailer.

“Hey, we just came out to ride,” Hoyt yelled as we walked away. “Next time put a tie on the trailer door!” he added. The laughter of both him and Brett chased us into the house.

“Well that was fun,” she said, masking her embarrassment with a chuckle.

“Which part?” I stopped once we were inside and pulled her into my arms again.

“Up until your brother and Brett walked in, all of it.”

“Don’t mind them.” I said, shrugging off their stupidity. “They just like giving me a hard time.”

“They’re pretty good at it.”

“You have no idea.” I walked over to the fridge and grabbed us each a bottle of water. I wanted to drag her straight up to my bedroom and finish what we’d started in that trailer, but I thought maybe we should discuss the part of the morning that led to telling me she was now available. The part before I mauled her like a wild dog. “So, we should probably talk.”

Elizabeth Lee's books