This One Moment (Pushing Limits, #1)

“No way. Wonder why he’s here.” Before I could reply, Chris walked to the group and introduced himself.

“I’m visiting a friend who lives in Northbridge.” Nolan could’ve been describing either me or Brandon. More than likely he didn’t want to admit to knowing more than one person here. That would only lead to more questions about his connection to the town.

A growing unease jabbed at me like a pin you couldn’t see in your clothing, but it was there all the same. I was a private person, for the most part. Being linked to Nolan would be like open season on me. The last thing I wanted was for Blondes #1 and #2 to think I was Nolan’s personal assistant and that hooking him up with fans was in my job description. They had already tried that stunt when it came to Chris. No way was I going there again with Nolan.

Chapter 13


The first time I had performed onstage was a few weeks after I fled Minnesota for L.A. It was shortly after I joined three other guys, all with the goal of making it big.

Our first gig had been in a dive, as was usually the case when you’re new to the scene with no experience and no fans. It’d been a chance to prove ourselves to a rowdy crowd who didn’t give two fucks about us and our aspirations. It had been both exhilarating and scary.

That experience was nothing compared to how I felt now.

I paced the hallway outside Hailey’s room, waiting for her to get ready so we could go to Trysting.

Her bedroom door finally opened. At the sight of her, my dick pressed hard against my zipper. This was a side of Hailey I’d never seen before. I was used to athletic Hailey, the one who never dressed sexy. She didn’t have to. She was sexy no matter what she wore.

At least, that was what I used to think.

But seeing her like this changed my mind. Her fitted black dress revealed more than it covered, but on Hailey it looked classy. The short hem showed off her long, toned legs, which looked never-ending. The black stilettos added to the effect. And though it was a side of Hailey I was unfamiliar with, it was a side I wouldn’t have minded getting acquainted with.

For my sanity’s sake (as well as my dick’s), I tried not to imagine her legs wrapped around me while she was wearing only those shoes. I tried but failed.

The dress didn’t help either. It was sleeveless and would have covered her breasts if it weren’t for the cut-out in the front that pointed down, ending just below her cleavage.

Hailey turned around, and I sucked in a hard breath. The back of her dress cut away, so the skin from her shoulder blades to her lower back begged me to caress it. Her shiny brown hair flowed down her back, brushing her bare skin.

Shit, I was in serious trouble.

But who was I kidding? I’d been in serious trouble the moment my lips touched hers the night before last. I hadn’t meant to kiss her. That didn’t mean I hadn’t wanted to. But Hailey wasn’t interested in me, not that way.

Or so I’d once thought. But after the other night, I wasn’t sure anymore what was true and what wasn’t. She’d kissed me back. That much was true. Then she had pulled away and couldn’t get out of my room fast enough. She could have thrust a hot knife into my heart and it would’ve hurt far less.

Before that night, I had craved to touch her, to taste her. And after I did? The craving grew stronger, until it got to the point where it was all I could think about. On the plus side, I’d poured my emotions into a new song, and I had to admit it was damn good. Even Jared had agreed with me after I played it to him via Skype this afternoon.

“How do I look?” Hailey bit her lip and looked down at the dress.

Amazing. Hot. “Good.”

“Kayla loaned it to me.”

I was officially going to kill Kayla.

“Are you…?” I wasn’t sure how to finish the sentence and how she would react if I did. But the thought of her bringing home some random guy was too much to even think about. All I knew was if some guy hit on her, I was likely to punch him.

Which would make me no better than my old man.

“Am I what?” Hailey asked.

“Are you planning on hooking up with someone tonight?” My gaze dropped to her lips, and the craving to taste her again was a kick in the gut.

She shook her head, eyes locked on mine. The bruises on her face from the attack were faint, mostly hidden by her makeup. “Are you?”

I barely heard her. I was too focused on the image in my head of making love to her. And once again my dick got excited at that possibility.

Brilliant going, dickhead. As if I wasn’t already in enough trouble with Hailey dressed like this.

“No. The only person I’m going home with tonight is you.” My voice came out husky, and I silently cursed—again—my body’s reaction to her. Hailey had already made it clear she was only interested in one-night stands. The last thing I wanted was to be another of her one-night losers.

She blinked and quickly looked away. “Are you ready?”

Stina Lindenblatt's books