This Is Love, Baby (War & Peace #2)

I lift my finger and draw a heart over his own. Then, I trace a ‘B’ inside of it. With my invisible mark, I stamp my presence on his soul and permanently etch a part of me onto him. Breaking away from him, I climb on top of the bed and let his searing gaze burn off any last remnants from the blood of the monsters of my past. “Make love to me Warren McPherson.”

His eyes meet mine as he crawls on top of me without hesitation. Our mouths connect in a needy flurry and his hard cock pushes into me without warning. I moan out in relief at having him inside me, stretching my body to limits in a way only he can. The connection becomes one and I jolt back to life. Dragging my nails over his shoulders, I kiss him deeper than ever before. I need him to taste the love I have for him.

My War is hungry for it too.

My love satisfies him and he grunts as he bucks into me.

Bliss and passion and desire and perfection are all rolled into one as we chase the release we both need. Not a selfish release, but one we only find together. A mutual orgasm of the souls.

The black king and white queen are the only ones left on the board that’s no longer devoid of color. It drips with the crimson blood of the defeated and we stand in victory. Together.

“My Baylee, my sweet, sweet Baylee,” he murmurs against my lips as his body tightens with his climax. The throbbing of his cock inside of me sends my body into a flurry of shudders as I orgasm with him. When he empties himself into me, he relaxes and his gaze meets mine. A smile plays at his lips.

“War is worth the peace.” My words are honest and true. War is worth everything.

“Focus, on your move, Bay,” he says from across the board.

He doesn’t think I’m focused but I am. I’m hyper focused. But not on our chess game. Instead, I’m obsessing over having him in my mouth. It’s been a couple of days since our lovemaking reunion when he went down on me, and I’ve been squirming with need to return the favor ever since. Each time, I attempt to, I see the shame and horror flicker in his eyes.

He’s afraid of his own reaction.

That he won’t be able to handle it.

But I’m determined to win. I will find a way to suck on his cock and when I finally get to, he’ll wonder what he’s been missing all along. My confidence is unwavering. Some things you just know.

“There. I’ll move there,” I tell him absently and move a pawn that undoubtedly opens me up for an attack on his part.

His frown is immediate. “Are you sure?”

I nod, a sly smile forming at my lips. I’m planning an attack of my own. He draws his attention from me and back onto the board. I see it in his eyes as they dart all over the place. He’s calculating each and every move. His brain is on overdrive, trying to figure out a way to take out the queen.

Little does he understand, he’s always had her.

Tearing my nightgown from my body, leaving me naked, I stand and make my way over to him. He’s still staring at the board and hardly notices my movement. When I step in front of his view of the board between his spread legs, his eyes travel up my bare flesh until his heated gaze meets mine.

“You’re cheating,” he says, a low growl rumbling in his throat.

I shiver when his hands find my hips. “Close your eyes.”

His jaw clenches but he does as he’s told. With a satisfied smile, I drop to my knees in front of him. He lets out a grunt when I grab onto the waistband of his pajama pants and tug them down his thighs. War’s cock, thick and proud, bobs out and points up at the ceiling.

“Baylee, I don’t know if this is—”

But I don’t give him a chance to argue and run my tongue along the tip of his dick.

“Jesus Christ, woman,” he hisses out.

My hand curls around his shaft, and I stroke it while I tease him with my tongue. It isn’t until I fully wrap my lips around him and slide down his cock where it hits the back of my throat that he finally seems to let go of any insecurities about this act.

His hands dive into my messy hair and he groans out in pleasure. It turns me on to see him enjoying it and I pull out every trick I can think of. I suck him hard, I run my tongue around in uneven patterns, I even let my teeth graze along his sensitive flesh a few times. I’m not a pro at dick sucking but judging by his sharp intakes of air, I think I’m doing okay.

“Bay,” he growls in warning, “I’m going to—”

I know what he wants but I don’t let him off easy. Instead, I take him as deep as I can go knowing it’ll send him over the edge. A roar of pleasure rips from his chest and soon after his cock throbs as it spurts out his hot release. His salty taste isn’t offensive and I swallow him down until he’s got nothing more to feed me.

Slowly, I ease my mouth off of him and search his eyes to make sure he enjoyed it. His head is tilted back against the cushion of the chair and his lips are parted. He’s gorgeous as hell, and I can’t wait to do it again just so I can see this look of pure ecstasy on his face.

“Checkmate,” I tell him with a laugh.

His head snaps back down and his searing gaze is on mine. I’ve never seen such an unmasked look of desire on him. His furrowed brows, darkened eyes, and clenching jaw indicate he’s hungry for me.

K Webster's books