This Is Love, Baby (War & Peace #2)

Jesus, I’m a fucking idiot.

She whimpers, and I’m striding into the dark bedroom before I even stop to consider what I’m doing. This past month she has pushed me away every chance she gets. I’ve allowed her to—tried to give her the space I thought she needed. But not anymore. I’m going to get through to her. I’ll break through to her. Maybe she doesn’t need space at all. Maybe she needs me. My fisted hands clench at my sides as the urge to touch her becomes overwhelming. I want to fix her like she’s fixed me. I need to hold her and kiss away her pain.

So fucking do it!

With a growl of part determination and part desperation, I drop a knee onto the bed. Leaning forward, with shaky hands, I push them beneath her and drag her light frame into my arms.

I expect a shiver of horror to course through her as the nightmares of Gabe plague her.

I expect her mind to take over and play tricks on her—for her to shout and screech and claw at me like she’s done so many nights recently.

What I don’t expect is the way her body reacts to mine. She’s warm and curls up against me. Her fingers thread into my hair and she holds on as if I might vanish at any second. My heart thrums with love at having her in my arms. I hug my beautiful girl against my chest and kiss her cool forehead.

“War?” she questions, the grogginess in her voice revealing disbelief. Almost as if she thinks she’s dreaming me.

“I’m so sorry, Baylee. I’m sorry I’ve never been enough of a man for you,” I apologize and kiss her sweet, pink nose as I carry her down the hallway to our bedroom. “But I swear to God I’ll always try for more. I won’t ever stop trying to be better, healthier, and the man you deserve. And I’ll never stop fighting for you. You once told me the queen always protects the king, even from himself. Well, beautiful, I’m returning the favor. I’m not going to give up on you. Not now, not fucking ever. I love you, Bay.”

She starts to cry but I calm her with soothing hums of songs that always seem to still the raging beast inside my head. I swipe at the light switch, darkening the room, before peeling back the blankets. When I set her down, she lets out a sigh of relief and slides under the covers. I don’t even bother getting undressed and crawl in after her. Our bodies mold together and her cool skin begins to warm from the heat of mine. With every ragged breath she takes, my touch seems to breathe life back into her.

My lips are pressed against her messy hair near her ear. Moments ago, I was worried to touch her for fear of her rejection. But it’s clear to see she needs me now. Desperately. And I can’t seem to get enough of her. I want to fuse my soul to hers. To tether us in a way we’ll never be separated again.

She twists in my arms to face me, and even in the darkness, I can feel her pretty blue eyes on mine. Her hot breath tickles my lips but it doesn’t make me recoil from her like it would have several months ago. Instead, I lick my lips wetting them because I’m hungry for her. Fucking ravenous. My Baylee has changed me for the better.

“Thank you,” she rasps out, emotion thick in her voice.

I hug her closer to me until our lips brush against each other. “Shhh, I’m never letting you go.”

Her fingers lightly feather up my neck and then brush against my cheek. “Kiss me and don’t ever stop for the rest of our lives.”

Capturing her face in my hands, I tilt her head before diving in to kiss her. Her hot mouth is ready and grants my tongue easy access. The touch of hers against mine is enough to send a thousand volts of desire coursing through my body. Suddenly, the kiss becomes inadequate. Unfulfilling. I need more of her. All of her. Our kiss is nothing more than a tease. A small taste. A tiny sample of our love.

I need every single part of her.

Every last drop.

My tongue waters to lick every inch of her flesh. I want to memorize the taste of her and have it fill my mind. The desire to learn every part of her flesh with my mouth is overwhelming.

Breaking from our kiss, I grin at her needy yelp, and yank off her T-shirt. She’s not wearing a bra so in my very next breath, my lips are on her right breast as I push her onto her back. I’m starved for my sweet Baylee. The hunger for her is growing into a formidable force that can’t ever be sated.

“Oh, God, I’ve missed you,” I murmur before sucking her sensitive nipple into my mouth. She lets out a gasp and then her fingers are in my hair. Tugging and clawing, she shoves my face against her tit, needing me every bit as much as I need her.

K Webster's books