Thirteen Rising (Zodiac #4)

“We’ve defeated ourselves by forgetting the lessons of our past. Our choices have led us to this fate, not the stars—but that means our choices can also bring us to a new fate. Only our true survival depends on whether we learn anything from what we’ve survived.

“Will we continue to define ourselves by where we’re born? Will we continue to distrust those who look or act differently from us? Will we continue to be a tribal species that’s only comfortable living among others who are genetically like us? Or will we finally be ready to admit that there aren’t twelve or even thirteen types of humans in the Zodiac?”

I cast a glance at Mathias, who looks just as proud as Hysan, and as I’m watching, he takes Pandora’s hand and her face lights up like a sun.

“We are one people.” I look at Mom and Gamba, Risers and yet also my family. “Risers are not abominations—they are descendants of House Ophiuchus. They are members of a repressed race, and our ignorance has created their condition. We are doing this to them by putting so much value on fate and not enough on free will—but Risers are the future,” I say, thinking of the prophesy Ferez once shared with me and understanding at last what it means.

“None of us can truly be defined as one thing. We are all born as curious creatures with boundless imaginations. We are all seekers of justice and wisdom. We are all at times passionate and philosophical and nurturing and industrious and innovative. We all have a spiritual side that connects us to the stars, and we are all charged with the stewardship and protection of our land and environment. We are all warriors, especially today. And that means we are all Risers.

“What we’re missing is the glue that gels together all these pieces of us: Unity. The only way we will save the Zodiac is together. So don’t spend the rest of the flight reviewing strategy or anticipating our fate. Spend it getting to know the Zodai next to you. Forget whom we’re fighting against and instead focus on whom we’re fighting for—because the most important weapon we can bring to the field of battle isn’t the one we can touch. It’s hope.”

Hysan shuts off the broadcast and pulls me into his arms, lifting me off my feet with his kiss. Mathias hugs me next, and then Pandora, Ezra, and Gyzer come over to congratulate me. Even Skarlet bumps fists with me.

Ophiuchus goes back to meditating, but I didn’t really expect him to do anything else.

Mom and Gamba approach me last, and the others busy themselves with other things to give us some semblance of privacy.

“Did you really mean what you said about forgiveness?” asks Mom.

“Yes,” I say softly, thinking of Stan and what he would want for us. “I forgive you, and I also release you. You don’t owe me anything. Just be happy.”

She stays silent, and I read it as just part of her stoicism, but then Gamba rests a hand on her lower back, and I realize Mom’s moved. I guess it’ll take some time to get to know the real Kassandra.

But at least I’ll have that chance.

I look into Gamba’s tourmaline eyes next, knowing now it’s my turn to ask for forgiveness. “Gamba, I’m—”

“Forgiven,” she says simply, and there’s no rancor in her voice. “I know I’m a stranger to you, and we look nothing alike, but I would really like to be your sister, if you’ll let me.”

I consider the three of us—a Cancrian, an Aquarian, and a Capricorn—and my lips stretch into a smile: We’re the family of the future. “I’d love that.”

Gamba grins, her white teeth bright against her dark skin, and even Mom’s mouth curves into a small smile. The first real smile I ever remember seeing on her face.

And I wonder if she might be feeling her first flicker of happiness.

“Rho, I think you have some admirers to greet,” says Mathias, and I turn to see Pandora smiling beside him. “There’s a cue of calls coming in from every ship—should I patch the first one through?”


After fielding congratulatory calls from every Guardian, I cast my gaze around for Hysan and realize he’s not in the nose anymore. Mathias is in the pilot’s chair, and Pandora sits beside him. I go check out the galley, but I only see Skarlet, Ezra, and Gyzer. The Ariean is arm wrestling Gyzer again, and Ezra is refereeing.

I crack open the door to the largest cabin, and I find Hysan sitting cross-legged on the bed, beaming out a series of screens from his Scan. His hair is as long as when we first met, but he seems larger now, like he takes up more space than I remember. Or maybe the room has just grown smaller.

I slip inside and lock the door behind me.

“Just checked on Neith, and he’s almost at full charge,” he says without looking away from the holograms he’s scanning. Neith is plugged into the ship, since Hysan thinks he can be a useful warrior with his super strength and speed. “I just had this idea for upgrading the—”

I place my hand under his chin and tip his face up. “You’re defying my orders, Lord Hysan. I said no more strategizing.”

If I’m going to follow Moira’s instructions, I need to ground myself in the present. I need to remember how good love can feel. I need Hysan’s sunlight to take on so much darkness.

He blinks, and all the screens vanish at once. “Apologies, my Zodiac Queen.”

I smirk and swing a leg around him, pulling myself onto the bed by straddling him. He hooks his hands on my hips and slowly slides them up to my waist.

“When I spoke to Moira,” I whisper, his touch making my breaths shallow, “she said that to tether myself strongly to this plane, I’ll need an anchor.”

His hands stop at the small of my back, and he frowns a little. “Rho, you still haven’t given me any details about that ritual.”

“You don’t have to worry. I know what to do.” I cross my legs behind him and pull myself all the way forward, until my chest is pressed against his and our faces are touching. I feel his body harden beneath me as I whisper, “You just have to give me a reason to return.”

His lips lock with mine, and we rest there. Then his hand hugs my head, and his mouth trails down my chin and neck, his touch igniting my skin. I moan softly, and his mouth meets mine again. He kisses me gently, like he’s savoring my taste, the way he did the night I lost my virginity to him.

His tenderness only makes me want him more, and I slam both hands onto his chest and push him down on the bed. I lean over and kiss him savagely, and his hands reach up to pull off my blue tunic as my fingers work to free him of his golden suit. We’re down to our underwear in seconds.

Hysan wraps a hand around my lower back and tries to flip me over so he’s on top, but I pin his biceps to the bed. “It’s my turn at the helm.”

Dimples dig into his cheeks. “You sure you can handle this engine?”

We both burst into laughter, and when I see his ears are pink with embarrassment, I lean down and kiss him. “Hmmm . . . maybe just a test ride then,” I whisper in his ear in a seductive voice, and then my mouth travels slowly down his jawline and neck.

Romina Russell's books