Third Base (The Boys of Summer Book 1)

“What’d you do?” Sarah asks as she stands to face me with her arms crossed. I think her foot is jutted out, but I’m too afraid to break eye contact to look right now.

“Freaked out because she was reading a blog that I asked her not to,” I mumble my response and lean back, making the gap between us even larger. Sarah is of average height so I’m calculating that the distance between her arm span and me are in my favor.

She rolls her eyes and places her hands on her hips. “You’re right, you are stupid.”

I throw my hands up and sigh.

“So what if she wants to read a blog? I read gossip columns all the time. It’s an easy way to relax and remind yourself that your favorite actor or musician is still human and can’t actually walk on water or get away with murder.”

“I find them dumb.”

Sarah scoffs. “It’s because people write about you. Grow a set, Ethan. Who gives a shit? You’re Boston’s most eligible bachelor so regardless of what you do they’re going to write about you. Whether you help an old lady across the street or kick your neighbor’s cat – you’re news! Suck it up, buttercup. This is what you wanted.”

“Ugh,” I say, throwing my hands up in the air again before flopping back onto her bed. She laughs from somewhere behind me while I bury my face into her comforter. We should be having sex right now. Sarah’s a fine piece of ass and her beautiful tits should be bouncing in my face while she rides me, but no, we’re having girl talk and I’m about to cash in my fucking man card.

“Sarah,” I whine, feeling the bed dip next to me. I turn my head and see nothing but a creamy thigh mocking me for being such a *. “What am I going to do?”

“Well for starters, you’re not getting laid unless you hit the corner bar and find someone who doesn’t care what you call her, and second, start thinking of a grand gesture because I have a feeling this girl is worth it.”

She’s right, she is, but how does she know that? How do women have all the answers?


“I’ve never seen you like this, Ethan. She must be something else if she has you tied into knots.” Sarah runs her fingers through my hair, calming me. “Come on, let’s get some sleep.”

I crawl into my spot and push the covers down with my feet. “Where are you going?” I ask as she gets up.

“Bob and I have a date.”

“Who the fuck is Bob?” I ask, seeing red. How the fuck could she have a date knowing I was coming over?

“Bob is my dildo. He’s my go to cock, always hard, always ready. He never lets me down. You didn’t get me off so someone... or something... has to.” With that she closes her bathroom door, leaving me in her bedroom to listen to her fucking moaning and telling him yes, yes, yes repeatedly while my sorry excuse for a dick laughs at me.

In true Sarah fashion, she threw some hard facts at me the other night, reminding me of just how stupid I can be. Even though I spent the night with her, in her bed, we never touched and honestly it broke my heart. It hit me like a ton of bricks that we were finally over, that our relationship had met its end. I hate that my last encounter with her was a quick blowjob in the shower where I referred to her by another woman’s name. She deserved better from me.

Sarah told me that I needed to come clean with Daisy when I see her and not hide what went down in Seattle. It’s really not a conversation that I want to have with Daisy, if she were ever to speak to me again, because in my mind that just solidifies the rumors from the blog.

Heidi McLaughlin's books