The Viking's Chosen (Clan Hakon #1)

“I never said you would die, only that you would offer your life for hers, but be wary. As I mentioned before, nothing is certain.”

Myra then closed her eyes and flipped through the pages of the ancient book while we sat watching.

“This is mad,” Kjell whispered.

“Agreed,” I said in return, “but it might be the only chance we have to succeed.” I heard the reluctant agreement from the others and thanked the gods my men trusted me.

“Quiet now,” Myra told them as she walked toward me. She placed her hands on my head and closed her eyes, speaking in a language unfamiliar to me. Warmth radiated from her hands and flowed over me like cascading water. It was not an unpleasant feeling, but it was strange. I felt my hair shorten, leaving my neck bare and the rest of me feeling naked. I looked down at my clothes, and I no longer wore my warrior garments, but was instead dressed in the uniform of an English guard. After she was done with me, she moved to Brant, repeating the process. This continued until she had touched the heads of each of my men and cast her magic over them. When she was finished, she handed us a looking glass so we could get accustomed to our new appearances. I could not help but chuckle at how different we each looked.

“I miss my hair already,” Brant muttered.

“You will live,” I told him.

“Or maybe you will not,” Rush offered with a rueful smile.

“You must never return to see me while you remain in this form. I don’t get visits from castle guards. If anyone saw you coming or going, it would arouse suspicion.”

“Are you in danger?” I felt it was my duty to make sure she was safe, just like I would want my mother protected from those who would hurt her because of her abilities.

“I can take care of myself,” she answered with a small smile. It was silly of me to think a witch of her power couldn’t protect herself.

She motioned for us to follow her and opened a door at the back of her store. “Make haste to the castle and take your necessary places. What follows is a chess match—the pieces must be in the right place for the enemy king to be taken.”

“Thank you for your help,” I said.

She patted my shoulder affectionately, and then she motioned for us to go. I hurried out with my warriors trailing behind me. We moved with purpose, attempting to blend in with the other guards walking nearby. When we reached the entrance to the inner castle grounds, we were stopped by the gatekeeper.

“Your assignment?” He called down from his post.

“Two of us have been added to the guard detail of the princess. The other five are reporting to receive their orders,” I yelled back. I was holding my breath, waiting to see if Myra’s spell would prove effective.

“Open the gate,” he finally said.

A collective sigh whooshed out from us all as we watched the gates slowly open. One hurdle crossed. Now we must convince both kings’ guards that we belonged.

“What do we do if someone denies our claim?” Kjell whispered.

I set my lips in a grim line and answered. “We stick to our story no matter what. The more confident we act, the less they will question us.”

“This is going to be fun,” Amund said.

Brant snorted. “We seriously need to discuss your ideas of fun, Amund. You are beginning to worry me.”

“You are just now worrying about him?” Delvin asked.

“I tend to be unobservant until it is absolutely necessary.”

“You say unobservant where others might say dimwitted.” I teased.

“Do not fret, general,” Brant said coolly. “I will retaliate.”

“Please refrain until after we have live through the ordeal,” I said dryly. “Now, shut your traps and pay attention.”

“I cannot wait to see you panting at the princess’ feet.” Brant chuckled.

“What makes you think she will not be panting at my feet?” I asked, forgetting I had just told him to be silent.

“Because she has breasts and you do not.” The other men attempted to cover their laughter with coughs. My thoughts were racing with everything we had learned. I needed to get my mind back to reality. The lives of my men, and my clan, were depending on it.

“It is official. I am marrying a demon. Sure, he may look like a man. He may walk and talk like a man, but a man he is not. He is the spawn of some evil creature, sent to earth to torment me. That is the only logical conclusion that can be drawn. No man would treat his future wife and her family the way Cathal has treated us.”

* * *

~Diary of Princess Allete Auvray

As I stared up at the ceiling in my bedchambers, my eyes refused to become heavy. I had finally convinced my mother and sister to retire to their own rooms, assuring them that I was not going to throw myself from my window to escape my fate, though I was sorely tempted. I was more concerned about my mother’s mental state much more than my own. She was much more upset at Cathal’s behavior than I had originally anticipated. I hoped she would not do anything rash.

Trepidation about the following day kept me from my rest. I would be expected to spend most of my day in the company of my future husband and I would rather clean out the chamber pots in every room in the castle than be with Cathal. I chuckled silently as I imagined the shocked faces of the castle court if they saw me carrying chamber pots in the dress Cathal expected me to wear.

“Ugh!” I groaned. “Why could he not just be a kind old man looking for companionship in his old age?” I asked the quiet room. I wouldn’t have romance, of course, but at least I wouldn’t be disrespected—or worse—fear for my safety. I suppose I could wish that my circumstances were different until I was blue in the face, but that would not change anything.

After another hour of tossing and turning, I finally drifted off into a restless sleep. Dreams of a dragon with the head of Cathal tormented my mind, leaving me feeling shaky and overwhelmed. No matter how many times I told myself it was just a dream, the fear in my belly would not diminish.

When my eyes snapped open the following morning, I felt as though a heard of wild boar had done a jig in my head. The pain was nauseating. I climbed out of bed, grabbed my robe, and wrapped it tightly around me. There was a knock at my door and my stomach dropped. I was not ready to face Cathal. I walked slowly toward the door and jumped when a second, and louder knock, rang out.