The Trouble With Temptation (Second Service Book 3)


“They’re the Russian Mafia.”

“Keep your voice down.”

The door to Gregg’s office was closed, but it didn’t matter. Ty could hear every word spoken. The pair was really going at each other. No surprise. This had to be a confrontation weeks in the making. Ty was only glad that he happened to witness it. It might be his only chance to catch the Kincaids in an unguarded moment.

A patch of light fell onto the floor in front of the office window. The blinds were open. Ty risked a step away from the wall, but he was stuck at a severe angle. He could only see a sliver of what was happening.

But it was enough.

Gregg stood behind a desk, his face beet red. The tendons in his neck stood out like tense cords.

Ty couldn't see Morgan, but he could tell where she was standing from the angle of Gregg’s wild-eyed stare. She had to be just inside the door. Good. She wasn't cornered.

Ty glanced behind him. The hallway was still empty, but it wouldn't be for long. The rest of the staff would start filtering in any minute now.

“Why? Do you think I’m the only one who has figured it out? You haven’t exactly been discreet, Gregg.”

“Neither have you. What the hell were you thinking barging up to them like that?”

“I was thinking that I’m co-owner of this nightclub, and have every right to know what is going on.”

“Our deal was that you run the back of house operations, and I run the money and the front.”

“That was before the goddamned Russian Mafia got a regular table in the club. So are you going to tell me what the hell is going on between you and them?”

“I told you there’s nothing going on.”

“Bullshit. Those guys aren’t here because they like the DJ. Tell me the truth. Are they connected to this money stuff?”

Ty leaned in closer at the mention of money. Close enough to see Morgan’s shadow against the far wall. Her elbows were bent, her hands on her hips.

There was a long pause. When Gregg spoke again, his voice was low. Ty had to strain to hear it.

“Have you been poking your nose in my business again?”

“See that’s the problem, right there. This isn’t your business, Gregg. It’s our business.”

“Morgan.” Gregg’s voice was filled with warning. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll shut your mouth right now.”

“It’s mob money, isn’t it? That’s what’s inflating our accounts. What the hell were you thinking?”

“God damn it, Morgan.” Gregg raised his fists above his head and slammed them down on his desk. Morgan’s shadow jumped at the aggressive display.

Ty’s gaze flashed to the doorknob and back to the scene inside. He bit into his lower lip. Morgan was pushing her brother hard, but Ty didn’t think Gregg was going to break. Her accusations were wearing down his defenses but not in a way that would lead to surrender.

Reflexively Ty reached out for the door, but pulled his hand back before his finger touched the knob.

He had to give them a little more time. Just another minute. No more. He was getting great information. Better than he could have ever hoped for.

Morgan wasn’t involved in the money-laundering scheme. That was good. But she was digging around in Bratva business. And as much as Ty hated to agree with Gregg Kincaid on anything, he was right. That was bad news for Morgan.

“You know, Morgan, somebody needs to teach you to mind your own business.” The anger in Gregg’s eyes turned dark as he wrapped his hand around the base of his desk lamp and lifted it up.

Shit. Morgan didn’t have another minute.

Ty threw open the office door.

Surprise filled Gregg’s eyes as he locked gazes with Ty. Ty pulled his brows together and fixed the man with his best glower. Gregg’s expression quickly turned to shame.

“Ty?” Morgan said at his side.

He waited until the heavy brass lamp in Gregg’s hand was safely returned to the desk before he turned toward her.

Her mouth hung open. “What are you doing here, Ty?”

For a half a second, he thought about lying. But there was no other reason that he would be crashing into the boss’s office. Not a believable one, at any rate.

“I heard shouting. I thought someone might be in trouble.”

Not someone. Her.

Ty closed the distance between them. He put his hand on her shoulder and felt a tiny tremor shoot through the muscle beneath his palm. “Are you all right?”

She smiled tightly, but didn’t pull away. “I’m fine.”

“Did you ever consider minding your own business?”


It looked like the worm had regained some of his backbone. Ty snapped his head toward him.

“No.” Ty narrowed his eyes and felt a swipe of satisfaction as Gregg stumbled back a step.

“W-we were discussing business,” Gregg said, fumbling over his words.

“Is that right?” Ty looked back at Morgan. “Was it just business?”

She nodded…too quickly. “Why? What did you hear?”

“Nothing,” he said without missing a beat. “Just yelling. Your voices were too muffled to make out.”

Adrienne Bell's books