The Trouble With Temptation (Second Service Book 3)

“Hey,” Morgan said, stopping Ty as he started to walk out of her office. “About last night.”

Ty turned and faced her. His expression was flat, and his shoulders were stiff. He wasn’t as relaxed as he wanted her to think he was. “What about last night?”

“You saved me from a tense situation, and I wanted to thank you.”

“I don’t know what you’re talk—”

“Save it.” Morgan cut him off. “You know it. I know it. Let’s just stop pretending.”

Ty straightened, but didn’t say a word. That was better.

“You’re a nice guy, Ty,” she said, stepping closer. “And I know you were trying to help, but, I promise you, I can take care of myself.”

“Are you in some kind of danger?” His voice took on a steely edge of concern.

Yes. Maybe. Who the hell knew?

“No.” Morgan shook her head. “It’s nothing you need to worry about.”

He didn’t look convinced. He tilted his head to look her in the eye. Gone was the languid charm from a moment ago. His whole body was strung tight. Morgan could practically feel the energy emanating from him.

“It’s just a little family drama, that’s all,” she continued, trying to reassure him.

“You’re sure you’re not in any trouble?” he asked, his voice practically vibrated with intensity.

“I’m fine. I swear,” Morgan said, looking him dead in the eye. She tried her best not to squirm under his scrutiny.

After all, where was the harm in one little lie?

Chapter Five

Morgan Kincaid was a terrible liar. The thought floated through Ty’s head as he pulled the Ducati into the alleyway behind Kincaid’s.

Her tells were obvious. Her jaw tensed. Her eye contact intensified. She scratched her nose. Over the last couple of days, he’d been able to spot every white lie and whopper that had fallen from her lips. Starting with the one about not being in any trouble with the Bratva.

The lies hadn’t surprised him. He was used to people trying to deceive him.

Ty still hadn’t figured out how deep Morgan Kincaid’s connection with the Bratva went, but he was showing up at the club early again today hoping to find out.

Ty had figured he’d burned any chance of getting on Gregg Kincaid’s good side when he’d come to Morgan’s rescue. Which meant his only chance of getting any deeper into the workings of the club laid with getting closer to Morgan.

And that’s what he planned on doing. Ty didn’t care how long it took, he was going to gain her trust. He had a feeling it wouldn’t be hard. A smile here. A joke there. Ask her questions about her toys and trinkets.

After only a couple days, Ty could tell Morgan wasn’t a woman with many walls. She greeted almost everyone with a smile. She didn’t hide her emotions. She wasn’t ashamed of her passions. If she wasn’t a suspect in one of his investigations, Ty might be tempted to call her a friend.

Truth to tell, he’d be tempted to call her a hell of a lot more than that. Which was surprising. She wasn’t his usual type. Normally, he was attracted to women that fit a more mainstream definition of beauty—long legs, plenty of makeup, natural color hair.

Morgan was about as far away from that description as a woman could be. And yet something about her had gotten under her skin. Maybe it was the sound of her laugh or the way her cheeks sometimes lit up when she smiled at him. She wasn’t like any other woman he’d ever spent time with.

Of course, it didn’t matter what he thought about her bright caramel-colored eyes, her easy laugh or her bright hair. The only thing that mattered was her connection to the Bratva. What she knew, and what she could tell him.

So far, all he’d been able to conclude was that she was afraid of them.

That proved she had a brain in her head, which was more than Ty could say about her brother. Gregg Kincaid had spent the better part of every night seated at Barinov’s table.

Ty pulled into what was quickly becoming his usual spot between the Audi and Subaru. He kicked down his stand, slid off his helmet, and headed for the back entrance.

He heard the shouting the second he opened the door.

The linoleum-lined hallway was empty. The voices were coming from the far end. From the offices.

Morgan and Gregg’s voices tangled together, echoing off the walls.

“I’m your sister, and your partner. I deserve answers.”

“You’re acting like a crazy person. There’s nothing going on.”

Ty quietly closed the door. He had a feeling this was coming. Gregg Kincaid had been avoiding Morgan since her run in with the Bratva. Everyone who worked at the club had noticed. He showed up late and left early.

Ty hadn’t heard Morgan say a word about her brother’s behavior. She didn’t have to. He could tell by the worried crinkles around her eyes that it bothered her more than she was letting on.

He hurried down the hall, making sure to silence his footsteps. The last thing he wanted was for either of them to know he was here. Not before he’d heard what they had to say.

“Like hell there isn’t, Gregg. I’ve been doing some research. And I’ve figured out who those men you’ve been hanging out with are.”

Adrienne Bell's books