The Scotch Royals (Scotch #3)

“But I did it because you two needed to make up. What she did was wrong and I won’t defend her, but I think it’s best if we let it go. You two are great together. You shouldn’t throw away all those years when we can work it out now. She and I are on good terms.”

I knew London never would have done this if she weren’t so infatuated with me. She put aside her own feelings of irritation for a woman who constantly insulted her just to make me happy. I considered myself to be a very lucky man to know that kind of love. I had a woman who would do anything for me. And I would do anything for her. “Are you sure you want this?”

“Yes,” she said immediately. “I want us to start over—all of us.”

“You give her a lot more compassion than she ever gave you.”

“And now I’m certain she’s a more compassionate person because of it. So…are we okay?”

We would always be okay. “Yes, Lovely. Nothing can come between us.”

“Ariel will be back at work tomorrow?”

I nodded. “It’ll take a long time for the trust to come back…if it ever does. But our friendship is certainly there. Baby steps.”

“It’ll return to what it was in no time.”

There was nothing else to say about Ariel. We were moving forward, all three of us. “So, when are we gonna get married?”

“You tell me.”

“Well, I want to get married as soon as possible?”

“As soon as possible, huh? What’s the rush?”

“Babies,” I said honestly.

“Babies?” she asked in surprise. “You want to have kids right away?”

“I’ve always wanted my own family.”

“Well…that’s a lot of pressure on my ovaries.”

“We can wait if you want. But I’d rather not.”

“I’ve always wanted to have kids,” she said. “It just wasn’t in my five-year plan.”

“Well, I can’t wait five years, that’s for sure. I want to have little ones running around by then.”

“So if you had it your way, on our wedding night you’d be trying to knock me up?”

I smiled. “Damn right.”

“Wow. Think of the royal scandal…”

I chuckled. “We’ll wait until after the official ceremony, then. That gives us eight months together. Sounds fair.”

“Eight months is still pretty soon…but I’ll consider it.”

I couldn’t push her much further. She already gave up her life to be with me. If she needed another year before getting pregnant, I could be patient. “I’ll have Ariel prepare everything. As soon as you can get a dress, I’d like to tie the knot. The world won’t know we’re married, but we do—that’s all that matters to me.”

Her eyes softened. “I never thought you could be so romantic.”

“I’m not romantic,” I said honestly. “I just like being romantic with you.” London changed my life when she came to me as a prisoner. She taught me not to be bitter, to let my anger go, and to live life to the fullest and be happy. Without her, I’d still be the hateful person I once was. Now I’d finally closed the book on my past, and I opened a new chapter in my life. “I’ll always be romantic with you.”



London had her arm tucked in the crook of mine as I guided her through the party. We already said our pleasantries to most of the guests, but we had a few more on our list. London looked beautiful in a strapless gold gown. With her deep brown hair and emerald eyes, she looked like a jewel.

When I turned to the right, I came face-to-face with Josephine. With thick cheeks and a neck not nearly as elegant as before, she looked at me with the same look of guilt. Her stomach was extended through her dress, her belly swollen with her first child. When I heard about her pregnancy, I couldn’t have cared less. “Hello, Lady Josephine.” I always addressed her formally because there was nothing informal between us. It was strange to think she could have given birth to my child.

Thank god that never happened.

“Hello, Lord Donoghue.” She leaned in and accepted the kiss I gave her on the cheek. “Nice to see you.” She turned to London next, her dislike written in her expression.

“Nice to see you, Lady London,” I corrected, demanding that my wife get the same respect I received.

Josephine’s cheeks reddened in embarrassment. “Of course…Lady.”

I eyed her stomach. “Congratulations. This must be an exciting time for you.”

“It is,” Josephine answered. “Andrew and I are very excited.” She looked around the room to find him, and to no one’s surprise, he was speaking with one of the young waitresses. She turned back to us like she hadn’t noticed.

I actually felt bad for her. “Have a good evening. My wife and I have a few more people to say hello to.”

“Of course.” Josephine moved her hand to her stomach then turned away.

London moved farther into me. “Karma’s a bitch, ain’t it?” After all this time, my wife was still fiercely protective of me. “Looks like she can’t keep that husband of hers on a tight leash.”

“It doesn’t surprise me.” The queen had just finished greeting the Duke of Rosenthal and she had an opening. I pulled London with me, and we said our greetings.

London was an expert at royalty. She knew exactly what to say and how to carry herself. Even the queen didn’t intimidate her. London belonged in this life more than I did. After chatting for ten minutes, I excused us so we wouldn’t overstay our welcome. “Having a good time?”

“I am…” She sighed and looked down at her wine.

“Doesn’t sound like it,” I said with a smile.

“I guess I just miss the kids. Is that stupid?”

“No.” I rubbed her back then pulled her into me, planting a kiss on her hairline. “Not at all.”

“I’m with them all the time, but when they’re gone, I can’t stop thinking about them.”

“I miss them too.”

“So…can we blow off this party?”

I took a look around, realizing I’d said hello to all the important people who mattered. “Yeah, I think that would be fine.”

London’s face lit up like I’d just said the magic words to make her the happiest woman in the world. “I’ll tell Dunbar to get the car.”

London walked through the doors first then headed into the grand living room where the enormous hearth sat underneath the TV. Joseph had the baby on his chest while Christopher played with his blocks on the floor.

“You look so comfortable right now,” London said with a chuckle.

Joseph’s eyes were lidded and heavy, and he didn’t seem to be watching the TV even though it was still on. “It took me, like, an hour to change his diaper. And that shit smelled.”

“No cussing around the kids.” London grabbed Alan and held him against his chest. “How’s my baby?” She spoke in a soft voice, in a way she only did with the kids. “Mommy and Daddy missed you.” She rubbed her nose against his and made him giggle.

I watched my wife, transfixed by the blessing I had right in front of me. I had a perfect wife and two healthy kids. Christopher had my eyes and facial features. Alan looked more like London, with soft features that were still masculine.

“They were pretty good,” Joseph said. “Christopher played with the blocks the whole time.”

“You had fun with Uncle Joseph?” London asked Alan.

Penelope Sky's books