The Rivalry

Her arms were extended before her on the bed, and she moved one of them hesitantly, following my request. Her hand disappeared beneath her body for a few seconds, and then it gripped the edge of the bed.

I didn’t want to be an asshole and push her to do something she didn’t feel comfortable with, but that had been a lame attempt. I spread my knees so I could get lower, and drove into her. My knees already had rug burn, but I didn’t care. I was thrusting so hard, the slap of our bodies was sharp and loud. Her very real moans were taking their toll on me. Hearing how much she liked it made me want to lose control.

I grabbed her hand with mine and pressed her fingers to her damp clit, forcing them to move. “Do it the way you touch yourself when you’re thinking about me.”

“Oh my God.” Her pussy clenched, choking my dick, and my vision blurred. Her fingertips moved on their own, and pleasure rolled through her as a shiver.

“You’re so hot,” I said. “Letting me fuck you, bent over my bed.”

She rubbed faster and faster, and moans poured from her mouth. She was getting loud, and I grinned. The soundproofing in this dorm was shit, so anyone nearby would know what was going down in my room.

“Yes, Kayla.” I straightened and focused. She sounded close, which meant I needed to hold out a little longer. “Fuck, yeah,” I encouraged. “I’m so deep inside you.”

“Oh,” she groaned. Her body shook. The hand not touching herself clenched my sheet into a fist.

I watched the ripples in her ass from the impact of my thrusts, and I ground my teeth to keep anything else from coming out of my mouth. If she was close, I wasn’t going to say something stupid and derail it. Plus, my body was begging to come. It was all I could think about.

“Oh, right there,” she said abruptly. “Right there, right there . . .” The words fell off, swallowed by a moan, and her body seized. Her toes curled into points and she stopped breathing, cutting off any sound.

“I feel it,” I said between panted breaths. “Shit, come on me.”

Couldn’t stop myself then. Searing heat exploded inside me, pumping wave after wave through my body and pouring outward. Motherfucking shit, it feels so good. Her body milked me with rhythmic pulses, and I groaned, throwing myself on top of her. My sweaty chest stuck to her back as the rush began to fade, and the blood roaring in my ears quieted.

She lifted up on her hands and turned over her shoulder to look at me, and I took her mouth in a kiss. She still tasted like sex, but it was even better now.

We kissed for a long time, until our bodies cooled and our breathing slowed.

“You did it.” Her voice was full of disbelief.

“We did it,” I corrected. “Team sport, right?” I lifted my hand into the air. “Nice job. Up top, buddy.”

Her eyes went wide. “Oh my God, you nerd. I’m not high-fiving you.”

I laughed and settled for a kiss instead.

A loud bang sounded from my door, ripping me from the dream where Kayla’s naked body was beneath mine. Except it wasn’t a dream. We’d stripped the bed last night, and now she was warm beside me on the rug covering my dorm room floor, using my arm as her pillow. The blankets were thrown over our naked bodies.

“Harris, you up?” a male voice asked on the other side of my door.

My eyes leapt open, and I lifted my head, searching for the alarm clock on my desk. It read 9:17.

“Shit!” I sat up as Kayla rolled away from me and cocooned herself in the blankets. I jumped to my feet, grabbed a clean pair of underwear out of a drawer, and pulled it on, followed by a leg into my warm-up pants.


She shifted and settled back to sleep. If I had time, I’d enjoy this moment. Getting her to come made her sleep like the dead. But I didn’t have time to stare at my gorgeous girl, who I’d knocked out cold with two orgasms last night. I shoved my head through a t-shirt and yanked it on. “Kayla, wake up.”

“Harris,” the guy outside my door said. “You were supposed to be in the sports center twenty minutes ago.”

“Yeah, just a second.” It was one of the trainers who’d agreed to help me prepare for the combine. Even though it was months away, it wasn’t too early to start training. I leaned over Kayla so my mouth was right by her ear. “Ohio State sucks.”

Her eyes popped open.

“Morning,” I said, moving in a flash. I grabbed socks and yanked them on, then jammed my feet into shoes.

She put a hand on the blanket, holding it in place to her chest as she slowly sat up and blinked her sluggish eyes. “What time is it?” She looked around, found the alarm clock, and suddenly was wide awake. “Oh my God! I’m supposed to be at practice at noon. I’ll never make it in time.”

There was another bang on my door, this one louder and not as pleasant.

“If it makes you feel better, I’m already late.” I threw stuff in my duffle bag as she reached for her OSU shirt and tugged it on.

“I’ve gotta . . .” I looked down at my bag in my hands, to her, and then gestured to the door. “Can you—?”

She nodded fiercely. “Yeah, go. I got it.”

I slung the bag over my shoulder, knelt beside her, and slammed my lips over hers in a hurried kiss. “Thanks for coming.”

I hadn’t meant it teasing, but she grinned and shook her head. “You’re welcome. Now get going, Eighty-Eight.”

I hauled ass to the door and threw it open. “Sorry, I overslept.”

The trainer glared up at me, and his gaze shifted beyond to look at Kayla, clad only in her red shirt. It didn’t faze him that a girl was there, her hair messed up from hours in my bed. Some mornings he’d probably fished my teammates out of a pile of naked women.

He stared at Kayla, skeptical. “Nice shirt.” His tone was full of sarcasm. “You lose a bet?”



I cursed myself the whole way during the tension-filled drive back to campus. I’d meant to set the alarm on my phone once Jay’s parents left us in his room, but damn him. He was so distracting with his athletic build, bright blue eyes, and a mouth that made me legit swoon. My legs went boneless around him.

How many times could you sleep with a guy before he became your boyfriend? Was there a specific number? It didn’t really matter. I liked him too much. We were exclusive, and I’d met his parents, and the idea of being attached to him wasn’t so bad anymore.

“Fuck,” I muttered under my breath. How the hell had this happened?

The cheerleaders were working on basket tosses as I dashed into the fieldhouse. I’d shot a text message to Samantha telling her I was going to be late, and I kept my head down as I stripped off my jacket and hustled into the group, pretending like I’d been there all along, and fooling no one.

I took my position beside Lisa, and she studied me critically. I’d thrown my unwashed hair back into a haphazard ponytail during the drive, steering the car with my knee, and hadn’t even checked the results in the mirror. I probably had a dorsal fin of hair protruding in the center of my head.

“Wow,” Lisa said. “You’re only an hour late.”

“I’m so sorry, guys.” I didn’t offer an explanation to the group because I didn’t want to lie more.

Nikki Sloane's books