The Rivalry

“Asshole.” Heavy footfalls got quieter as he went away.

I finished peeling the scrap of fabric down her legs, and as I crawled between them, the smile on my lips had to be wicked. “If I’d figured out that was a thong, I would have left it on.”

She lifted her head and peered down at me. “You want me to put it—”

“No,” I said softly. “There’s no going back now.” To prove my point, I swooped down and ran my tongue deep between her legs. She gasped and bucked upward, arching her back at the sudden stroke.

She gave a soft whimper as I did it again, and blood thundered through my veins. It was awkward hanging off the edge of the bed, so I grabbed her hips and dragged her body across the sheets until she was lying diagonally across the mattress and I could kneel on the floor.

I peeled her open to me with my thumbs and licked until she was trembling all over, panting for air. My abs were strained, my body sore, but the only ache I felt was the one to slide into her and pound until we collapsed.

Christ, Kayla was killing me. All wet and pink, and waiting. I fumbled a hand into my desk drawer, found the strip of condoms, and tore one off. The foil packet ripped in my hurried hands, and as I rolled the latex on, I leaned forward and sucked at her clit.

She groaned. She had her hands on my shoulders, scratching and clawing, maybe trying to pull me up into a kiss. Or perhaps she was trying to remove my tattoo.

“Is this what you want?” I said in a low voice, shifting over her and bringing our lips together. “You need to taste yourself on my mouth?”

Her reactions were the best whenever I tried to dirty-talk. She inhaled sharply as if embarrassed, but her eyelids fluttered. It turned her on. I felt her body clench beneath me, and her kiss turned wild.

My raging hard-on hung between my legs, throbbing and demanding. There should have been more foreplay, but she was so goddamn wet, and it had been a lifetime since we’d been together.

“Oh, fuck.” Her voice was guttural as I pressed inside her. Her pussy fisted me, so tight and warm. I clenched my hands on her hips, holding her still as I continued to invade. When I was as deep as I could go, she pushed up on a hand and wrapped her arm around the back of my head, slamming her lips to mine.

I followed her back down to the bed with our lips still attached, and then I began to fuck her. Slow at first. I moved through her slick heat, which made me feel amazing, and sort of lightheaded. It didn’t take anything for me to run out of breath.

She tasted like sex.

I searched her mouth, unable to get enough. I wanted the flavor on my lips, on the tip of my tongue. The skin of her breasts was so soft. I ran my fingers up and down, sketching different routes over her curves.

The legs hugging my hips tightened. Her breathing went ragged. Her moans picked up in intensity, so I did, too. I squeezed one hand on her waist and the other on her shoulder, and drove into her.

“Oh,” she moaned. “Oh!”

Her reaction was strange.

Was she . . . coming? She slapped a hand on my wrist and dug her nails in, as her face twisted with pleasure. I stared down at her, so turned on, but also confused. She gave a loud gasp, signaling she’d crossed over a peak, but her body didn’t pulse around me. There weren’t any aftershocks like she’d had before.

Her grip released me and her legs went slack. Her eyes fluttered open and she gave me a shy smile.

I slowed to a halt. “What just happened?”

Her smile froze. “I had an orgasm?”

Bull-fucking-shit. I leaned down and skimmed my lips over her neck. “If you just came, then I guess I did, too.”



Kayla tensed, confirming my suspicion. I was annoyed with the lie until she tore her gaze away and stared at my pillow. She looked like she wanted to die of embarrassment.

“Don’t you like when I make you come?” I asked softly.

The only answer she gave me at first was her rapid breathing, but then she nodded slowly.

“We know I can do it. So why fake it?”

She finally looked at me. “Because sex is a team sport, and I don’t want to let my partner down.”

She was being silly. I swiveled my hips, reminding us both how deeply I was lodged inside her. “Does it feel like you’re letting me down right now?”

Her breathing hitched. “It’s just, that’s the finish line for a lot of guys and I don’t want to be difficult.”

It was kind of amazing I could still think given what I was doing, but the word difficult had a familiar ring to it. She’d used it before. When?

Oh, shit, it’d been when she was describing why she was single. I slipped a hand beside her face and threaded my fingers through her silky hair. “This,” I thrust into her, “is not difficult. It’s supposed to be fun.”

“And it is.” She seemed to have a hard time finding the right words. My dick probably had something to do with it. She let out a sigh of exasperation, and slapped her hands on my chest, pushing me back. “I faked because I didn’t want you to know I suck at this.”

She moved off me, but I turned into a rock. “You think you suck at sex?” I couldn’t wrap my head around it. “Further proof you’re fucking crazy. Get back over here.”

“What are you doing?”

“Showing you how wrong you are.” I seized her waist and dragged her up against me. Our warm, bare skin pressed together. “You don’t suck, you’re fucking amazing. Just because you haven’t come during sex doesn’t mean you can’t, and we’ve got all night to try.” She sat still as my mouth wandered down her throat and searched for her breasts. “And if it doesn’t happen, that’s not a big deal, either. My mouth and my fingers work just fine.”

She squealed as I pulled her down to kneel like I was on the rug, our knees touching. My hands roamed over her, and then I turned her, pressing her so she was bent over the bed, her cheek flat against the mattress.

The round curve of her ass was so hot, I bit back a moan.

“Okay?” I said, running my big hand up the length of her spine. I wanted her on board with my plan. It was cheesy as all hell, but I’d be her cheerleader if she needed that.

The word was breathless. “Okay.”

I steady myself by grasping her hips, and slowly eased inside. She was scorching, and I fought not to let the pleasure burn up my mind. One shallow thrust. Then, another. As I sawed in and out, I went deeper with each stroke. Fire crackled on my skin. My heart pounded in my head.

When I ground my hips against her, she sighed like it felt so good. Maybe that was all she needed. A helping hand.

“Play with yourself,” I said.

Nikki Sloane's books