The Promise (Neighbor from Hell, #10)

Now was definitely a good time to panic, Joey decided with a solemn nod and a quick glance at the man that had finally passed out by her side. Biting her lip, she grabbed hold of the large arm that was wrapped around her and after several failed attempts, she was finally able to lift his arm off her and—

Sigh when he wrapped his arm back around her and pulled her tightly against him as he grumbled what sounded suspiciously like, “Soft,” in his sleep. Risking a glance over her shoulder to make sure that Reed wasn’t waking up for round five, and she fully planned on freaking out about round one, two, three, and four in a minute, she reached for his arm again. Several minutes and numerous failed attempts later, she reluctantly accepted the fact that she wouldn’t be going anywhere for a while.

Biting back a sigh, she shifted to get more comfortable only to remember that there was currently a huge arm pinning her to the bed. Deciding that this would be the perfect spot for a nervous breakdown after all, she slowly exhaled as she prepared herself for the panic that should be coming only to become somewhat distracted by the large appendage currently pressed against her back.

That, of course, brought up memories of what happened last night and all the incredible things that Reed did to her and—

She decided that she was actually okay with what happened last night. More than okay with it in fact, she thought as she watched the large tan hand that was holding her start making its way down her stomach right around the time that she decided that she was definitely okay with whatever happened.

Chapter 25

“We are no longer speaking, asshole,” the little bastard said with a glare that Reed easily ignored as he walked into the kitchen and found the reason that he felt relaxed for the first time in years sitting at the table covered with platters overflowing with French toast, eggs, hash browns, toast, and sausages.

“Good morning, Reed,” he thought he heard someone say.

“Thanks,” he said absently as he placed his bag on the floor and joined them at the table, barely aware of the little bastard glaring at him as he sat there, thinking about just how good it felt to wake up with her in his arms only to bite back a groan when he thought about just how fucking incredible it felt when she’d joined him in the shower earlier.

He’d never been a big fan of shower sex before, but now…

He couldn’t stop thinking about how fucking good it felt to have her in his arms. The way her body felt against his, how good it felt to run his hands over her wet skin, and just how fucking good it felt to have her hand working him. Just thinking about her hand sliding over his cock had him shifting in his chair and seriously debating calling in sick so that he could spend the rest of the day in bed with her only that wasn’t an option, but god, did he want it to be.

“Everything looks so good!” someone said, making him wonder how they were going to manage to do this when he couldn’t take his eyes off her.

“Thank you,” the woman who was making him question his sanity murmured from where she sat, biting back a pleased little smile, and reading a book on the American Revolution while he sat there trying to figure out what he was going to do about her.

Last night had been fucking amazing, but this morning…

Had him shifting in his chair as he remembered what it felt like to wake up to find Joey climbing on top of him. He’d barely opened his eyes when the first groan was ripped from him. When she settled on top of him with a moan, he’d lost it.

One minute she was leaning over him and the next, he had her on her back and he couldn’t fuck her hard enough or fast e-

“Asshole,” the little bastard mumbled, drawing his attention away from the small woman that he couldn’t wait to get alone to find his brother still glaring at him.

“What’s your problem?” Reed asked, although he had a bad feeling that he already knew.

The look Matt shot Joey only confirmed it.

Really fucking great, he thought as he grabbed the bowl of scrambled eggs, barely noticing the heavy sigh that followed or the mumbled, “I’ll just grab something on the way to work,” while he sat there wondering how long it would take before the little bastard went running to Jackson.

“You’re my problem,” Matt bit out as he grabbed the platter of French toast.

“Hey!” someone said only to sigh when Matt stabbed his fork through several slices of french toast and put them on his plate before shoving the platter away.

“Thank-” someone started to say only to end up sighing heavily when Reed picked up the platter.

“I had to sleep in the shop because of you last night, asshole,” Matt said as Reed’s glare was shifted back to Joey as she grabbed the platter away from him with a sad shake of her head and held it out to-

“Thank you,” Julie said, making him wonder when she got here.

“What was wrong with your room?” Reed asked, helping himself to several slices of toast.

“It should probably be condemned,” Joey said, not bothering to look up from her book as she reached over and plucked a piece of toast off his plate.

With an offended glare in Joey’s direction, Matt said, “I couldn’t sleep in my room last night, because of all the screaming.”

Aw, shit!

He should have known that they wouldn’t be able to keep this a secret, but maybe that was for the best, he thought only to frown when the woman that he wasn’t going to be able to keep his hands off decided to help.

“They were really loud,” Joey said with a little sniffle and a sad look on her face that had him wondering what the hell she was up to.

“You were screaming?” Julie asked only to sigh when Matt grabbed the platter of sausages.

When Reed went to answer Matt cut him off. “All. Damn. Night.”

“All night,” Joey said, nodding in agreement as she turned the page, leaving him sitting there shaking his head because there was no way that they were going to believe that she hadn’t spent the night with-

“What the hell is wrong with you bringing some bar bunny home while Joey is staying here?” Matt demanded, shaking his head in disgust as he resigned himself to going along with this bullshit story.

At least, until he figured out what he was going to do.

“We weren’t that loud,” he said with a glare pointed at Joey because if anyone had been loud last night it had been her.

“Really? Because I could hear you all the way out in the barn,” Matt said with a glare as he dumped the entire bowl of hash browns on his plate.

“He really was loud,” Joey added with a little sniffle as she turned the page while he sat there, drumming his fingertips against the table as he glared at the little brat.

“Where the hell is she?” Matt asked, frowning as he shifted his attention to the kitchen door.

“She left,” Reed said evenly with a glare that let her know that she’d pay for this later.

“I don’t blame her,” Joey said with a sad shake of her head as she turned another page.

“It did sound like she was faking, didn’t it?” Matt murmured, sounding thoughtful as Reed sat there, narrowing his eyes on the little bastard, barely aware of the snort of amusement from his right.

“It really did,” Joey said with a sad shake of her head while he sat there deciding that yes, yes, he would be spanking her ass.



Perhaps she’d pushed him too far? she thought even as she risked a glance up and—

R.L. Mathewson's books