The Promise (Neighbor from Hell, #10)

Nodding, she said, “My life is back in Pennsylvania.”

“And my life is here,” he murmured in agreement as he pushed her hair back so that he could press a kiss against her shoulder.

“And I’m pretty sure that we’d end up killing each other sooner or later,” she pointed out as she brushed her lips teasingly against his, playfully nipping his bottom lip and making it really hard to focus on anything other than rolling her over onto her back and finding out just how tight she was.

“That went without saying.”

“True,” she whispered in agreement only to gasp when he slid his hands back over her bare bottom and moved her against him. “And then there’s Jackson,” she said with a heavy sigh.

“And then there’s Jackson,” he agreed, matching her sigh with one of his own even as he pulled her closer.

“Which is why I think we should keep this between us,” Joey said only to drop her head back with a moan when he kissed her neck. As he gave her generous ass a squeeze that had her moving against him even as he couldn’t help but wonder if she understood what she was suggesting.

Chapter 23

Oh, she’d definitely lost her mind, but as Reed rolled her over so that he could kiss her as he ran his hand over her breasts, she realized that she didn’t care.

At least, she didn’t care right now, but something, mostly the fact that she was pretty sure that she’d just suggested having a friends with benefits arrangement with Reed Bradford, told her that she would most likely care a great deal later. Much later, she thought, deciding that she should probably focus, especially since Reed had crawled off the bed sometime during her slight panic attack and was now proceeding to drag her to the edge of the bed.

“Let’s get something straight,” Reed said as he pulled her to the edge so that he was standing between her legs and she couldn’t help but wonder if it would still be considered friends with benefits if they weren’t friends. Then again, maybe this would just end up being a onetime deal, she thought only to gasp when he pressed his thumb against her clit and slowly started to caress it with teasing circles.

“Lost you for a second there,” he said, sounding amused as he reached up with his free hand and pulled his tie loose.

“It happens,” she admitted somewhat distractedly as she watched him toss his tie aside and began working on his shirt buttons.

“I’m sure it does,” he murmured, his lips twitching as he pulled his shirt free while he watched his thumb tease her as she laid there, torn between watching him undress and closing her eyes on a moan.

God, that felt good, she thought on a moan when he ran his thumb down, teasing her core and-

“Are you sure about this, Joey?” he asked, and if he hadn’t decided to follow that question up by releasing his belt and unsnapping his pants so that the thick tip of his erection could push past his waistband, she probably would have been able to answer him.


“Hmmm?” she murmured absently as she watched him push his pants down and—

Made her wonder if it was even physically possible for that thing to fit inside-

“Oh, god!” she gasped when Reed pulled her even closer and slid that very large appendage in question over her slit so that it was resting between her legs.

“Now, where were we?” he murmured thoughtfully and just in case she decided to let her mind wander again, he pulled back and slid that very large appendage that felt really good over her again so that when he pushed back it slid between her lips, teasing her clit with every breath she took.

“You were doing that again?” she said, sounding hopeful.

Lips twitching, he reached down and cupped her hips as he did it again. “Are you sure about this, Joey?”

“Very sure,” she said, nodding as she threw the large cock resting between her legs a hopeful look only to moan as she watched it pull back and-


Make them both moan when he slid it between her legs again.

“What about Jackson?” he asked as he did it again.

“Really shouldn’t be mentioned at a time like this,” she couldn’t help but point out even as she placed her hands over his as her head dropped back against the bed on another moan.

Chuckling, he said, “True.”

“Any chance we can talk about this later?” she asked, having a really difficult time focusing.

He stopped moving.

She really didn’t want him to stop moving.

“This is just sex, Joey. There are no rules, expectations, or promises It’s never going to be anything more than sex,” he said, and as much as she appreciated the fact that he was doing his best not to lead her on, and she did, she really did, she decided that perhaps it was time that she cleared a few things up.


“So,” the woman that had taken him by surprise said as she let the tip of his cock slide free from her incredibly talented lips, “let me see if I understand this correctly. This is just sex.”

He opened his mouth to answer only to end up releasing a loud groan when she decided to tease the underside of his cock with her tongue, which she apparently took as an answer since she nodded her head in agreement as she slid her soft, warm hand down his cock. “So, I shouldn’t expect hand-holding, terms of endearment, professions of your undying love, dates, flowers, heart-shaped boxes of chocolate or a future that involves anything more than glaring?” she asked, blinking up at him as she continued to run her hand slowly over him.

When he moved to open his mouth this time, she gave the tip a firm squeeze that left him unable to do anything more than groan. Nodding to herself, she continued, “And this will also stay between us, because believe it or not, I value my reputation and I also don’t want to do anything that would hurt my brother. So,” and this is where she paused so that she could take the tip of his cock in her mouth and gently sucked on it, making his knees buckle, “we’re going to keep this our little secret, right?”

And if she hadn’t followed that question up by squeezing his cock, he probably would have been able to do more than nod like an idiot.

“Good,” Joey said, nodding in approval only to release his cock and lay back on the bed, pausing to steal his pillows along the way before she laid back with a satisfied sigh that had his lips twitching as he followed her onto the bed.

“You’re going to drive me out of my fucking mind, Joey,” he admitted with a groan as he settled himself between her legs as he leaned down and kissed her.

“I have that effect on people,” she said, nodding solemnly as she wrapped her arms around him.

“It’s good to know that you haven’t lost your touch,” he said as he kissed his way back down to her neck as he reached between their bodies and palmed her breast as he shifted so that his cock was lying back across her wet slit.

“It’s an undervalued skill,” Joey said with a forlorn sigh and a little wiggle that had him grinding his cock against her.

“You should put it on your resume,” Reed somehow managed to get out when he realized just how fucking wet she was.

“It’s down at the bottom between my aspirations for world domination and my love of origami,” she said, making him chuckle only to make him groan when she rolled her hips against his.

Unable to help himself, he moved against her, sliding his cock over her slit as he kissed his way back to her mouth. When she ran her fingers through his hair and moaned his name he thought he’d fucking explode. She was so warm, so soft, and so unbelievably fucking wet, he thought with a groan as he ground himself against her only to moan when she wrapped her legs around him so that the next time he pulled back he found the tip of his cock pressed against her core.

Knowing that it was time to stop so that he could grab a condom, he reluctantly kissed her one last time and—

R.L. Mathewson's books