The Mistress Wager: A Risqué Regency Romance (The Six Pearls of Baron Ridlington Book 4)

Lifting her hands to the back of her neck, she obeyed once more, shaking the tresses around her, soft, twining locks of dark hair glowing against the creamy ivory of her body.

“Now come to the foot of the bed, climb up and kneel between my legs.” He moved to give her room. Tonight was for both of them, but it would be training for her as well.

“You will learn how to pleasure me with your mouth, this evening.” He watched her face as she dragged her gaze away from his now fully-erect cock. “Do you understand what that means?”

She nodded. “Yes…Master.”

He suppressed a smile. She had remembered. “Have you done this before?”

A sharp shake of her head sent her hair flying. “No. No I have not.”

He raised one eyebrow and stared at her.

“Er, no. Master.”

“Then how do you know what I’m asking?”

“I have read about it, Master.”

“I confess myself surprised, but perhaps it is all to the good.” He watched the emotions running over her face. Fascination, curiosity and a healthy dose of eagerness…all of which pleased him. When she returned her gaze to his manhood and licked her lips…he had to remind himself that he was the teacher, she the student.

“Move closer to my cock, Kitty.” He spread his legs wide. “Now take the base with one hand and curl your fingers around it.”

She approached with caution, sucking in a tiny breath as she touched him. Her hands were warm, and she seemed to have a natural facility for holding a man thus; not too tight, but not too loose either.

Her hair fell forward as she moved herself into a more comfortable position, and Max allowed himself a brief moment to close his eyes and just relish her touch.

As she settled, he opened them again. “Now I want you to lick me. Run your tongue around and over my cock, wetting it so your hand will slide easily.”

“Yes, Master,” she whispered, her breath dusting his most sensitive places.

Always one who prided himself on his control, Max was hard pressed not to groan with ecstasy as her tongue began its voyage of exploration. He’d enjoyed the feel of a woman’s mouth many times. But tonight, the sensation was magnified tenfold as Kitty’s warmth spread over his skin. She seemed to grasp the concept as well as she was grasping his cock, since in moments her hand was moving and she had him slippery and ready.

Without any further instructions on his part, she opened her mouth wide and took him inside, flashing him a glance from beneath her eyelashes that would have made any experienced courtesan green with envy.

God, what a woman.

He winced as her teeth lightly grazed him. “Easy, Kitty. Do not touch me with your teeth.”

She released him with a little pop and stared up the length of his body. “Am I doing it incorrectly, Master?”

“No, you are doing very well. Very well indeed.” Any better and my toes will explode. “You may lick and suck as you please, for such actions will give me great pleasure.”

She nodded and returned with eagerness, loving him with her tongue, finding the sensitive places with some kind of instinctive precision that surprised him. For several minutes she entertained him thus, not hesitating nor pausing, but giving every appearance of enjoyment.

He reached down and pushed a lock of hair aside, so he could watch himself disappear between those ripe lips. “Very good, Kitty,” he said, fighting a groan of delight. “Very good indeed, beautiful woman”

She glanced up at him, drew all but the tip from her mouth—and then stunned him by sliding her free hand downward and cupping his balls. She rolled them gently in her palm.

“Jesus,” he muttered. “Oh God.”


To judge by the evangelical turn of his remarks, Max was very much enjoying what she was doing to him. Kitty allowed herself a private smile, and sent a tiny prayer of thanks winging its way to her sister Letitia for writing that detailed and instructive book.

She believed she probably could have managed to obey most of his commands, since a gentleman’s anatomy was not of a dreadfully complex nature. But having the confidence to grasp, suck and caress, learned from a reliable source…it all combined to present Kitty with the perfect opportunity to experiment with her recently-acquired knowledge.

And Max was delicious.

A blend of male saltiness and his own distinctive scent rendered his taste very much to Kitty’s liking. It was no hardship for her to love him like this, to give him pleasure, just as he had done to her. His balls were velvety soft, dappled with hair; holding them was a sensation like no other. Truly, this man was unique. For her, anyway.

In spite of Letitia’s shocking book, Kitty had not given much thought to sex, be it casual fucking or intense passion. No man of her acquaintance had aroused that kind of feminine interest. Until Max.

Now, as if a door had been opened inside her, she found herself craving sensations, eager to try whatever came next, hungry for the nudity, the desire, and the lust to sate oneself with a man’s cock in any way at all.

Pleasuring him like this, with her mouth, was arousing her as well, and she was surprised to feel the moisture gathering between her thighs as she daringly licked Max’s balls before returning to his cock. It would appear that such delights were indeed mutual…the more she aroused him, the more she became aroused herself.

Suddenly she felt his hands grip her hair hard. “Stop now.”

She froze.

“I want you to fuck me now, Kitty.”

She licked her lips as she straightened. “Very well, Master. Should I lie beside you?

He shook his head. “No. Think.”

She looked at him, muscular, all male, quite beautiful. And his cock, a rigid spear with the softest skin covering it. And it dawned on her. With a gentle smile at him, she clambered over his thighs, settling her own to either side of his hips.

“That’s it,” he whispered softly.

Looking down, she positioned herself above his cock, rubbing her wet folds over the hardness, thrilling at the bolts of pleasure shooting through her body. Then, slowly, she lowered herself, shifting a little as his thick head penetrated her.

“Oh.” She gasped a little as she took him deeper, and deeper still. She wasn’t sore at all, but her inner muscles were still tight, and Max was a large man. It was a snug fit, but when she finally had all of him she could take, the sensation defied description.

She raised her head to look at him, all shadows and planes, firm muscles, eyes fixed on her as she opened everything she was and invited him to come inside.

“Yes, Kitty. Yes. Ride me.”

So she did.

Trusting to her instinct, she began a leisurely rise and fall, astounding herself with the feeling of him sliding against her inner walls. There was something thrilling, something shocking in the level of her pleasure. How could anyone imagine this without having experienced it?

Sahara Kelly's books