The Mistress Wager: A Risqué Regency Romance (The Six Pearls of Baron Ridlington Book 4)

“’Tis good news indeed, I’m happy to say. All of us have been hoping for the best. Such a lovely young lady and such a terrible accident. In a Seton-Mowbray vehicle…it is intolerable.” Deery shook his head.

Kitty half-sat on the back of the couch. “Deery,” she said, drawing his attention. “I have to ask. Why are you all so kind to me?”

“Whatever do you mean, Miss?”

She bit her lip, trying to find the best way to ask the question. “I’m sure it is no secret as to why I am here, or how this situation came to pass. I would have expected disapproval, some condemnation perhaps? And yet I have received nothing but kindness and polite deference. Everyone has been helpful and pleasant.” She frowned. “I don’t understand it.”

Deery nodded. “I am most gratified by your comments, Miss Ridlington. That you have had such attentions from our staff reflects well on our housekeeper.”

“And yourself, Deery. Don’t be modest.”

He bowed in silence.

“You haven’t answered my question, though,” she admonished.

“Well, Miss, can we just say that any guest of the Master’s is always welcome here at Mowbray House?”

“You can say that, by all means. But my circumstances hardly fall under the heading of guest…”

“Close acquaintance?”

She raised an eyebrow at the man.

He sighed. “Truth is, Miss Ridlington, in all the years we’ve been in residence at Mowbray, Mr. Max has never brought a woman here. Ever.”

She blinked. “Never?”

He shook his head. “Never. So when he comes through the door with you behind him, we all knew that was it.”

“It? What it?”

“My dear girl, your grammar is quite appalling. You should say what is it, if you are posing a question.” Max swept into the room before Deery could answer.

“Dinner early, I think, Deery. I’m quite starved. Haven’t eaten a thing in town.” He glanced at Kitty’s hand, still clutching the note. “News, Kitty? From Ridlington?”

Recalled from her interrogation of Deery—who was leaving the room in a manner much more rapid than he usually displayed—she nodded and passed him the note. “I am so relieved, as you may imagine,” she sighed. “To know Hecate is home, and eating…well, that is just the best news possible.

“I have more.” He grinned. “Your belongings have been assembled and packed by your Aunt’s maids, and tomorrow will bring trunks, and boxes and all the trappings a lady cannot live without.”

Her jaw dropped as she struggled for words.

He chuckled as he lifted his hand and closed her mouth with one finger. “Surprise. I didn’t expect that. But it’s most pleasant.”

“Th-thank you, Max.” She stuttered her gratitude.

“For what? You can’t go on raiding my sister’s closet.”

“Yes, but…” she waved her hands helplessly. “I thought…a small town house…or apartments perhaps…”

“Why on earth would you want that?”

“I don’t want that, but it’s what is customary under these circumstances.”

“For myself, I should hate to have to go out in the cold to visit you. Not to mention having to get dressed and leave. What a bore.” He managed a blasé expression.

“Max…” Kitty thumped him on the chest with both fists. “Talk sense. I am your mistress, for God’s sake.”

“Mmm.” He stared at her mouth. “As if I could forget.”

His kiss was everything she’d come to want—and more. His skin was cool from his ride back home, but his tongue was warm and slick, plunging into her mouth and demanding a response.

She gave him one, a moan in her throat, standing on tiptoe to wrap her arms around his neck.

He held her tight, pulling her into his body, thrusting one thigh between her legs and making that moan repeat itself as he did so.

“Max,” she sighed, freeing her mouth from his. “I’m so confused by all this.”

“Don’t be.” He loosened his embrace a little, but still held her in his arms. “Just let it happen, Kitty. Yes, you’re my mistress, but there are no rules dictating what a mistress does, or where she lives. If I want you here, and I do, then here is where you will stay.”

She looked uncertain. “I don’t know what lies ahead, Max. The future…”

“None of us know that. So perhaps you should follow my family’s motto.”

She gave him a questioning look.

“Never loan money to a friend, and do what you want today in case tomorrow is a disaster in waiting.”

Kitty shook her head and grinned. “I’m sure that it sounds most elegant in Latin.”

“I wouldn’t know. Can’t stand the language m’self.”

Chapter Sixteen

It was an early night for both of them.

Max knew he was treading on dangerous ground; Kitty’s unwavering belief in what a mistress should and shouldn’t be or do was proving to be a problem. How could he explain that the entire mistress wager situation had simply offered him the opportunity to get what he wanted? And that when he’d done so, he’d started to realize she was so much more than just an exciting and willing bed partner?

This problem tumbled over in his mind as he prepared for bed. She would join him, of course. And tonight they would find pleasure in each other. His way.

But the overriding issue was that his anticipation was far too great. His eagerness to have her naked and in his power was overwhelming. The mere thought of her leaving and finding someone else? No. Out of the question.

His life up to now had been one of wealth, pleasure, the occasional adventure, and some regular visits to a quiet house on the far side of London. The discreet activities there had offered the chance to explore more than just sex, and it was in those rooms Max had learned how to dominate a woman. He liked it. He liked it a lot.

With Kitty? It was all that, and more.

Her adaptability, her acceptance of his domination, above all her intelligence—these were characteristics he’d not expected to find in one woman. Now that he had, the possibility that she was the one both elated him and scared him. For now, they could spend time together, learning, experimenting, enjoying the freedom to explore their sensual compatibility. But it was evident that such a situation could not go on indefinitely.

A light tap on his door heralded her arrival, and he put those thoughts aside, climbing naked into bed, pushing the quilts aside and lying on his back. “Come in.”

She entered quietly, her eyes widening as she saw him in the light of the candle by the bed. He was already half aroused and as she gazed at him, his cock hardened. She was a tempting witch in her silk robe, but he could not let her know how much she affected him.

“Remove your clothing.”

She hesitated for a moment, then slowly slipped from the robe, untied the ribbon at the neck of her gown, and let them both fall to the floor. She raised her head and stared at him, a slight twitch of her arms revealing how much she wanted to cover herself with her hands.

But she did not, and he was most proud of her for obeying his command. “Run your hands through your hair. I want it loose over your white skin.”

Sahara Kelly's books