The Mistress Wager: A Risqué Regency Romance (The Six Pearls of Baron Ridlington Book 4)

Her backside was perfectly proportioned; round, firm and symmetrical, with a scant smattering of freckles at the base of her spine. She must enjoy walking, he mused, since the muscles of her upper thighs were well defined and testified to the length of her stride.

He cupped her, knowing she’d be feeling heat in the reddened area, and then stroked the surface with a gentle touch. He followed that with another smack on the other cheek, hearing her gasp and muffle her sounds as best she could.

He smiled. She was learning, learning to obey him and follow his commands.

Two more smacks and he judged her ready, since she was squirming and writhing on his lap, although whether she knew it was questionable.

Once again he stroked and caressed, but this time he slid his hand between her thighs and moistened his fingers in her slick juices. The path they made on the blushing skin of her arse shone in the candlelight, and she sucked in air—he knew the wetness would leave a cold trail behind it.

He repeated the action again, damp fingers trailing moisture over her red and white silk, noting her thighs part a little to allow his hand access.

With the other hand he reached down beside his leg to find her breasts. She sensed his intent immediately, and used her forearms to raise herself a little, allowing him access to her nipples which were hard buds. Her moan as he pinched one was incredibly arousing, and the shiver of sensation over her skin told a story in itself.

She was learning rapidly, finding her way along the path of erotic awareness and eager for each new step. Max was not immune to all this. Bringing her pleasure and guiding her into his world was not an exercise in education. It was a journey for them both.

He kept her arousal simmering, his fingers playing with her wet folds and her buttocks at the same time his other hand teased her nipples. He noted her various movements; some muscles tensed and others relaxed. He wanted to learn about Kitty and her responses every bit as much as he believed she wanted to learn about pleasure from him. He might prefer to dominate in bed, but that didn’t mean he ignored the wants and needs of his woman. On the contrary. He’d always felt that he paid more attention than ever.

And so many conversations with talkative gentlemen at his club reassured him that this was indeed the case. Sometimes he felt sorry for those women. But at this particular moment his entire attention was focused on the woman sighing beneath his touch.

She was hot, her swollen folds fiery, her liquids heating his fingertips. Her breasts were full, nipples hard to the touch and every stroke, every caress brought a response throughout her body.

She was near, almost ready for him to claim her.

“Kitty,” he said.

She did not respond, only sighed again.

“Kitty, my sweet.” He withdrew his hands, her moan enough of a compliment. “’Tis time to move.”

She heard him, and slowly pushed herself off his knees, sliding a little to one side.

“Lie down now, Kitty. On your back, please.”

She glanced at him, face flushed, eyes unfocussed, lips soft and plumped where her teeth had nipped them closed against her cries.

“You are so beautiful,” he whispered, following her down as she collapsed onto the bed. “So beautiful. And mine.”

She opened her mouth, then remembered. And nodded.

“It’s all right, Kitty. You may speak freely now. I give you permission.” He moved over her, nudging her legs apart to make room for his hips, waiting for her to say something.

As if their positions finally dawned on her, she shifted her thighs even more, welcoming him. Her arms lifted to him as she licked those rosy lips. “Take me, Max. Please. Finish me.”

“I will,” he vowed. “I promise.”

With those words, Max pushed, the head of his cock seeking Kitty’s heat with unerring accuracy. She was slick, boiling silk, her inner muscles already pulsating a little around him as he sought entrance. The check to his progress reminded him of her virginity; something of which he’d been very much aware. The extended play, the spanking, the caressing—all had been designed to bring her to this point. She was softened, aroused, and ready to accept a man into her body.

The very first man.

It was an honour that Max took very seriously. “Hold me tight, Kitty. I must penetrate your fire and it may burn both of us.”

“I don’t care,” she whispered. “I want to feel you inside me.”

One last thrust and he was through, greeted like an old friend, caressed and gripped by Kitty’s inner walls in a welcoming handshake that seemed made just for him.

“Oh Max,” she murmured. “How…how amazing this is.” Her eyes opened and she stared at him, their faces so close, their bodies linked by a new bond between them.

“Kitty,” he groaned. “I must move.”

“Then move, Max. Although I may not be able to survive such exquisite sensations…” Her chin lifted, but this time in response to physical passion as her neck arched backward forcing her head into the pillow.

He withdrew and thrust once more, trying to be careful and not bring any more pain. Obeying an instinct, he let his fingers find her and tease that little bud, slicking moisture around and over it, gently urging her to the edge.

But moments after he touched her, her legs slid over his thighs and locked around his back—he was lost. Already so close, it took only a few more thrusts and he was there, exploding inside her, groaning aloud as he lost himself, body and soul, in Kitty Ridlington.

To his amazement, this woman, this ex-virgin and neophyte submissive, answered his climax with one of her own, muscles rigid, face contorted, and finally releasing a sharp cry as the spasms shattered her and through her to Max. He held her, his cock still hard enough to feel every twitch and clutching ripple of her body as she rode out the pinnacle of her orgasm.

As it faded, and she slowly relaxed around him, Max watched her face, seeing the tension dissolve and a warm lassitude descend over her. Limp, sated and with a weak smile, she lifted a hand to cradle his cheek. For a long moment, she said nothing, just devoured his face with her eyes.

“Thank you, Max. Thank you for teaching me so much,” she whispered with a smile.

At that moment, a realization dawned for Max Seton-Mowbray, eligible bachelor, leading light of Society, and aloof, dignified gentleman.

He had finally found the right woman.

Chapter Eleven

There was noise.

Quite a bit of noise, and it was enough to wake Kitty from a sound sleep to find the room still dark, lit only by the glowing embers of the fire.

Someone was knocking on the door of Max’s chamber, and she had no idea if she should go and see who it was, or wake Max, or slip away to her own room. He took the decision out of her hands by waking, sitting up, rubbing his head hard, then getting out of bed to grab his robe.

“Stay there,” he ordered.

Sahara Kelly's books