The Mistress Wager: A Risqué Regency Romance (The Six Pearls of Baron Ridlington Book 4)

Mowbray House had always prided itself on its ability to welcome anyone at any time. The staff understood the family’s needs; those who did not…well, their tenure was brief.

Deery was already at the door awaiting their arrival, and there wasn’t one flutter of an eyelash when he discovered his master was not alone.

“Good evening sir, Miss Ridlington,” he said. “I trust your journey hasn’t chilled you overmuch. There is a fire going in the small salon…” He relieved her of her cloak.

Max noted the death grip she’d developed on the edges of her purple domino. It was probably the only thing concealing her ruined gown. The thought of those breasts increased the painful hardness of his cock beneath snug breeches. A change of topic was in order.

“Deery, my carriage was appropriated by somebody at the DuClos masquerade. Sinjun Forrester loaned me his. Can you make sure it’s returned? Feed the horses and the driver beforehand, of course…”

“Indeed, sir. I will make sure it’s taken care of.”

“And let me know if my carriage shows up, would you? I’d like to know who the devil thought it was all right to take a man’s carriage without letting him know.”

“Completely inappropriate, sir.”

Max nodded. “Well, since we’re on the topic of inappropriate, you should know that Miss Ridlington has done me the honor of accepting the position of my mistress.”

“Really, sir?”

The man was amazing. One raised eyebrow greeted a statement that would have sent most of the Ton into a twitching fit of astounded horror.

Max nodded. “Yes, really. Quite publicly, too.”

Deery turned to Kitty. “In that case, you are most welcome, Miss Ridlington. Please let myself or Mrs. Garnet, our housekeeper, know of your needs?”

He wanted to laugh as Kitty’s jaw nearly dropped. But she managed to keep it in place long enough to smile and murmur her thanks.

“Right then. Obviously Miss Ridlington has no luggage at the moment; we’ll take care of fetching her belongings tomorrow. She will have the Bluebell room, Deery. I think that will be best?”

“I shall have a fire lit in there immediately, sir.”

“Excellent. I think perhaps a few of m’sister’s night things will suffice for this evening.”

“As you wish. One of the maids will attend to it. Would you care for a nightcap while the staff sets matters to rights?”

Max glanced at Kitty, pale now, and probably more than a little on edge. Then he nodded. “I believe a brandy would work well for us both. It’s been a long and unusual day.”

“So it would seem, sir.” Deery’s eyebrow rose by a scant quarter of an inch. “I would venture to say that’s an understatement.” He nodded across the hall. “You’ll find your brandy and the fire ready for you, sir, Ma’am.”

“Come, Kitty. I need that drink.” Max put his hand beneath her elbow and led her across the dark and shining floor to the small salon, where they had breakfasted only a few days before.

Deery hadn’t lied—the fire was a cheerful blaze and Max sensed Kitty relax as the heat percolated their limbs.

“I’d offer to take your domino, but I know your gown has been sadly torn.” He grinned. “I won’t apologise. It was worth it.”

She lifted her chin. “Indeed it was.”

“Liked that, did you?”

She turned her gaze to the fire. “Should I lie, or evade, or pretend? I’m not that kind of person. Yes, I liked it. And although I would apologise for my bluntness to anyone else, I don’t believe such things are necessary between us.” She looked back at him. “Am I correct in my assumption?”

He neared the fire and stood beside her. “Yes. You are correct. In fact, you have said something upon which I insist. Absolute truth between us, Kitty. No lies. Ever. You belong to me now, for all intents and purposes. I will care for your well-being and your pleasure.”

“Thank you,” she said, confusion in her eyes. “I am not sure about how to go on as your mistress.”

“Don’t worry. I shall make sure you know. As you are my mistress, I am now your Master. Do you understand what that entails?”

She bit her lip. “We shall share a bed…”

“In time.” He smiled. Here was his challenge; to introduce her to his world. “We shall do all the things you’re probably thinking about. The only difference is that you will give yourself to me freely and without restraint. When we are alone, Kitty, you will follow my dictates.”

“You want me to obey you?”

“Yes. Without question. Can you trust me enough to do that?”

She looked at him, her gaze direct and intense. “I want to.”

“Good. That’s the first step.” He sighed. “I will earn your trust, I promise you. Being your Master means you are my possession, if you will. And my responsibility is to ensure your well-being, your safety, and yes, your pleasure, at all times. If you are unhappy or uncomfortable or afraid for any reason, I have failed.”

“I doubt that you fail much, Max,” she tried for levity. “It’s not in your character.”

“You’d be surprised,” he chuckled. “But with you? No. I won’t fail.”

“I will do my best to be a good mistress, Max. But you understand I’m unsure of how to accomplish that goal. With that in mind, I trust you to forgive the many mistakes I will doubtless make…”

He saw a tiny shiver cross her skin. “Sit.” He urged her into a chair by the fire. “I’ll bring you a brandy.”

“Shouldn’t I be doing that?” She turned her head as he walked across the room.

He poured the liquor and returned with two glasses, handing her one and taking the other with him to the opposite chair. “You’re my mistress, not my servant.”

“Ah.” She sipped and closed her eyes. “This is lovely.”

“Yes, it is.” He let the liquid burn its way down his throat. She was right. The fire, the gentle silence…it was lovely.

At that moment, Max knew he’d made the right move. It might be tumultuous as far as the world was concerned, but for him? It was simply right. He vowed to make sure it was right for Kitty as well. There was a kind of comfort to be drawn from her presence; something he’d not known with any other woman, except occasionally his sister.

This was how he wanted his life to be. Full of warmth and quiet contentment, an excellent brandy, and a woman across the hearth who matched his desires in so many ways. Training her to match them all might take a lifetime….

And that was a thought Max could honestly say he’d never ever had before.

Chapter Nine

Kitty found herself with a stomach full of energetic butterflies.

The room she’d been given was beautiful, furnished with exquisite taste, and exactly what she would have expected to find in Mowbray House. There was a lovely pair of double doors leading to the corridor outside, and others leading to a large clothing cupboard, and possibly what might be another suite. She didn’t know.

Sahara Kelly's books