The Marsh Madness

THE MEMORY STICK with the images from the security tapes was fingerprint free and wrapped up. In the same print-free package were copies of the playbills with Shelby and Ward Lucasky’s name on them. I’d used highlighter to mark their names and the names of the other two. I’d printed out images of the three actors and added the name to each.

I addressed the package:


Harrison Falls Police Dept.

1 Center Street

Harrison Falls, N.Y.


Now, on to the next step.

On our way to that, we stopped the cable van and I took the package to a local delivery company. The dispatcher didn’t give me so much as a look as she took the package. Within the hour that evidence would be at the Harrison Falls Police Station.


CHERIE WAS MAGIC. There was no doubt about that. She also had the security staff of the Country Club and Spa wrapped around her sparkly blue fingernails as she engaged their help to find her adorable mini dachshund, Starlight, who had apparently wandered onto the property. The security staff followed Cherie like puppies themselves after she waved the photo of the alleged dachshund and batted her eyelashes. Braydon looked like he’d been hypnotized. A few of the club members prepared to join in the search.

I was close enough to watch and marvel.

“She needs her meds too,” Cherie said, ramping up the dramatic impetus. “And she’s terribly susceptible to hypothermia. It could kill her in less than an hour.” As much as I wanted to see how long she could keep them distracted, I ducked into the club. I was pretty sure that the cops would have given security my picture, as I was still a suspect—even with my “kidnapping.” But with Cherie at her finest, nobody noticed me slip by and hurry down to the admin offices. Kev had done a decent job of confirming that the admin staff was in the office before we started our little act.

Miranda’s eyes widened as I pushed my way into the office. Even though I was wearing the plain, dark hoodie and sunglasses, she knew who I was, all right. She grabbed for her phone. I said, “I need to speak to Lisa Hatton. The police are closing in on Chadwick’s killer, and she’ll want to know who it is. There’s good news.”

In her office, Lisa got to her feet. Miranda left her phone and followed.

I said, “Lisa, I am Jordan Bingham. You may have been led to believe that I am responsible for Chadwick’s murder, but I’m innocent. I need you to believe that. I feel so terrible about his death.”

Lisa’s face crumpled. “What do you want? Everyone’s looking for you.”

“That’s just a ploy to lure the real killer. I’m here, you’ll notice, walking around. Free as a bird.”

“How did you get past security?”

I smiled reassuringly. “It’s all going to be okay. I’ve just heard from my boyfriend, who is a cop in Harrison Falls, that they will be bringing a new forensics team tomorrow to go over the upstairs rooms at Summerlea again. They’re looking for DNA in one of the bedrooms. There’s something else. He wouldn’t say what, but it was found on the scene and they believe it will link to the real murderer.”

Lisa’s forehead creased. “But they must have checked everything already.”

“This is a pretty small place. We don’t have the top teams here, but this new detective Castellano—did you meet her?”

Lisa nodded.

Miranda stared.

I said, “Lieutenant Castellano is very thorough. She called in a crack forensic team. She’ll get this guy. Trust me.”

Lisa sank back into her chair. “I hope they do.”

Miranda gripped her desk. Her knuckles were white. “This guy?”

“Yes. Apparently there’s a suspect they’ve been looking at for fraud and some other financial crimes, and his DNA showed up on stolen items that were planted on innocent people and also at the site where they found Shelby Church’s body. The cops have reason to think they’ll be able to wrap things up after they do this analysis.”

In a tight voice, Miranda said, “What did they say about the suspect?”

“He didn’t tell me much. He’s not supposed to be in touch, but he knew I’d be happy. That’s it, Lisa. I just wanted to let you know. I know how awful this has been for you.”