The Mafia And His Angel: Part 1 (Tainted Hearts #1)

Getting emotionally attached meant heartbreak. I had learned not to trust men. I couldn’t. Because Alberto’s evil smile was forever etched in my memory, ruining me for any other man.

“There’s so much sexual tension between you two. Don’t even think of lying. It’s so there,” she continued, not noticing that I had shut down. “Do you feel anything for him?” She sounded far away. “Ayla?”

I blinked a couple of times and realized she was shaking me. “I’m sorry,” I said.

“Are you okay?”

I stood up on shaky legs. “I don’t feel so well. I think I’ll go rest for a little while and then come back when it’s time to serve lunch.”

When she gave me a slow nod, I forced a smile before walking away.

I felt confused. I didn’t know what to feel or how I felt. With my heart racing slightly, I went to my room feeling completely drained.

But when I arrived there, my eyes widened and I froze.

“Ayla,” he said.

Alessio was sitting on my sofa, his ankle crossed over the opposite knee. He leaned back against the seat with ease, looking like he belonged there.

“You know, one thing I totally despise is when I’m talking to someone and they don’t pay attention. You turned your back to me while I was talking earlier. That’s very rude, kitten,” he drawled in a lazy manner.

When he called me that, it made my heart squeeze.

And I absolutely hated it.

My stupid treacherous heart.

I didn’t know what it was about Alessio, but I was curious about him. I was still scared. But under all the layers of fear, he intrigued me.

He was angry one minute but gentle the next. So many mixed signals, and they were all tugging at my broken heart.

It made me mad that I didn’t understand, and I hated him for that. For making me feel.

“Come here,” he ordered, crooking his finger.

I didn’t move.

He sighed loudly and shook his head, a small smirk playing across his lips. Alessio slowly stood, taking all his time by fixing his suit before he walked toward me. No, he stalked. His steps were long, powerful, and confident.

“You know, I hate repeating myself, but for you, I find that I don’t mind,” he said. He stopped right in front of me, crowding my space like he always did. But this time, I had a fair advantage.

I wasn’t blocked from behind, so I quickly took a step back, putting some distance between us. But then he took a step forward.

He never gives up, does he?

I took another step back. And as expected, he took another forward.

“Are we going to keep doing this? It’s boring, kitten. Let’s find something more interesting to do. What do you think?” he asked, his eyes twinkling deviously.

I shook my head, my hair falling in front of my face as I took another step back but this time I froze when I came in contact with the door.

Alessio laughed and came closer again until his body was pressing mine into the door. “See what happens when you try to escape?” He made a tsk sound, shaking his head with fake pity.

He leaned forward until his face was next to my right ear. His breath tickled my ear and the tiny hairs on my neck stood up straight. A shudder went through my body and I brought my hand up to his chest to push him away but instead, Alessio held my hand there, trapping me to him.

“But I’m loving this chase,” he said into my neck. His voice caused me to freeze and I gasped. Alessio pulled away just enough to look into my eyes.

“Did you like what you saw?” he asked, smirking.

My eyes widened at the question and my heart dropped to my stomach. What kind of question was that? He was horrible.

“Let me go,” I tried to say, but it sounded more like I was gurgling.

“Do you really want me to, kitten?” Alessio asked gruffly.

I nodded mutely because I didn’t want to embarrass myself more than I already had.

“Say it, then.”

“Let me…” But I never had a chance to finish my sentence.

Before the words were even out, Alessio slammed his lips against mine. Taking them possessively, roughly. He pushed me harder against the door and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me upward so that he had better access to my lips.

His rough kisses sent my senses into a chaotic overdrive. My mind went numb and I hung limply in his arms. Without thinking, my lips moved hesitantly over his, while he continued to devour mine. I felt hot. Too hot. I was burning.

I felt his hand on my thigh and he slowly hitched my dress up. When his hand came in contact with my bare thigh, I tore my lips away from his.

What was I doing? How could I behave in such a vulgar manner? How could I let a man like him affect me this way?

Our loud breathing filled the room. My chest heaved with each breath. Staring at his blue eyes, I trembled at the smoldering look he gave me.

I swallowed hard. Get yourself together, Ayla. Don’t let him affect you.

I grasped the hand that was still touching my thigh and pushed it away from me. His eyes widened slightly in shock at my bold action and he raised an eyebrow in surprise.

“Don’t touch me. I’m not like…those women,” I said through my heavy breathing as I gasped each word.

“Like who?” he asked, sounding amused. He knew very well what I meant but as always, he loved torturing the answer out of me.

“Like that woman. I’m not like her. Don’t treat me…like one,” I squeaked, pushing at his chest again, but he was unmoving.

“You mean, you are not a whore?” he asked, his voice hard.

I flinched at the word and closed my eyes tightly as painful memories assailed me.

Look at her. Broken down, lying on the floor, our come dripping from her. Exactly like a whore.

That’s what you are, Ayla. Never forget it. You hear me?

I felt a hand on my cheek. My mind was reeling as I was brought back into the present. I hated that word. Alberto called me that more than he said my name.

“Ayla, I never said you were one,” I heard Alessio saying. His voice was surprisingly soft. “If I thought you were a whore, then I would have sent you to one of my prostitution rings. But I didn’t, did I?”

I never said you were one.

His words kept repeating over and over in my head. He didn’t think I was a whore. He didn’t call me such cruel words.

My heart stuttered when his thumb caressed my cheek. “Okay?”

I didn’t answer.

He sighed and then slid his hand down until it rested at the base of my neck. “Fine, I won’t touch you,” he declared, moving his hand away from my neck.

I was shocked at his admission and stared at him suspiciously.

“I won’t touch you. Not until you ask me to,” he clarified, slightly bending his knees so that we were at eye level.

Well, that wouldn’t happen. Ever. Which meant he would never touch me. My muscles relaxed in relief, but I was still filled with suspicion.

For now, I would take him at his word.


I nodded and then swallowed hard against the lump in my throat. Were we done? I hoped we were, because if he kept playing with my mind like that, I would break down. And I couldn’t let that happen.

I nodded again.

Lylah James's books