The Land: Raiders (Chaos Seeds #6)

One of the most powerful memories Richter had was his father taking him to the Holocaust Museum as a child. The stories and images had been terrible for him at the young age of eight. Still, his father hadn’t hidden any of the truth. They had walked through the museum, seen the pictures and listened to the tales of horror.

His father hadn’t stressed the suffering of those who had passed, though the man had held him as he cried. His dad hadn’t stressed the evil men were capable of, though he had stood by him as his son was horrified. What Richter remembered more than anything else was his father reading a quote. It was written outside of the museum on a memorial, words immortalized on a block of grey stone.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out –

because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out –

because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out --

because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me – and there was no one left to speak for me.

Richter remembered standing there with his father as people walked by. His fingers had been so small inside of his father’s large, warm hand. Though more than a decade had passed, he still remembered the simple message that had been conveyed when his father finally spoke. Gentle, yet stern, apologetic, but someone how still commanding, his father had said, “Be better than the men that came before you.”

That charge had become a cornerstone of Richter’s personality. That was why he had fought bullies even if he was outnumbered. That was why he did charity work without ever telling anyone about it. It was why he believed the world could become a better place, not because of luck, but because of his own actions. It was important to do the right thing, and not for a reward, but because it was the right thing.

It was also important to realize that, sometimes, there was a cost. His jaw firmed. If the price to save his village and the majority of his people was blood, then it was a price he would pay. His lips fixed themselves into a snarl though, and he promised himself that the lion’s share of that particular bill would be paid by his enemies.

Hisako saw the fierceness of Richter’s visage and the steel in his gaze. She nodded firmly and said, “Very well. There are things you need to learn.”

CHAPTER 18 – Day 141 – Kuborn 31, 15,386 EBG

“Kneel down,” she told him. When he looked at her in question, she sighed loudly and said, “I cannot very well reach all the way to the top of your abnormally high head can I? Do you want to learn these spells or not? Why the gods felt the need to stretch people so tall when four feet is the perfect height, I will never know.”

Richter chuckled. He was thankful that she had dispelled the serious air. The chaos seed felt his neck loosen somewhat and the righteous anger that had been flaring inside of him eased itself to a low simmer. It was not gone, merely banked, ready to roar to life again when he needed it in battle. As he knelt down, some excitement found its way onto his face. He was going to learn new spells!

“Let us see how you have progressed,” Hisako said. She muttered a word of Power and a nimbus of gold light surrounded her right hand. She extended her hand until the light fell upon Richter. “Hmmm, you have advanced well, Lord Richter. You have reached the initiate rank in both Life and Earth magic. Still only level seven in Light magic, but impressive nonetheless.” She paused a moment, then added distastefully, “And I see that you have become a practitioner of Death magic.”

Richter coughed, “Ah, well yes. Uhhh…” Not having a good save, and doubting that his argument about how Death magic wasn’t all bad would work on a Life Master, he changed tacks. “I am glad you noticed how well I am progressing in Life and Earth. That is what happens when you have a high affinity and battle daily for months, I guess.” He plastered a fake smile on his face.

She fixed him with that same considering gaze that she had had the night before when they spoke about the Bloodstone. Richter thought she might start the conversation back up, especially in light of her clear distaste for Death magic, but she just shook her head and raised her glowing hand again. She began muttering to herself as she read off his spells, “Weak Slow Heal, Weak Life Aura, Weak Barkskin… You certainly have been able to able to gather a good range of spells, but they are all of the weak rank.” She smiled at Richter, “I could easily change that.”

She just kept smiling at him. It honestly started getting a little weird to Richter, so after a minute or two he asked, “Well, will you?”

Without losing the grin, she said, “Absolutely. I have told you before that such aid would come at a price, however.”

Richter’s lips wrinkled in a sour twist. He had no problem paying for new spells, but she could have mentioned it before he was kneeling in front of her. He was basically in the opposite of a power pose. The chaos seed had a sneaking suspicion that she had planned it that way. Still, there was nothing for it now. “Of course,” he said almost magnanimously, “what can I do to help my generous ally?”

Hisako rapped him on the head lightly, yet another reason she had wanted him kneeling, he was sure. “Do not be fresh. I have warned you about that before.” She fixed him with a pointed look until he mumbled something that sounded like ‘okay’ with perhaps a little something extra added at the end. It was apparently enough, though, because she continued, “Great battles loom ahead. Your settlement is young, but has great potential. It already has great resources in fact. I would ask that you help to outfit my warriors with enchanted weapons. I could not help but notice that you know a Life damage enchantment.” Her voice turned coy at the end.

“You couldn’t help but notice, huh?” Richter asked. He was really starting to get irritated that he was having to kneel while having this conversation. His knee was also starting to throb a bit, which didn’t help his mood. “What else did that spell tell you about me?” he asked suspiciously.

Her smile deepened, but she ignored his question, “If you would provide ten short swords, high steel or better, that were enchanted with Life damage, I would happily give you spells now that will help you greatly.”

You have received a Quest: Steel for Magic I. The Lady Hisako has asked you to provide ten short swords, high steel or better, enchanted with Life damage. Reward: Spells from Lady Hisako right now. Fail Condition: One month passing without delivery. Penalty for Failure: Loss of Personal and Village reputation with Hisako and the Sprites of the Hearth Tree respectively. Yes or No?

Richter blinked in surprise. He had honestly been expecting a larger ask. His mouth opened to agree, but then a thought occurred to him, “I would happily do this for you without anything in return.”

Aleron Kong's books