The Land: Raiders (Chaos Seeds #6)

Your relationship with all Meidon Sprites has improved by one rank!

Know This! You have changed the way that the bonded sprites view themselves. This change will continue in the hearts and minds of all bonded sprites. “As is within so shall be without.” All sprites who bond with pixies formally have a change in race to: Meidon Sprites! This will continue for all future meitu’meidon.

Congratulations! You have won +500 Fame points! Your words and actions have led to the reemergence of a forgotten race, the Meidon Sprites. Total Fame Points: 11,582

Richter quickly read through the prompts in surprise. Once again, the point that words mattered in The Land was driven home. Looking over at his best friend, he used Analyze.

Name: Sion

Age: 34

Level: 19, 6% to next level

Health: 261 Mana: 412 Stamina: 192

Strength: 20 (base: 12 + items: 8)

Agility: 18

Dexterity: 67 (base: 59 + items: 8)

Constitution: 20

Endurance: 16

Intelligence: 37

Wisdom: 25

Charisma: 15

Luck: 17


Wood Craft

Forest Concealment

Know Thyself



Herb lore Lvl 12, 69% to next level, 63% affinity

Alchemy Lvl 10, 29% to next level, 74% affinity

Archery Lvl 44; 74% to next level, 71% affinity

Enhanced Imbue Arrow Lvl 32, 11% to next level, 87% affinity

Focus Lvl 26, 92% to next level, 81% affinity

Double Shot Lvl 11; 23% to next level, 86% affinity

Drill Shot Lvl 7; 46% to next level, 90% affinity

Stun Shot Lvl 6; 41% to next level, 95% affinity

Tracking Lvl 16; 78% to next level, 75% affinity

Small Blades Lvl 20, 33% to next level, 71% affinity

Light Armor Lvl 26; 94% to next level, 81% affinity

Air Magic Lvl 16; 79% to next level, 100% affinity

Animal Husbandry Lvl 1; 15% to next level, 83% affinity

Exotic Beasts Lvl 1; 9% to next level, 71% affinity


First Meidon


Types of Magic

Life 10%

Earth 10%

Light 10%

Schools of Magic

Enchantment 50%

Race: Meidon Sprite

Reputation: Lvl 1 “Who are you again?”

Alignment: +3

Language: Sprite, Common Tongue, Pixie

Sion’s attributes were what he had expected. His friend had leveled recently and so had received the +3 to Dexterity that all meidon sprites received. The sprite also looked to have invested his remaining three characteristic points into Intelligence. None of this was surprising, though between the higher characteristic points and the eight magic rings his Companion was wearing, Richter was happy to see that his three primary stats were all getting respectable. Gone were the days that a casually thrown goblin dagger could end his friend’s life.

No, what was surprising was that, just as the prompt had indicated, Sion’s race had changed. Previously, all of the sprites that underwent the shetu’meidon, the bonding, had kept their old race when they emerged from their silver shells. The word “meidon” had just been in parentheses. The chaos seed quickly checked all of the other bonded sprites and found the same was true for them.

Also surprising was that Sion had a Mark now. As far as Richter could remember, his friend hadn’t had any marks before. He was about to ask when the sprite called out in surprise. Sion held his hand in shock. On the back of his right hand, a sigil appeared. It was a silver bow with a nocked arrow. A blue flame surrounded the arrow. Everyone looked at it in surprise until it disappeared a moment later.

Richter was wondering what the implications were for that when another prompt appeared.

Quest Update: Unity of the Sorat’Shin II. You have merged wood and forest sprites into a new unified race! All old enmities are now forgotten. This is another step towards the reemergence of Sorat’Shin, the True Sprites. Continue to heal the wounds between the sprite peoples to fulfill your quest.

Quest Update: Unity of the Sorat’Shin II. Your Companion, Sion, was the first of this new race. He has been awarded the Mark, First Meidon. He will now be seen as the natural leader of this new race. All meidon sprites have increased damage when fighting near him. +0.1 damage per meidon sprite in the vicinity.

He looked over at Sion in shock. His friend had just become… a boss? Hisako seemed to know something as well, because she started smiling broadly. Angry shouts had been replaced by rueful laughter as they all intermingled, no longer divided by the enmities of their old lives. It also didn’t escape Richter’s notice that many of the meidon sprites looked to his friend with respect in their eyes. With the fighting done, their allegiance to the chaos seed asserted itself. One of the sprites walked up to Richter and knelt. Soon all of the other newly reborn sprites followed suit and, like that, the population of the Mist Village grew again.

CHAPTER 16 – Day 141 – Kuborn 31, 15,386 EBG

Richter accepted all of their oaths of fealty. He quickly told them that they would be following Sion’s orders after his. Not a one had a problem with that in light of his friend’s new mark. The chaos seed also made it clear that for the purposes of the upcoming attacks, Yoshi and Hisako were to be obeyed without question. A wry twist came to his face as he commented on how most of them would probably need Hisako to resize their armor.

The Hearth Mother laughed as well and assured him that she would handle it before the battle. She did mention that she might run short of mana however. He handed her a few blue replenishment potions. Richter then turned to leave when something occurred to him. He walked over to Sion and asked his friend to follow him.

“I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before,” Richter began, “but your Enhanced Imbue Arrow is a skill. That means I should be able to learn it.”

Sion looked at him with a bit of doubt in his face, “I am not sure that this is something that you can do, brother.”

“You said the same thing when I asked you to teach me Imbue Arrow,” Richter reminded him. “I definitely learned how to do that.” It was strange thinking about how much had changed since then. In a literal sense, less than six months had passed, but in another way, it felt like it had been a lifetime since he came to The Land.

“There is no denying that you are a freak of nature,” Sion quipped back to his friend. “And I have no problem trying to teach you, but I don’t think you have the required equipment.”

Richter sighed a deep sigh, “Let’s just try, okay?”

Sion looked at him in surprise, “Really? You’re just going to let that one slide by? I guess you are serious. Okay, let’s give it a shot. So to speak.”

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