The Lady's Gamble: A Historical Regency Romance Book

Regina looked over at Harrison. She didn’t want to stop playing. She hadn’t beaten him yet. She’d never thought of herself as competitive but now she was seized with it. She wanted to win.

She also didn’t quite have her brain wrapped around the rules. But those were a matter of practice. She wasn’t worried.

“Look at Miss Regina.” Lord Mannis laughed. “She wants to keep playing.”

“You really must work on hiding your emotions,” Miss Eliza said. “You are an excellent first-time player but I can see everything you’re thinking.”

Harrison chuckled. “Yes, I’ve noticed the same thing. We’ll work on that.”

“Don’t tell me you intend to throw this girl to the wolves,” Cora objected.

“Maybe I would like to be thrown to the wolves,” Regina replied.

Cora arched an eyebrow. “You might be more like your sister than I had thought.”

Regina didn’t know what that meant. She was dying with curiosity about it. She wanted to know what Bridget had been like as a child. She wanted to know what her mother had been like. What her entire family had been like. She didn’t remember it very well.

But discussing it in front of the others wasn’t a good idea. Not because it was scandalous but it was private. Personal.

Harrison spoke up, anyway, so even if she’d wanted to say something the moment was gone.

“Nobody is throwing anyone to the wolves,” he said. “Including throwing themselves. I’m merely helping her to get good at something I am also good at. Can a man not have a protégé? I do call her Puck rather than Titania, after all.”

“And that doesn’t have any homoerotic undertones,” Lord Quentin muttered.

“If you’re all going to get into another literary debate,” Miss Eliza stated, “I need more alcohol.”

“I think that we should all retire,” Cora said firmly. It once again reminded Regina of Bridget. Cora was acting as the mother of the group, the same way that Bridget would.

“Probably fair,” Lord Mannis said. He pulled out a watch. “Good Lord, is that the time?”

Regina started. She looked up at the clock on the mantelpiece. She had been at Harrison’s all afternoon and evening. What would Aunt Jane think? Would she be worried?

“There’s no reason for you all to drive home,” Harrison said. “You are all welcome to use the bedrooms.”

“There are only four of them,” Miss Eliza pointed out. Obviously she and Lord Mannis would share, Regina thought. “Will Miss Regina be sharing with you?”

“Miss Regina’s residence is only a short walk away,” Harrison answered. “I can escort her.”

Lord Quentin stood up. “I, for one, could do with some quiet. It was lovely to meet you, Miss Regina.” He bowed to her. “I hope that we shall see more of you in the near future.”

“I believe that you shall,” Regina replied, curtsying.

Lord Quentin started walking towards the door. “I claim the Ocean Room,” he said.

Miss Eliza jumped up at that. “Oh no you don’t! You got that room last time and we had to make do with the nursery!”

Lord Quentin started running at that. Miss Eliza took off after him. Judging by the thumping on the stairs, they were racing for the room.

Lord Mannis stood up and sighed. “I suppose I had better stop her from scratching him.”

“You say that as if you are any less of a spitfire than she is,” Harrison pointed out.

Lord Mannis laughed. “Touché.” He bowed to Regina and Cora. “Ladies. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Regina. I echo Quentin’s sentiment.”

He then exited.

Regina looked at Harrison, curious. “The nursery?”

“One of the bedrooms was my nursery when I was a child,” Harrison explained. “It has since been converted into a normal bedroom. It is done up in a lovely soft powder blue color. Miss Eliza prefers the darker blues and green accents of the bedroom known as the Ocean Room. As does Quentin. It’s an ongoing battle.”

“I prefer the Lilac Room myself,” Cora said. “It’s done up in pastel blues and purples.”

For a moment there was a pause. A heavy one. Then Cora spoke once more.

“I hope that you both know what you are doing.”

Harrison tried to speak, but Cora cut him off. “Now, far be it from me to tell people who to love. But I have seen the dangers of it. Once I nearly brought ruin upon the woman I loved.”

“The one you’re still pining after?” Regina asked.

Cora nodded. Her eyes looked heavy. Everything about her looked heavy. It was as though she wanted to sink into the floor. “We were foolish. We were all but discovered. Fortunately our families had only suspicions. No concrete evidence. It could have gone much worse.”

“I can assure you,” Harrison said. His tone was a low growl. It sent shivers up Regina’s spine and made her skin feel hot all over. She loved that growl but it also scared her. She was glad that she was not on the receiving end of it. “No one will discover anything untoward between Miss Regina and me.”

“See to it that they don’t,” Cora said. Her tone grew icy and hard.

Regina felt caught in the middle. Both seemed deadly to her. Harrison was fire and Cora was ice. But neither were to be trifled with.

“If it is discovered that you and she have shared an understanding, the kind of understanding only a husband and wife are permitted to have, it will ruin her.” Cora’s eyes flashed. “Not just her. Her sisters as well.”

Cora turned to Regina, her expression softening. “You are young. It is easy to see only the goodness of love. I know how when one is with your lover, you can forget the dangers. But you mustn’t. It is not worth being thrown away by society.”

“Society will not throw her away. Society will know nothing.” Harrison made it sound like a command. Like he could order the very universe, make the future bend to his will.

“I understand why you are afraid,” Harrison added. “You are sensible. But I will be cautious. We both will be. No rumors shall start of a liaison between Miss Regina and me. I can promise you that, if nothing else.”

For a moment they stood there, poised like tigers. Neither one wanting to give an inch. It was like Elizabeth and Natalie bickering, only worse.

Regina couldn’t stand it anymore. “Has it occurred to either of you,” she said, “That I am in the room and do not appreciate being spoken of as if I am not?”

Both turned to look at her. Shock was writ large on both of their faces.

It felt a little like Regina’s stomach had turned inside out. But she’d spoken now. She had to continue.

“I appreciate your thoughtful words, Cora.” She took a deep breath. “And I understand why you are concerned. But Harrison and I have taken pains to be undiscovered.

“Nor,” she added when she saw Cora about to speak, “Will either of us let our guard down. We’ll be vigilant. I promise you.”

She then looked at Harrison. “Your protectiveness is appreciated. But I can fight my own battles as well. Or at least my half of our battles.”

Harrison laughed. “I told you she was a minx.”

“You are right, Miss Regina.” Cora inclined her head. “My apologies.”

She curtsied to both of them. “I wish you both a goodnight.” Then she left the room.

Abby Ayles's books