The Lady's Gamble: A Historical Regency Romance Book

“I’m sure that’s why he organized this game,” Cora said. “To show off for her.”

Regina wanted to protest that this was not why Lord Harrison had organized this game. But then, they would inquire as to why she was there. If she wasn’t his cousin or his betrothed, why was she with them?

She couldn’t tell them the truth. If more people knew, then the more likely the secret of her plan would get out. She couldn’t risk Lord Pettifer knowing about it.

If Lord Harrison hadn’t told them the true reason for their visit, then he obviously thought the same thing. They couldn’t risk it. Not even such close friends as these could know.

But then what was she to do? They all seemed convinced that she and Lord Harrison were together.

She looked to Lord Harrison. Sensing her gaze, he looked over at her. Their gazes locked.

He really did have such warm eyes, she thought. She felt quite safe when he was gazing at her like that. It made her feel like she could trust whatever he said or did. He’d be taking care of her.

Lord Harrison gave a heavy sigh. Regina thought it a bit too heavy. It was put upon, she realized. He was exaggerating it.

Then he reached up and skimmed his fingertips along her cheek.

Regina froze. In fact she quite forgot to breathe.

He trailed his fingers up her cheek until he reached a lock of hair that had sprung free. Gently, slowly, he tucked the hair behind her ear.

His eyes were on hers the entire time. Regina’s heart was racing. She felt oddly warm all over.

“All right, you’ve found us out,” Lord Harrison said. He was speaking to the others but still looking at Regina.

What was he seeing in her, in that moment? Was he imagining someone else? Bridget, perhaps?

“Takes a brave man to admit when he’s been found out,” Lord Quentin said. His tone was light and he was obviously teasing. “I suppose her family doesn’t approve? Hence the secrecy?”

“Among other things,” Lord Harrison replied. “It’s complicated.”

He dropped his hand from Regina’s face. She sucked in a great lungful of air. It had felt like she couldn’t breathe while he was touching her. She’d been too warm.

“Forbidden love.” Miss Eliza nodded sagely. Then she broke out into a grin. “Always the most fun.”

“Well come on, then,” Lord Mannis said. He waved his hand at them. “Let’s see a proper kiss.”

Regina gaped at him. She couldn’t—they couldn’t—Lord Harrison was in love with Bridget!

Lord Harrison fixed them all with a fierce glare. Regina would certainly never want him to glare at her in such a fashion. “I am not going to subject Miss Regina to your schemes and teasing. Have some respect.”

“Oh come now,” Miss Eliza gestured at them. “You’re among friends. Don’t pretend that this card game wasn’t a clandestine way to introduce her to us.”

Regina felt completely trapped. Looking at Lord Harrison, she could see that he felt the same way. She wasn’t sure that his friends recognized it. But his jaw was still clenched and there was a tense light in his eyes.

Well, they certainly weren’t going to get out of this. The group seemed a determined sort. They liked to tease one another and unless Regina could find a distraction or some way to shut them up, they’d keep poking at this. At least until they got what they wanted.

Considering all she was doing, a kiss was a small indiscretion. Even if it would be her first.

Really, it shouldn’t be a big deal. As much as society liked to make a big deal of men and women touching. But she had no idea how to do it. Her inexperience was what scared her.

What if they kissed and everyone could tell that she had no clue what to do? What if she came across as a silly little girl? She hated to be seen that way. It was all that anyone ever saw of her.

There was nothing for it, however. Lord Harrison’s jaw unclenched the slightest bit. His lips quirked wryly and she could practically read his thoughts. He’d come to the same conclusion that she had.

Might as well do it to shut them up, she could practically hear him thinking.

She wasn’t surprised when his hand came up again. This time it cupped her cheek. Regina tilted her face into it instinctively. His hands were large, she’d always realized that. But now they felt larger. Magnified.

Regina found herself leaning into the warm palm of his hand. Like she was a plant, soaking up the warmth of him. Harrison’s thumb gently brushed against her skin, once, twice.

Then he leaned in. Her eyes swept closed, and not just because that was how she’d seen others do it. She herself had never experienced it. Nobody’d ever wanted to kiss her. Why would they when she had four better looking sisters to try for?

But no, she was closing her eyes because she couldn’t bear to keep them open. She couldn’t handle the look on Harrison’s face. Whatever that look might be.

Would he be faking a lovelorn expression? Would he seem amused? Or would she see nothing but hidden frustration?

She was scared to know the answer. So she closed her eyes.

She could feel the heat of Lord Harrison’s breath upon her face for just one moment, and then—then it was gone.

Regina opened her eyes to see Lord Harrison pulling away. He looked at the others. “No, I do not think so. I will not risk her reputation just to mollify all of you and your curiosity.”

“I think that we have pushed him too far,” Lady Cora noted.

“Whatever you may think—and perhaps our relationship is the way you think it is—I will not provide proof that can be used against Miss Regina later.” Lord Harrison pulled his hand away and Regina had to resist the urge to gasp at the loss of the contact.

The other three at the table looked properly chastened.

Regina knew that she should be relieved. She should be celebrating the continuation of her virtue and that Lord Harrison was not willing to risk compromising her. This was a good thing.

Yet in a sudden, humiliating rush, she found herself missing the opportunity to kiss him.

Chapter 14

Regina struggled to catch her breath. Everyone else had gone back to their card game as if nothing had happened. And perhaps, for them, it was nothing—just a little friendly teasing taken too far.

And yet, Regina felt a little like the world had tilted underneath her. Everything was now off kilter. It had been nothing, really. Just a hand to her cheek and the almost-kiss. Nothing for her to get so excited over, and certainly nothing to be mourning. Yet the heat in her stomach wouldn’t go away.

“Are we going to finish this game now?” Cora asked. She sounded incredibly bored.

“Ah, of course, the game,” Lord Mannis said. “Not that it’s nearly as fascinating as Harrison’s young love here.”

For the first time, Regina felt aware of the age difference between her and Harrison. She blushed, heat rising in her cheeks. She was nothing but a girl to him.

Why did that thought upset her?

Abby Ayles's books