The Inexplicable Logic of My Life

Sam said it would get their attention. And she loved my memory of the yellow leaves. She said it was like a poem.

I don’t really believe it’s the kind of letter that’s going to get me into Columbia. Would be nice. I know I have the grades to get me into a few of the schools I’ve applied to. No matter where I go, I’m going to have to take me along for the ride. But the good news is, I’ll be taking everyone I love with me too.

Someday I want to go to the beach with Fito and Sam. Sam and I, we can watch Fito walk on the sands of the beach for the first time. And see the expression on his face when he looks out into the horizon, where the water meets the sky.

Tonight Dad is taking Sam and Fito out for pizza and a movie. Sam and Fito have been arguing about which movie for the past half hour.

And me? I’m going out to dinner with Marcos. It was my idea. He gets to pick the restaurant—?and I get to pay.

It’s time I get to know the man who loves my father. It’s time.

Benjamin Alire Saenz's books