The Hot Shot (Game On #4)

“Put me down, asshole!” The floor is way too far below.

“I will. Once we’re in our room.” He gives my butt a light slap.

“Jesus, you really are a caveman.”

“I prefer the Tarzan and Jane scenario,” he says easily. “I’d look great in a loincloth, don’t you think?”

“God, the ego on you.” However, I silently agree.

Chuckling, he weaves a bit, which freaks me out ,and I clutch the waistband of his jeans. “If you drop me, I will kill you.”

“I’m not gonna drop you.” He enters the bedroom and stops. “No, I lied. I am totally dropping you.”

With that, he plops me down onto his bed, more gently than I’d imagined. I don’t even bounce. I do, however, sit up and glare. “You crazy asshole.”

He just stands there grinning. “Stick and stones, Chess.”

“That doesn’t even make sense.”

Finn scratches the back of his neck and frowns. “Huh. I guess it doesn’t.” With a shrug, he flops onto the bed next to me, and the entire frame groans in protest.

I roll onto my side and really look him over. His skin is rosy and his eyes are glazed. The goofy, crooked smile is back in place. “Hey,” he says. “Hey, Chess.”


“What, what?” he asks back, and then snickers.

I frown. The scent of beer and roast meat wafts off him. It isn’t a bad smell but not the norm. “Are you drunk?”

Supine on the bed, Finn lets out an expansive sigh. “Yeah.”

I bite back a laugh. “Well, at least you’re honest about it.”

“Kind of hard to hide it.” He turns his head and eyes me. “Let’s fuck.”

The laugh I’ve been fighting escapes me, shocked and a bit breathless. “Yeah, let’s not.”

I only mostly mean it. Whenever Finn says fuck like that, my body reacts. Needy, but true.

His blue eyes are big and pleading. “But I want you.”

“I’m not big on having sex with drunk men.”

“Don’t knock drunken sex till you try it.” He gives me a leer that looks more cross-eyed than anything.

I snort. “Sorry, but no.”

“You think I’ll complain later that you took advantage of me?” Finn flicks the edge of his teeth with his tongue. “I promise you I won’t.”

“Maybe I’m afraid you won’t remember my name in the morning,” I tease.

“Not possible,” he murmurs. “You’re always on my mind.” He giggles then. An actual giggle. “It’s like that Willie Nelson song.” He starts singing “You Were Always On My Mind” with an awful twang, but he gives into more giggling laughter halfway through the first refrain.

“I thought that was an Elvis song.”

“Whatever the case…” He takes a big breath and sings, “give me one more chance to keep you satisfied…”

“If you don’t stop crooning like Willie, I’m going to leave,” I warn with a grin.

Finn’s face goes blank for a second and then he tries his best Elvis instead. He gets out two words before we both crack up. We lay on the bed laughing full out for a good minute before he catches my gaze with his. The last vestiges of my self-pity melt away and there is Finn and this moment where we’re both panting and teary-eyed with laughter.

His expression turns tender. “I fucking adore you.”

God, my heart. I can’t take it. I trace the curve of his eyebrow. “You’ve grown on me too, Mannus.”

“I’m like fungus that way,” he agrees happily.

Leaning in, I kiss his forehead. He tries to catch my mouth, but misses and gets my chin.

“Okay, big boy,” I say, rising to my knees. “Let’s get you undressed.”

“For sex?” He blinks up at me with hopeful eyes.

“For bed.”

“Have you always been this mean?” he pouts, kicking off his shoes. One hits the bathroom door with a thud. Which is impressive since it’s all the way on the other side of the room.


“Okay.” Finn sighs and stretches out his arms like he’s about to make bed angels.

“Clothes, Finn.”

“Right. And she claims she doesn’t want me.”

Helping Finn out of his clothes isn’t easy. He’s freaking heavy when he isn’t trying. And then there’s the loopy grin he won’t stop giving me. It’s adorable and annoying all at once. Especially when he gets tangled in his shirt. I finally free him and then tackle his jeans.

“Lift your ass so I can get these off.”

“You say the sexiest things, Chester.”

I roll my eyes and tug when he complies. His jeans and boxer briefs come off as one and I’m left holding them while staring down at the glory that is his nude body stretched on the bed. And it is glorious, no doubt about that.

He gives me a heated look through lowered lids. “You’re staring at my dick.”

“It’s hard.”

So hard. The thick rod points straight upward. My sex tightens in response.

Finn skims a hand over his length. “It’s a Chess related condition. Wanna help me out with it?”

Yes. I want to suck it like a lollipop then sink onto it and… Down girl. No, no, no.

“You’re relentless,” I say, tossing aside his clothes.

“Also a Chess related condition.”

“Mmmhmmm. Come on, get under the covers.”

“Not until you undress too.”

The firm set of his chin tells me he’s not going to let this go. With a sigh, I pull off my clothes, aware of his observation. It’s the way he watches that really gets to me, though. He clearly likes what he sees, but there’s a tenderness to his expression, as if he’s drinking me in, memorizing every line of my body, cherishing it, that makes my heart clench.

I shake off the feeling and stand by his side. “There. Now we can both go to sleep.”

“You are so fucking beautiful,” he says.

I clear my throat but my voice is still raspy. “You’re beautiful too.”

He doesn’t seem to hear me but keeps gazing at my face as if I’m an answer to an old riddle. “How did I get so lucky finding you?”