The Hot Shot (Game On #4)

“What? Just now?” Rolondo’s brows lift high. “I thought you’ve been hitting that since the beginning.”

“Hey.” I glare at him, and he holds his hands up in peace.

“Sorry, sorry. I thought you were having relations with Ms. Copper since you met her.”

I roll my eyes and he laughs.

“Anyway,” I say. “She has her insurance check so she can get a new place but—”

“Let her move out,” North cuts in. “For the love of all that’s holy, just let her go and take it slow.”

Yeah. No.

“I get that you’re coming off a bad relationship, but I don’t see the problem with Chess staying. I want her to stay.”

He utters a long suffering sigh. “You ever live with a woman?”

“I’ve been living with her for a while now.”

“Yeah, but you haven’t been fucking—having relations—with her until now.”

Jake snickers, and I flip him off, as North keeps talking.

“Being roommates is one thing. You start sleeping with her and suddenly she’s going to expect more. Girlfriends have rights.” He hold up a hand and starts counting off on his fingers. “The right to know where you’re going. Where you’ve been.”

“I don’t mind telling her those things. I want her to know.”

North’s eyes drill into me. “The right to complain when your job keeps you away.”

“That’s true,” Jake says. “They do complain.”

“When have you had a relationship?” I scoff.

“I’ve dated. They always complain. Hell, hookups complain when you roll out of bed to gear up for practice.”

Rolondo nods. “Fellas be talking about how their wives give them shit all season. And you don’t even want to know about training camp woes they’ll lay on your shoulders. Especially if you have kids.”

Frustration claws up my throat, and I run a hand over my face. “You guys are supposed to be making me feel better, not telling me this.”

“Oh, is that what we’re doing here?” Rolondo asks with a laugh.

I look at Dex who is still brooding. “You’re living with Fiona. Help me out.”

He stares at me for a long moment. “I don’t regret living with Fiona for a second. I love it.”

“See,” I say to the doomsday crew, while gesturing toward Dex.

“But,” Dex continues in that maddeningly methodical way of his. “I think she wants to cut and run on me.”

“What?” Rolondo and I say at the same time.

Dex looks completely blank as he picks at his thumbnail. “She’s depressed about all this shit, and instead of turning to me, she’s retreating.” It’s almost ponderous the way he tries to lift his shoulders in a shrug. “So I guess there’s truth to what they’re saying. This life isn’t easy on our loved ones. Not by a long shot.”

I slump back in my chair, as the guys start peppering Dex about his girl. My mind drifts to Chess. We always talk things out. Our relationship is built on communication; we had that down pat before we even touched each other. Chess wouldn’t retreat.

Yeah, but she’s been hesitant about you this whole time. She’s one step from freaking even now. How is she going to be for the long haul? When you’re gone more than you’re around. Do you blame her? Who would want that?

Heartburn hits me in a rush, and I rub at my chest. Fuck, why did I go out with the guys? Ignorance truly is bliss. The future is a dark, murky place I want no part of anymore.

North glances my way, his gaze knowing. “You’re thinking about it now, aren’t you?”

“Fuck you,” I say without any heat. I know he’s only looking out for me. I still hate him a little at the moment.

“Don’t listen to all of this shit,” Dex says in a low voice. “I have friends who are in good relationships, happy relationships.”

“Are you happy?” I can’t help but ask.

He strokes his beard, clearly thinking about how to answer, which doesn’t bode well. We all fall silent, waiting.

“I’m in flux,” he finally says. “I’m in love with a woman, and she is my joy. And that scares the shit out of me.”

The table is silent as we all take in his words. North nods slightly, looking so mournful, my heartburn rises.

“Am I happy?” Dex repeats. “Yeah. I’m happy as much as a clueless guy can be. Am I at peace? No, not yet. But I’m working on that.”

“I’m depressed,” Jake announces, shoving his plate back from his place. “This conversation is depressing.”

“We can’t always be talking about the next Zelda expansion pass,” I say, shoving my plate back too.

Jake rolls his eyes but then looks at me. “What are you going to do?”

“I asked her to stay with me. I can’t take that back.” I. Don’t. Want. To. “So I guess I’ll proceed with caution and hope for the best.”

Sometimes I really fucking hate that I can read people so well, because my guys clearly think my new plan is crap. They’re kind enough not to say it out loud but the damage is done. By the time I head home in a cab, I’m popping antacids, in a foul mood, and slightly drunk.

Chapter Seventeen


* * *

Finn isn’t there when I get home. And I have to laugh at myself because I’d expected him to be. After all my huffing about independence and the chokehold of living with someone, I hate that I come home to an empty place. Oh, irony, you bitter bitch.

I find his note on the kitchen counter.

Went to Rolondo’s house for dinner. Didn’t want to text and interrupt your friend time.

See? Totally giving you space. ;-)


At the bottom of the note, he’s drawn a smiling stick figure of a guy wearing a crown and holding a football and… I lean closer, peering at the drawing in the dim light, then let out a spurt of laughter. “Sick, sick man.”

Stick figure Finn also has an enormous stick dick. And it is clearly happy.