The Hot Shot (Game On #4)

“Can’t hold it in, Manny?” Dillon teases.

“Heard it’s bad for the prostate,” I say blandly.

Wooster snorts. “Wouldn’t want Manny to lose his shit on the field, now would we?”

That’s exactly what he’d love. But, despite what people might think, we’re not exactly enemies either.

Even so, I give him the finger. “Spin on this a bit, Rooster.”

Altman snorts. “Dick around on your own time, kids.”

But he lets us go. Thank fuck.

As soon as we’re out in the hall, Dillon is on the phone, making no effort to keep his voice down. “Hey, baby,” he croons. “Just got out. Yeah. Yeah.” He nods along to whatever his wife is saying.

I know it’s his wife because he always calls her after meeting, and he always calls her baby.

I walk a little ahead of him, trying to get out of earshot but maintenance is buffing the floors and going is slow.

“She sleeping yet?” Dillon asks his wife. There’s a pause, and then the man truly croons. “Baby girl. That’s right, it’s Daddy.” The sound of a babish squawk comes from the vicinity of the phone, and he chuckles.

I move around an equipment hamper, but get caught up at the door to the gym. Dillion ends the call with his wife, promising to be home soon. The look on his face is so contented and softly joyful, it feels like I’m invading his privacy.

But he catches my eye and grins wider. “Vera’s starting to stand up now.”

Vera. Right. I knew that. “She’s about a year?”

“Ten months.” He pulls a photo up on his phone and shows me.

Dillon’s wife is blonde and beautiful in a homecoming queen sort of way. Their daughter is a perfect blend of them, her hair a riot of tight brass-colored ringlets, her skin light brow and dewy with youth. Bright hazel eyes shine as she smiles at the camera, displaying two front teeth.

It almost hurts to look at her, she’s so cute and happy. “She’s beautiful, man.”

“I know this,” Dillon says proudly. He gives me a friendly clasp on the shoulder. “Best thing in life, man, having a family. No matter what shit these guys tell you.”

The family men are always trying to convert us poor, soulless singles. Jake claims it’s so they feel better about being trapped. I used to agree. Now, I’m not so sure.

Dillon heads out, and I’m left rubbing the tightness along my chest. The place is fairly deserted right now, most of the guys having long since gone home. I turn the corner and enter the gym on the way to the locker room. The familiar scent of metal, rubber, and lingering sweat soothes a little.

Rolondo is working the leg press, his muscles straining as he huffs and pushes his legs out straight.

“You should be working with a spotter,” I tell him. “At least if you’re going for the free weights.”

“Yeah, yeah.” The weights clank as he lowers them too fast. He grabs a towel and wipes the sweat from his face. “What you doin’ here, Manny? Everyone else has scattered like roaches to the light.”

I laugh. “I could ask the same of you.”

He rises with a groan and then stretches. “Lost track of time.”

Wooster walks in, wearing the smarmy expression that he never truly seems to drop. “You guys hear about Dex?”

“I heard,” Rolondo deadpans while shooting him an annoyed look.

“I haven’t.” Concern makes my words sharp. “What’s going on? Is he all right?”

“He’s fine,” Rolondo says. “It’s nothing but some nonsense bullshit.”

Wooster ignores Rolondo. “PR released a few photos of that beefcake calendar you all are in.”

Beefcake? I feel an eye roll coming on. But it’s news to me that PR sent out photos. I’m guessing I’m not in them or I would have heard. I think about Chess looking over the shots we took and feel exposed all over again. Shaking the sensation off, I wave my hand at Wooster to continue.

“Press was all over Dex’s photo.” He glances at Rolondo with a glint in his eyes. “Guess they found it the most interesting.”

Rolondo makes a lazy jerk off gesture.

But Wooster goes on. “Dex’s old teammate gave an interview, claiming that Dex is a virgin. Next thing you know, some crazy ass dating service got wind of the story and is offering a bounty of his virginity.”

For a second, I can only stare, my mind spinning. “What the hell?”

Seriously, what the hell?

“How did I miss this?” I ask no one in particular.

“Too busy searching for your own press?” Wooster throws out.

I glance at Rolondo. “He okay?”

“He’s fine. Like I said…” He gives Wooster another nasty look. “…It’s just some dumb bullshit.”

I doubt Dex is as okay as Rolondo claims. Dex covets his privacy like a miser hoards gold. Not that I blame him; none of us exactly relish our private life being exposed. I make a note to call Dex as soon as I’m alone.

“I heard the photographer is a woman,” Wooster says, cutting into my thoughts.

My head snaps up, my gaze narrowing as something hot surges in my gut. “What the fuck does that have to do with anything?”

Rolondo starts shaking his head. “Man,” he mutters under his breath.

Wooster, however, clearly sees blood in the water and is just that stupid. “Guess it doesn’t. Just heard that she was hot in a The Fast and the Furious kind of way.”

I take a step in his direction. Blood pounds in my head. “Fast and the Furious?”

“Yeah, you know a lowrider hood ornament that you fuck fast and furi—”

My hand is wrapped around his throat before he can finish. I don’t remember moving, but I’m not letting go. “You want to keep that tongue,” I grit out, “I suggest you shut the fuck up.”

Wooster claws at my arm, but he can’t get free. But then he relaxes with a smile. “I get it. You’re fucking her. Nice, man. Bet she’s getting around with a job like that.”

Two steps forward, and I’m slamming him into the wall. “You need to shut the fuck up, asshole.”