The Game Plan

“Miss?” The flight attendant is hovering. “You have to turn off your phone now.”

I glance at her, tears in my eyes, holding up a hand. “I’ve got to go,” I say into the phone. “I’ll be in New York tonight. I…just… I’m sorry, okay? Call me?” I lick my dry lips. “Okay, then. Bye.”

Ending the call, I sit back and stare out the small window. And hope he still wants me too.

Chapter Seventeen


I don’t see the message waiting for me until I’m out of the shower and scrubbing a towel over my dripping hair. I don’t know how long I stand there, phone in my hand, deliberating over whether I want to hear what Fiona has to say now or later.

The room is cool, prickling my bare skin. I should get dressed, go down to dinner with Ivy and Gray. I’d rather not talk to them or anyone. Just go back to my empty-ass town house in NOLA and paint until my eyes blur.

But Fi called. Which means I’m going to listen; I’ll never ignore her.

My heart thuds hard against my ribs as I hit the play button and put the phone to my ear. Her slightly husky, lilting voice is a kick in the guts. God, I miss her.

Then I listen, really listen. And slowly sink to the floor. My lips wobble on a grin as I lean my head back against the edge of the bed.

I listen to her rambling, breathy message again and again. I want her so badly my muscles tighten with the need to move. A low laugh leaves me. I can’t help it. I’m happy. Truly happy. I still have no idea how to make this work. But I know one thing: I have a chance with Fiona Mackenzie. Protecting that has now become my number-one priority.

* * *


“Hey. I got your message.” Even though it’s through the phone, Dex’s voice sinks into my heart and warms it all up.

“Yeah?” It’s all I can think to say, I’m so nervous. Me. Nervous over a guy. Over a football player. Next thing you know, I’ll be buying his jersey. Although, really, I probably should show a little Dexter support.

“Yeah,” he says back to me softly.

I lean my head against the stinky cab seat and just smile. “So…we’re good?”

“Cherry, let me lay this down for you. I’m all in. I want you. I always have.” That voice of his goes deeper. “You going to let me have you?”

Jesus. I cross my legs tightly, heat pulsing through me. “You’ve already had me.”

“That was only a taste.” It’s a rumble in my ear, all his need and impatience a driving force that leaves me breathless and thrumming. “I want more.”

“Ethan. You’re killing me.”

He curses under his breath, and I hear him sigh. “I’m killing myself. I know this isn’t ideal. Just…” He’s clearly struggling to give me some word of comfort. “Can you place your trust in me? That I’ll find a way for us to be together?”

My hand cradles the phone to my cheek, a weak substitute for touching him. But it’s all I have. “I can do that.”

Again he sighs. This time it sounds relieved. “Thank you. Look, I’m going to go. I…” He stalls out. It’s like I can actually hear his mind switching gears, so the sudden lightness in his voice isn’t even a surprise, though his words are. “Found your panties balled up at the bottom of my bed, Cherry.”

I choke out a laugh. “God. Give them to Ivy and she’ll mail them back to me.”

He makes a noise of disbelief. “You want me to give your underwear to your sister? Hell no.”

“Dex! Those are Myla.”

They’d been a very expensive birthday present from Ivy, who knew I always shopped at their boutique when I went to London to visit our mom.

“I have no idea what Myla is, darlin’, but they’re soon to be wrapped around my cock. If I can’t have you, I’m fucking the panties.”

With that, the big bastard hangs up. And I just know he did it with a smile on his face.

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Kristen Callihan's books