The Game Plan

Well, perhaps one thing: witnessing Ethan Dexter come. I swear, I could have an orgasm just watching him, the way his big body starts to quiver, his brows drawing up tight as though he’s in actual pain. But it’s mostly the way he gives himself over to it, pounding into me like he’d die if he stopped, the almost desperate sounds he makes, somewhere between a whimper and a groan.

That this big, strong, normally self-contained man falls apart for me makes me fall a little deeper every time. And I’d wanted him to stay in bed with me. Possibly never leave it.

But annoying Gray began texting and then calling up the stairs, nagging Dex to get his ass up and get ready.

“He’s not going to let this go,” Dex had muttered.

“This is some sort of sick payback, isn’t it?” I flopped onto my back.

“Guys are kind of assholes that way.” He sat up with a groan.

So while he showered and went to work out, I slipped back into sleep, a boneless bliss known only to those who have been thoroughly worked over.

As soon as I wake, I want him here. He’s been gone for two hours, and I miss him with a terrible ache that swims through my bones. My stomach should be in knots over my work mess, but instead it’s fluttery with anticipation. I can’t wait to hear his voice, see all those deeply weighted thoughts going on in his agate eyes. I want to feel his solid warmth, touch his body.

God, my hands twitch with the need to wrap themselves around that thick, strong cock of his, to play with the silver piercing and hear him make those low, needy groans.

I have to press my legs together to ease the emptiness there.

All this and it’s only been a few days with him. Already I’m addicted. One hit and he is my drug of choice. And what good will this do when I have to go back to New York?

The ringing of my phone pulls me out of my thoughts.

The caller ID says it’s my co-worker Alice. Which is weird enough that I answer.

“Hey,” Alice’s voice is thin, the sound of traffic loud in the background. “You having fun in San Fran?”

Fun isn’t the word for what I’m having. Super happy lust tornado? Pleasure palace experience of a lifetime?

“No complaints,” I say casually. Which is also a gross understatement. “What’s up?”

I don’t usually get calls from Alice.

“Felix pulled us all into a meeting today. Said he was planning on naming his new assistant designer on Friday morning.”

I bolt upright, my spine so stiff it hurts. “Friday? But I’m not back in until Monday.”

Alice makes a noise that sounds a lot like duh although she’s too nice to say it outright. She’s already a junior designer, so she’s got nothing to worry about. I, on the other hand, am clearly up shit creek without a paddle.

“And since when did he plan on having a new assistant?” I practically squeal.

“Probably after the millionth time Elena mentioned how good it would be for him to have one. She’s been getting really cozy with him this week.”

Alice is one of the few people in the office who sees Elena for what she is, and who vocally disapproves. At least to me. Which makes us comrades of a sort.

“Of course she is,” I say, my blood rising hot over my chest and face. “I knew I shouldn’t have gone on vacation. Shit.”

“Look, normally I wouldn’t say this, but you might want to consider cutting your vacay short. Get in here and show Felix what you’ve got. Something new and not tainted by Elena.”

I’m already up, hurrying to my room as fast as my short legs can carry me. I refuse to look back at the bed I’ve just left. But it doesn’t matter. It haunts me still, like a cold fist grinding down my spine. “Thanks for the head’s up.”

She makes a noise of disgust. “If that little bitch gets a promotion, there will be no living with her. I’m likely to take a walk into rush-hour traffic.”

“I’ll join you.”

“Besides, it’s only a matter of time before she starts copying someone else, and I’m not going to be her next victim.”

“There’s the Alice I know.” I laugh without much humor. “Keep calm; I’m on it.”

Kristen Callihan's books