The Game Plan

“Okay, then.” Her hand smoothes down my shirt. “I’m glad we had this talk.”

I can’t help giving her another quick kiss. It feels too good, even if I’m in the doghouse. “Can we get to the make-up sex now?” I ask, wanting to make her laugh. “I’ve heard good things.”

Thankfully, Fi laughs and gives my pec a little punch. “Yeah, I bet.” Her smile falls fast. “I need to tell you something first.”

Honestly, she could tell me she robbed a bank, and I’d say fine by me. But I keep my expression neutral, trying manfully not to grin like a fool. She’s here. She’s still mine. That’s all that matters.

“All right. Tell me what you did, Cherry.”

As soon as she gets whatever it is off her chest, I’m going to fuck her until my dick gives out on me.

Chapter Thirty-Five


Ethan is clearly fighting a smug grin, looking as though he’s plotting all sorts of nefarious ways to fuck me. Which would be hot if I wasn’t so nervous that I might throw up at any second.

Even so, I take the moment to soak him in. God, he feels good. Solid and warm. I’m dying to stick my nose in the center of his chest and just breathe. The ever-thickening bulge growing in his sweats is distracting and delicious. I’ve missed his gorgeous cock. Without thinking, I press myself against it. He grunts, his hold on me tightening.

But I can’t do this when he’s touching me. Giving his meaty biceps a kiss, I step out of his embrace. Ethan frowns, but he lets me go.

“All right,” he says, running a hand through his hair, sending strands flowing around his face. “Now you’re starting to freak me out. What’s going on, Fi?”

I love that he doesn’t even ask why I’m here, just why I’m worried. I hold on to that fact as I trace a vein in the white marble countertop. “I quit my job.”

I love the way he can smile with just his eyes. And I love the tenderness I see in them now.

His big palm comes to rest near mine. “You did something you were afraid of but needed to do. I’m proud of you, Fiona.”

A shaky breath flows out of me. “Thanks. I’m proud of me too. It feels good. I’m going to start a furniture-making business, selling my work through my friends’ store in New York. And then maybe do a little design consulting on my own.”

Ethan blinks, his stoic features never moving, and I can tell he’s trying to figure out why I’m freaked if I’m happy. Because I am seriously about to freak out. A slow shake starts in my belly and radiates outward as I search for words.

He sees it and immediately steps closer, his warm, calloused hands rubbing over my upper arms. “Cherry…”

“I know everything is up in the air. I just quit. We haven’t been together long. But I just…I don’t know. Thing is,” I babble on, “I thought I’d visit you for a while. I brought some things and maybe—”

“Stay,” he cuts in, his fingers gripping my arm as if he’s going to physically hold me here. And then that isn’t enough for him because he sweeps me off my feet in that effortless way of his.

I give a little yelp of surprise and wrap my arms around his neck as he carries me into the living room in three long strides. I’m on the couch in his lap the next moment.

His eyes are wide and brilliant as he strokes my cheeks. “Stay with me.”

“Well,” I say, squeezing the back of his neck. “That was the plan. I want you for more than a sad little weekend. A month or so would be much better.”

His lush mouth tilts on a smile, but it doesn’t fully bloom. He stares into my eyes, his expression almost shy. “No. Not a month, Cherry.” The tip of his thumb touches my lower lip. I don’t miss the way he trembles too. “Live with me. Here. Make a life with me.”

His words strike us both mute. Ethan looks as if he can’t really believe he made the offer. Me? I can’t believe it either.

His thighs shift and harden beneath me, and I realize he’s holding his breath. Maybe I am too, because I exhale on a long, ragged sigh.

Kristen Callihan's books