The Fire Between High & Lo (Elements #2)

“Chill out, Logan. Everything’s okay,” Kellan said.

“No. Take me back,” he hollered, leaping up from my lap and diving at the wheel, making Kellan swerve the car. “Take me back!” We both tried to stop him, to get him to control himself, to get him to calm down, but before we could, Kellan lost control.

The car took a sharp left.

And everything went black.

Chapter Twelve


When my eyes opened, I was in a hospital bed, and sunlight was shining through my window. I tried to turn away, but everything hurt. “Shit,” I muttered.

“You okay?” a voice said. I twisted my head over to see Kellan sitting in a chair with packets in his hand, and a large bandage on his forehead. He was wearing a hoodie, and sweatpants, and missing the smile that was always on his face.

“No. I feel like I’ve been hit by a semi-truck.”

“Or maybe like you hit a freaking building,” someone else murmured. I turned to my left to see Erika. Her arms were crossed, and her stare harsh. Beside her was a man in a bowtie holding a notepad, and Jacob was in the far corner, sitting on the countertop.

What happened? Why was Jacob with Kellan?

“You don’t remember?” Kellan asked, sounding somewhat short with me.

“Remember what?”

“Driving into a freaking building!” Erika exclaimed, her voice shaky. The man beside her put a comforting hand on her shoulder. I closed my eyes, trying to remember what happened, but everything seemed a blur.

“Logan.” Kellan pinched the bridge of his nose. “We found you passed out on a front porch. Then we were trying to bring you to the hospital to get you checked out, you panicked and took control of the wheel, making us hit a building.”

“What?” My throat was dry. “Are you okay?”

He nodded, but Erika disagreed. “Show him your side, Kellan.”

“Stop, Erika.”

“No. He needs to see this. He needs to see what he’s done.”

Kellan lowered his head, staring at his shoes. “Drop it, Erika.”

“Show me,” I ordered. He rubbed the back of his neck as he pulled up his hoodie, showing his whole left side which was black, blue, and shades of purple from top to bottom. “Holy shit. I did that?”

“It’s fine,” Kellan said.

“It’s not,” Erika snapped.

She’s right, it’s not.

“Kel, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to…”

“That’s not even the worst of it! You almost killed my sister!” she shouted.

My heart dropped to my gut.



My greatest high.

“What happened to Alyssa? Where is she?” I barked, trying to sit up, but failing from the pain that shot through my back.

“Logan, relax. The doctors are helping Alyssa. But right now is about you. We brought someone here to help you,” Kellan said.

“Help me what? I don’t need anyone’s help. What happened to Alyssa?” I felt the walls in the room closing in. What was I doing here? Why was everyone looking at me as if I were damaged goods? Why won’t they tell me about Alyssa?

“We’re all here because we love you,” Kellan tried to explain. Then it clicked in my head. I realized why the bowtie man was standing in the room. I read one of the packets in Kellan’s hands, and I closed my eyes tight. They’re having an intervention for me. In a hospital room.

“Love?” I hissed, my voice filled with bitterness as I slowly realized what was going on. “Bullshit.”

“Come on, Logan. That’s not fair,” Kellan said. I turned to meet Kellan’s heavy eyes as he looked at me with fear, worry.

“Don’t ‘come on, Logan,’ me, Kellan. So what?” I looked up from my fidgeting hands. “This is an intervention? You all think I’m so fucked up that you had to gather into a hospital room and embarrass the living shit out of me because you think I’m dangerous? You have to bring in people that don’t give two shits about me? I made one mistake last night.” I gestured toward Jacob. “It’s pretty hypocritical to have the asshole who got high with me last week here, don’t you think? Jacob, I’m almost positive you’re fucked up right now.”

Jacob frowned. “Come on, Logan…”

“No. And Erika, I don’t even know why the hell you’re even here. You can’t stand me,” I said.

“I don’t hate you, Logan.” She swallowed hard. “Come on, that’s harsh.”

Brittainy Cherry's books