The Enforcer (Untamed Hearts Book 3)

Carina passed out on the couch in her bra and shorts. Paco, shirtless and barefoot in only his jeans, was sleeping with his face pressed between her tits like that was the greatest place in the world to be.

Bobby was sprawled out shirtless on the floor next to them in a sea of DVDs. It was just all very strange, very scary, and had Tino mumbling, “I guess we shouldn’t have left her alone.”

“Probably not,” Nova agreed as he looked to Bobby. “I thought he was gay.”

“I don’t think he knows what he is.” Tino was fairly certain of it, because Bobby had been damaged too young. Tino had his own issues, and he’d been two years older than Bobby before the Brambinos got ahold of him. “And he was rolling pretty hard.”

“Did one of them fuck her?” Nova asked like Tino was supposed to know the answer.

“Maybe.” Tino shrugged. “It’s not like she’s against the idea.”

“I hope they used something.” Nova glanced back to Carina and Paco. “If she’s knocked up, we’re as good as dead. Someone’s burying both of us.” Then he looked to Tino. “Speaking of, did you use something? If you break it, you buy it, Valentino. We’re not making any more Moretti bastardi in this family.”

“I didn’t fuck Brianna,” Tino said evenly. “Her shirt is still on. Go look if you don’t believe it.”

Nova just stared at him. “But she was rolling.”


“And you were rolling.”


Nova frowned. “I heard her. Even if I’m not paying attention at the time, it’s still there in my mind. I remember it later.”

“My hand to God.” Tino held up his hand as proof. “I didn’t fuck her.”

Nova was silent for a while before he asked, “Why not?”

“’Cause I didn’t want to.” Tino laughed. “Is that an issue?”

“But I heard a girl moaning. I know I heard it. For a really long time. All night.” Nova looked back down at Carina and Paco and mumbled, “I need more coffee. I think I just need a lot more coffee.”

Tino walked over and flicked Paco’s ear, making him jerk awake. Paco turned to Tino defensively like he was ready to punch one of his brothers. “?Que?”

“Did you fuck my sister?” Tino growled at him. He pointed to Carina’s forehead as she stretched out lazily under Paco. “And don’t tell me you didn’t know who she was.”

“Nah.” Paco jumped off Carina so fast he ended up falling flat on his face, mostly because his pants were pushed down his thighs. “I didn’t! I swear!”

“Oh my God,” Nova whispered as he turned from the kitchen and watched Paco pull his jeans over his hips. “He definitely stuck his dick in her.” He held up his hand in disbelief. “The fuck, Paco. Is there a * shortage in El Barrio we don’t know about? Frankie will cut it off for this. She’s the don’s only granddaughter. You actually soiled the Moretti name. You insulted it.”

“I didn’t! We just—”

“It was third base at most,” Carina assured both of them as she sat up and worked on tying her hair up with a band she pulled off her wrist. “He mainly sucked on my tits.”

“She looks like you!” Paco pointed to Nova. “I knew she was your sister. I’m not loco. I wouldn’t fuck her.”

“You’d just go to third base with her,” Nova clarified.

“She has great tetas.” Paco winced and gestured to Carina. “You see them.”

“I do. Gracias for that.” Nova took another drink of coffee and arched an annoyed eyebrow at Paco. “That made my morning. It’s right up there with hearing you sucked on them but stopped short of fucking her because she looked like me.”

“That came out wrong,” Paco argued. “I didn’t mean—”

“I think I need coffee now,” Tino cut him off, because he was almost as bothered by this as Nova.

Carina leaped over the couch and followed him, extremely spry considering her lack of sleep. She stole the cup he had gotten for himself right out of his hand and held it out expectantly.

“No, you don’t get any,” he argued in Italian as he got himself another cup. “You just let strange men suck on your tette? You don’t even know Paco.”

Carina shrugged. “He seemed nice.”

“You think they’re all nice.” Tino poured himself some coffee.

“I’m saving myself,” Carina said in near flawless Italian, because she’d been practicing with him for over three years. “I’m waiting for the man of my dreams.”

Tino snorted. “Stronzate.”

Carina flipped him off in response, while still holding her cup out as if expecting him to go ahead and fill it.

Damn if he didn’t do it.

“What about you?” Carina asked as she drank her coffee black like Nova did. “Did you fuck my best friend?”

“No.” He shook his head, but Carina huffed with disbelief as Tino went to the fridge to get himself sweetened creamer he kept there. “I didn’t.”

“I heard her,” Carina said slowly. “I think we all did.”

“Sapevo che era stata lei!” Nova came between them and pointed at Tino. “I knew I heard her! You motherfucker!”

“I did not fuck Brianna.”

Kele Moon's books