The Enforcer (Untamed Hearts Book 3)

Tino answered by draping himself over her, crushing her into the thin mattress. She wrapped her legs around him on instinct, because he felt so amazing lying there between her thighs, and she wanted to touch him everywhere all at once.

“Like this,” he explained, and when the next hard gasp of pleasure came from the other bedroom, he thrust against her, making Brianna jerk and cry out under him because the ecstasy vibrated through her body like a bolt of electricity. “Good. I wanna hear you.” He leaned down and licked at her neck once more. “Lemme hear you, Bri. Gimme that.”

He pushed his hips against hers again.

And again.

And again.

She touched his back, feeling the scarred muscles under her fingers, but he grabbed her hands and forced them against the bed.

Tino trapped her there and made her feel the pleasure of him moving against her until she wasn’t hearing the moans in the other room anymore. She barely even noticed the scream of release that was cut off suddenly, as if someone had kissed the other woman, keeping the bliss for themself.

She was too busy fighting for her own release, moaning, panting, feeling like she was burning up from the inside out. Her shirt was sticking to her. Her hair was clinging to her sweaty neck, but Tino felt so good. His weight, the chafe of him moving just right, hitting her in a way that forced everything to wind tighter, making her moans louder and more desperate.

“Gimme something nice to think about.” Tino licked her collarbone and thrust against her again. “Make it easier for me, baby.” There was so much unrestrained desperation there, like she could somehow heal Tino just by lying there and feeling him. “You’re beautiful. Do you know how fucking beautiful you are to me?”

She believed him, deeply, in a way she’d never thought to believe a compliment in her life.

So maybe that was why she bowed under him, shuddering with the next hard thrust. Crying out for anyone to hear, but then Tino captured her lips with his, swallowing her pleasure like he wanted to keep it to himself.

It was a kiss like the ones on the train, tongues brushing, open and hungry.

She got so caught up, and the pleasure didn’t stop like she expected it to. It peaked and then built again, making her want it more, and more, and more, and she didn’t think that was how it was supposed to work.

“I need it again. Something beautiful.” Tino panted into her mouth. “Okay?”

She nodded breathlessly. “Okay.”

So she gave it to him again.

And again.

And again.

Until Tino started pushing against her extra hard, extra fast. Then his muscles tightened as he shuddered and cursed in Italian against the curve of her neck.

But they could never seem to stop moving.

Stop needing.

It got soft for a little while. Soft kisses. Soft touches over sweaty, clingy, sticky clothes.

Then it got hard again.

With that dirty train kissing Brianna liked so much.


Crying out.

It didn’t stop until the early-morning light came in, washing away the ghostly glare from the street lamps. It was just plain light. No life. No personality, and it sort of gave her a headache with all that unoriginality.

So she fell asleep with Tino draped over her to hide from it.

And looked for the ghosts in her dreams.

Chapter Twenty-Three

The ecstasy comedown took longer than Tino expected.

No wonder he sold so much shit.

He was still feeling relatively upbeat despite the lack of sleep when he’d left Brianna passed out on the bottom bunk, still dressed, because he didn’t think there was a drug in existence that would allow him to take her virginity when the two of them were high.

He took a quick shower, knowing he was supposed to be freaking out.

’Cause he was fairly certain he was broken now.

He wanted to crawl into that bunk and stay with Brianna forever. Everything in him needed to shut the door and hide with her. To find a way to escape his life.

Even if he knew it could be so much worse, tasting the other side, seeing what it could be like with someone he liked… It made him think that maybe his life did suck—epically—in really terrible and fucked-up ways and some sort of weird coping mechanism had kicked in at some point to let him dismiss it.

Usually he could deal, but this morning, the idea of touching another woman…

Of touching Mary…

He shuddered and just decided not to think about it as he tugged on the clean pair of jeans he brought with him into the bathroom, and then towel dried his hair. He might as well enjoy the ride for as long as it lasted.

He was going to crawl back into his old bunk bed and pretend reality wasn’t ever going to show up, but he walked past the living room and stopped.

Nova was standing there looking over the back of the couch and drinking a cup of coffee. A deep frown was etched into his forehead as he said, “What I can’t figure out is if he just showed up like he smelled an Italiana in heat or if she went out and found him.”

Tino stared at the same thing Nova was looking at.

Kele Moon's books