The Ending I Want

He looks so strong, so beautiful, driving his car.

Those feelings I have for him twist inside me.

I swallow against them. “Sure.” My voice comes out scratchy, so I clear my throat.

He flickers a glance at me before looking back to the road ahead.

There’s a pause before he says, “I know you said you don’t talk about your family—”

“I don’t. And I meant that.” My words are hard. I hate the way my voice sounds.

He doesn’t deserve my harshness. He’s been nothing but good to me.

I turn my face away, feeling ashamed. “I’m sorry,” I whisper. “I didn’t mean to snap.”

His hand touches my hand, surprising me, bringing my eyes back to him.

“Don’t be. I didn’t mean to pry. I was just wondering about how they met. You said they met in Oxford…and curiosity just got the better of me. I’m the one who’s sorry, babe.”

His apology makes me feel worse.

And it makes me want to tell him. Talk to him.

I’ve never felt the urge to talk about my family out loud since they died. In my head, I think about them all the time. I talk to them all the time.

But it always felt like if I talked about them…then it would make everything so much more real. Would make me feel their loss even more than I already did.

Maybe now is the time to talk about them, right before I go to join them.

If they can hear me, then they’ll know that I think of them all the time.

Maybe I should have been talking about them all along.

But then again, I’ve never let myself get close enough to anyone to talk about my family.

Except for Liam. He’s become my exception to my rule.

I’ve let myself get close to him. I know how stupid that was.

But I’ve already crossed that line of stupidity. There’s no going back.

What more harm can I possibly do?

“My parents met at Oxford University.” I stare down at our entwined hands. “My mom was a student there. She was in the first year of earning her master’s degree. My dad…he was a professor.”

“He was her professor?” Liam asks softly.

I lift my eyes to him. “No. My dad taught English literature. My mom was studying politics.”

I know what he’s thinking—teacher-student relationship and the age difference between them. Like there’s an age difference between him and me.

“My dad was seven years older than my mom,” I tell him.

“And I’m ten years older than you. Should I take it that you Shaw women have a thing for older men?”

“Actually, you’re the first older guy I’ve dated.”


Is that what Liam and I are doing—dating? Because all we were supposed to be doing was having sex.

But when we’re not having sex…we spend all of our time together. And we don’t act like friends during that time. We act like a couple. Isn’t that considered dating?

This is bad. And wrong.

While I’m internally agonizing over this, Liam doesn’t seem fazed by what I said because he responds with, “Glad to hear it.” His tone is gruff and very alpha-sounding. The alpha that usually sends a shiver down my spine.

But not this time because my mind is in overdrive.

“So, your dad was a professor dating a student…” Liam prompts when I haven’t said anything.

“Yes.” I come back around, back to my parents’ love story and away from my own.

Not that Liam and I are in a love story…

Oh God.

“They met on campus one day. My mom used to ride her bike to class. She was late, rushing and not paying attention, and she ran my dad over. Literally ran him over.”

Liam laughs, and I smile at the memories of my mom telling me this story. I used to love to hear it.

“He was fine, but my mom was mortified. He’d grazed his hand as he fell. So, she insisted on fixing up his hand. Her dorm was far away, but my dad had a first aid kit in his office. She went with him, cleaned up his hand, and put a Band-Aid over the cut, and then she left for her class, late.” I laugh softly.

“Then, she started seeing him on campus all the time. My mom told me that she’d never seen my dad before that day. Suddenly, he was everywhere. My dad later told her that he started taking different routes to class just so he could bump into her.

“And I guess…they fell in love. My mother always said she fell in love with him at the exact moment when she looked into his eyes, right after sticking that Band-Aid on his hand. But they had to keep their relationship a secret because, technically, it was wrong. Even though my mom was twenty-two, an adult, she was a student, and my dad was a professor. So, they hid their relationship.”

It’s in this moment I realize that my mom was twenty-two when she met my dad.

I’m twenty-two now.

And I met Liam at twenty-two.

And I’ll be twenty-two when I die.

“My grandfather, my mother’s father, was a well-known politician here in the UK. You might have heard of him. Marcus Grant?”