The Ending I Want

The thought of going alone, without Liam, makes me feel…lonely. But it’s important that I go.

He shifts, forcing me to move. He lies on his side, his head on the pillow, facing me. He brings his hand to my face and tucks my hair behind my ear. Then, he brushes his fingers down my neck, over my shoulder, and down my arm. He takes my hand in his. “Well, I was wondering if you wanted to come with me. I know going to my grandpa’s house isn’t on your list. But we could probably do some of the things left on your list while we’re there. And we still have next week to complete it.”

Next week—that’s all I have left with him.

The level of sadness I feel from that knowledge is…concerning.

It should stop me from wanting to be with him this weekend. It should make me want to say no.

But it doesn’t. It has me wanting to say yes.

I bite my lip. “I don’t want to intrude on your time with your grandpa.”

“You wouldn’t be intruding, and I know that my grandpa would love to have you there. He’s a people person.” Liam smiles wide. “And I bet you’ve never been to the Grand Prix, right?”


“So, we can add it to your list. You’ll love it, Boston. It’s an amazing experience.”

Say no, Taylor. You’re getting too attached. Let him go to the Grand Prix with his grandpa, and you go to Oxford alone.

“Where does your grandpa live?”

Don’t ask that. Say no. Thank you for the offer but no.

“Oxford,” he says.

My breath catches.

“My parents met at Oxford University.” The words are out before I can stop them.

I’m surprised at how easily they came out. I feel my heart start to beat faster.

Liam’s hand tightens around mine, his eyes softening on me. “Do you want to go…to Oxford? See the university?”

I can feel my throat thickening, so I don’t attempt speech. I nod my head.

Liam brings his mouth to my forehead and kisses me there. I close my eyes, my chest feeling too full…with everything.

“So, it’s settled. You’ll come with me to Oxford.” He tips my chin up with his hand and kisses me once more on the lips.

Then, he gets up from the bed. “I’ll make us breakfast,” he says, pulling some black pajama pants from the drawer and putting them on. “After breakfast, we can swing by the hotel, you can pack a bag for the weekend, and then we’ll head to Grandpa’s place. Scrambled eggs and bacon good for you?”

I feel mute. Because I’m feeling too much.

“Eggs and bacon are fine,” I force out the words.

Liam heads for the door. “I’ll get breakfast started, and you can get your hot arse out of bed and make the coffee.” He tosses a smile back at me before leaving the room.

I push myself up in bed and just sit there for a moment.

His grandpa lives in Oxford. The place my parents met and fell in love.

I don’t know if it’s just a coincidence or meant to be.

Coincidence. It has to be.

Why did I tell him about where my parents met?

Because you want him to know you.

No, I don’t want Liam to know me.

And, in many ways, I don’t want to know him. I don’t want to get close to him.

This here, with him, was just supposed to be sex and fun.

But, now, it’s starting to feel like more than that.

On my part at least.

Last night, I wasn’t sure if the feelings I had for Liam were friendship…or something more.

Now, I’m sure. They’re something more.

The only saving grace I have is that Liam doesn’t reciprocate my feelings. At least, I don’t think he does. If he did, then that would make things messy.

No, Liam’s not a relationship person. His job is everything to him, the only thing he cares about. It’s his life. He has no room in it for anyone else—aside from his grandpa and his friends.

He might be spending this time off work with me, but this, for him, is just a vacation.

I’m his at-home holiday romance.

When I leave London, Liam will be someone I have to let go of, and it will hurt.

For Liam, I’ll just be that American girl he had two crazy weeks with. In time, I’ll just be a memory. A fond memory, I hope.

But one thing is for certain. This thing between Liam and me will end the way it was always supposed to end, irrespective of the feelings I have for him.

One more week, and I will leave London and go back to Boston.

And soon after…I will die.

“This is your car?”

Liam stops by the trunk of the car and looks over at me. We’re in his building’s parking garage, and I’m staring at the hottest car I have ever seen.

“It is.” He smiles.