The Ending I Want

With Liam and completing my list before I go to join my family.

I keep walking, and my ears suddenly become alert to the sounds of heavy breathing.

What the…

I pick up my pace and realize that the heavy breathing is coming from behind a door toward the end of the hallway. I walk toward it, my heart rate picking up a little, until I get close enough to register the telltale sounds of someone exercising.

Liam must be working out in there.

I open the door to a fully equipped out gym. Fancy. And it’s clearly how he manages to keep that awesome body of his…well, awesome.

The opposite wall to me is solid glass. I can see the whole of London from it.

Liam is on a treadmill facing the view. Earbuds are in his ears. There’s also a flat screen up on the wall to the right of him, and the business channel is on.

But, as he runs, his focus is on the view.

I’m stuck on his powerful body as he moves. Sweat is running in rivulets down the nape of his neck and over the muscles on his back. His skin is glistening.

I’m starting to sweat from just watching him.

Not to be a total pervert and ogle him, I walk over to him, moving around to the side, so as not to come up behind him and startle him.

He catches sight of me and smiles. He yanks his earbuds out. “Morning, gorgeous.” He slows the treadmill down a touch, bringing him to a jog.

“Morning yourself.” I take a seat on what looks like a weight bench.

“I thought you’d sleep longer since I kept you up so late last night.”

The glint in his eyes tells me that he’s thinking about everything we did. It sets off a warm shiver down my spine and sends my stomach butterflying.

I bite my lower lip. “The bed was cold without you.”

“Sorry, babe. I’m an early riser. I sleep six hours, if I’m lucky. And if I stay awake, lying next to you, then I’ll only end up waking you up for more sex.”

“And I totally wouldn’t mind if you did that.”

The look I get this time is seductive. It sends the butterflies into overdrive.

“I’ll remember that for next time.” Liam picks up a bottle of water from the cup holder on the treadmill, and he takes a drink.

The buzz in my head intensifies. The room spins, and a pain shoots across my forehead.

Not now. Not in front of Liam again.

“Hey, you okay?”

I hear a hint of concern in his voice.

I realize my eyes are shut, and my hand is pressed to my forehead. My other hand is curled around the edge of the bench. I blink open my eyes and rub the heel of my hand against my forehead, trying to force the pain away, wanting to downplay it so that he won’t worry.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I lie with a forced smile. “Just all that champagne last night. My head is a little fuzzy.”

I hate lying to him, but the alternative isn’t an option. If I tell Liam the truth, I know what will happen. He’ll try to talk me out of my decision.

I don’t want to be talked out of it.

“Have you had anything to drink?” he asks.

“It was the drink that got me in this state.” I convey humor in my voice as I lift my eyes to him.

“I mean, water, smart-arse.”

“No.” I shake my head. Then, I immediately regret doing it as the pain increases.

“Here, drink this.” He lifts his half-full water bottle and then throws it to me, and I catch it. “You need something to eat, too. I’ll feed you after I’ve finished up here.”

“You’ll make someone a good husband one day, Hunter.” I manage a teasing smile.

His return look is less than humorous.

I unscrew the cap on the bottle and put it to my lips. I can taste Liam on it. I like that a lot. Might make me weird or a little gross, but I don’t care. I drink the water he gave me. Once the bottle’s empty, I screw the cap back on and put it down.

My headache is now a low throb. I need to grab some pain pills from my purse before it comes back with a vengeance.

“What are your plans for today?” Liam asks.

“Dunno.” I lift my shoulders.

He gives me a contrite look before saying, “I’ve got to go into the office again today.” He checks the time on his Apple Watch. “Pretty soon, in fact.”

“Everything okay at work?” I ask.

“Yeah, just a few issues with a company I’m buying out. I need to call some people. Shout at them.” He gives a slow smile.

“Such a big boss man.”

“And don’t you forget it.” His smile curves into a sexy one, and then it suddenly downturns. “I feel like shit for leaving you alone though.”

“Don’t feel bad. I’m a big girl, Hunter. It’s not your job to entertain me twenty-four/seven. Your job is to run your businesses.”

With all the time he’s been spending with me since I arrived in England, it’s easy for me to forget that Liam has a day job—an I-own-multiple-multimillion-dollar-companies day job.

“I’ll find a way to entertain myself.”