The Ending I Want

“And I didn’t call you a hooker. Babe…” He brushes his nose down the side of mine, kissing my cheek and then the corner of my mouth. “How about you let me buy you dinner, and I’ll go down on you in thanks? How does that sound?”

“You want to thank me with oral sex for you buying dinner? How does that make sense?”

“It makes sense because I get to pay for dinner and not have you mad at me.” A sexy smile slowly creeps onto his lips.

“You have a really weird idea about what constitutes winning, Hunter.”

“And that’s why I’m so successful in business, Boston.”

“Because you have no clue what winning means?”

“No. Because people would rather be fucked by me than fucked over by me.”

Laughing, I shake my head. “You are a strange man, Liam Hunter.”

“And aren’t you just glad you met me?”

I stare up into his face. “Oddly, yeah, I am.”

He kisses me one last time and then releases me.

I follow him over to his waiting car. He opens the door, and I climb into the backseat. Liam gets in next to me.

“Hey,” I say to Paul.

“Hi, Taylor.” Paul smiles at me through the rearview mirror. “Your hair looks great.”

“Thank you.” I smile at him.

“Take us to Cam’s,” Liam tells Paul.

I rest my head on Liam’s shoulder, a feeling of contentment around me, as Paul pulls out into the London traffic.

“So…Megan…she’s nice,” I say, chewing on my thumbnail.

We’re still in the car. London traffic is heavy, like all the time. I’m staring out the window, looking at the cars next to us.

I feel Liam look at me, but I keep my eyes on the window.

“She is. Why do I feel like there’s something more to that statement than just Megan being nice?”

“Well…she’s very pretty.”

“She is pretty.”

I stop chewing my nail and slide my eyes to him. “And…Jamie was telling me that you helped her buy the salon.”

His brows draw together. “Jamie has a big mouth.”

“So…did you? Buy it for her, I mean? Because that’s a massively kind thing to do for someone—buying them a business.”

“I’m a massive guy—in all respects.” He flicks a smile in the direction of his crotch.

I’m too frustrated to even laugh, so I just sigh and stare out the window again.

I don’t know why it bothers me so much that he bought the salon for Megan. I guess…I just think he must really care about her to have done that for her.

Since I lost my family I haven’t had anyone to care about me. I know it was my choice, to keep people away, but that doesn’t stop me from feeling envious that Megan had Liam when she needed someone.

For the last four years, I’ve had no one.

So, what I’m feeling right now, this envy, it’s stupid. I know that. But I’m a girl, and I’m dying, so I’m allowed this moment of stupidity.

Liam takes my chin in his hand and turns my face to him. “I didn’t buy the salon for Megan. I loaned her the money. She paid me back once the business started making money.”

“Oh, okay.” I turn my face back to the window.

He sighs. “Is there something else?”

I lift a shoulder.

“Taylor.” His tone is firm.

I turn back to him. “Well, I’m just wondering…if you’ve slept together. I just kind of got the impression that you had. And if you have in fact had sex with Megan, then taking me there, to a place owned by a woman you used to fuck—or still fuck—well…it was just really poor taste.”

His mouth tightens. “You’re right. It would have been in poor taste. I might have a lot of faults, Boston, but poor judgment is not one of them. I haven’t had sex with Megan. Nor do I ever intend on having sex with Megan.”

“But you bought her a business. Nothing says I want to fuck you like that.” What is wrong with me? Why am I so jealous?

And I think I might have pushed it a little too far as he looks really pissed off. Sounds it, too.

“No. I loaned her the money. She’s my best friend’s little sister. She’s my friend. I help my friends.”

“Like you’re helping me with my list?” I give him a look.

I’m clearly itching for a fight with him. But, why?

Liam slowly shakes his head at me, his dark eyes pinned on mine. “I think we both know that you and I are more than friends. I think my thumb up your arse while I was fucking your * with my cock earlier on should have confirmed that fact to you.”

“God, you’re so fucking crass.” I flick a look at Paul, hoping he didn’t hear what Liam said. It’s just wishful thinking on my part because there is no way he didn’t hear.

“I’m not crass. I’m just a man who knows what he wants. And when I want something, I take it. I don’t *foot around. Just like when I took your arse earlier. Next time, it will be my cock in there.” He leans in close, so his breath is brushing over my lips. “And I will fuck you hard…so hard that my name will be imprinted on your voice box from you screaming it.”

Holy fuck.

I close my eyes. I can’t help the shudder that runs through my body or the whimper that leaves my mouth from the sensations that his words and nearness send rushing through me.