The Ending I Want

“Ah.” I nod. Dude talks my language.

“Well, I’m definitely not going gray. Candy-floss pink,” I tell her.

“Fabulous.” She smiles. “Now, do you want pink highlights or full head?”

“Full head.” If I’m doing this, I’m going to do it properly.

“Okay, well, I’ve got you with Jamie today. He’s my best colorist. He’ll have your hair transformed in no time. He’s a genius with color.”

“Jamie,” she calls over to an Asian guy with a purple Mohawk.

He smiles at me as he approaches.

“Jamie, this is Taylor. Taylor wants to go pastel pink, full head.” Then, she asks me, “Are we just coloring or cutting as well?”

I touch the edges of my hair, which hangs a few inches past my shoulders.

“I could take it up to sit on your shoulders,” Jamie says. “Go for a choppy bob. That would really suit you. You have a great jawline and bone structure. God, I would die for cheekbones like yours.”

I touch a hand to my cheekbones. I didn’t realize there was anything amazing about them. They feel pretty standard to me—you know, as far as cheekbones go.

“You could carry off a choppy bob, no prob. And the cut would look even more fabulous with the color you’re going for. It would really show it off. And the blue of your eyes will really stand out against the color.”

“That sounds great.” I smile.

I would say yes to anything Jamie says. He just sounds so enthusiastic and like he really knows what he’s talking about. And he said I have a great jawline and bone structure, so I really like him.

“Okay, well, let’s get you seated, and we can get started.”

“How long will she be?” Liam asks Megan.

“About three hours, and then she’ll be done.”

Liam comes over to me. “I’ve got to go back to the office, but I’ll be back to pick you up in three hours.”


My expression is stoic. I can’t bring myself to smile at him because I’m still annoyed that he brought me here.

He gives me a confused look. Then, he cups my face in his hands and leans down, pressing a soft kiss to my lips.

“See you soon,” he whispers.

Then, he’s leaving with Megan walking him to the door, and Jamie is ushering me to my seat.

“That man is sex on a stick,” Jamie says to me as I sit in the seat. “I hope you don’t mind me saying.”

“Not at all. He is sex on a stick.” I smile at the memory of Liam being inside me just an hour ago and all the dirty things he did to me in bed.

Jamie puts a gown around me and fastens it at the back of my neck. “He’s not just hot either. He’s a really good guy. He helped Megan buy this place, you know.”

Wow. He bought her this salon.

I have this sinking feeling in my stomach. He must really like her.

I can’t believe he brought me here. If they had something together and he liked her enough to buy her a salon…then he brings me here, to meet with the woman he’s currently fucking…well, it’s just poor taste.

I suddenly feel bad for Megan, too.

“Wow. That was kind of him.”

“Yeah. Liam is a great guy. Sadly, he’s straight though, but you already knew that.” He gives me a conspiratorial wink. “Have you met Cam yet?”

“I haven’t.” I have no clue who Cam is.

“He’s Megan’s older brother. He and Liam are best friends. Known each other since school. Now, Cam is one fine male specimen. Straight as an arrow as well.” He frees my hair from the gown. “How did you meet Liam?”

I meet his eyes in the mirror. “On the flight here.”

“So, how long have you known him?”

I flick a glance at the clock. “Um…about…thirty-six hours.”

Jamie grins at me, causing a goofy smile to slide onto my lips. “You are my idol, girl.” He lifts his fist, fist-bumping me. “Right, I’m just going to mix up your color, and then I’ll be back. Then, you can tell me what the inside of Liam’s apartment looks like ’cause I’ve always wondered.”

He gives me a wink, and I’m guessing apartment is code for something else.

“Do you want a drink?” he asks, his hand on my shoulder.

“Coffee would be great.” I smile.

Three hours later, my hair is three inches shorter, and it’s pink.

And I have to say, I love it.

It looks really edgy and hot.

Liam hasn’t returned yet, and I’m at the counter, ready to pay.

“Taylor’s already paid for,” Megan tells the girl at the reception counter.

“I am?”

“Liam paid. Didn’t he tell you?”

“No. He didn’t.”

“Sounds like Liam.” Megan smiles softly. “Speak of the devil.”

I turn to see Liam coming through the door. Instead of feeling happy to see him, I just feel pissed off.

First, he brings me here. Then, he pays for my hair, like I’m his little woman.

I don’t know which I’m madder about.

“Wow, look at you…gorgeous.” He slips his fingers into my hair.