The Closer You Come

A saint rather than a sinner. Of course. “I’ll be telling her the truth,” Jase said. “Soon.” The thought of his own daughter fearing him caused him to break out in a cold sweat, but he wasn’t going to lie to her or risk someone else telling her. He also wasn’t going to allow her to think he’d put other kids before her.

“He’s been out for over six months,” West said, anger tightening his voice. “You’ve had plenty of time to create another lie about her dad’s return.” The wound on his forehead had begun to heal, but the wounds in his soul had begun to leak their poison.

He once again smelled of the most potent alcohol.

“Well,” she said, casting Jase a look filled with remorse. “I thought about it, I did, but I wasn’t sure how Jase would feel, if he would care. But I was just fooling myself. I see that now. I was scared. I’ve been in a stable, loving relationship for almost three years now, and I didn’t want to screw that up. But Tyler is in the military. The army. He’s currently overseas, left last week, and he’ll be gone for six months. That’s why I decided to answer Beck’s email.”

“Is he good to Hope?” Beck asked.

It was a question Jase had asked, as well.

“Very. He loves her like she’s his own.”

But she’s not his. She’s mine. And he adored that little girl with every fiber of his being.

“You’ll have to tell him about me, Daph.” Jase pinned her with a hard stare. “I’m going to be a part of Hope’s life.” Now and forever.

“I know,” she said, surprising him. “If he’s able, he’s going to video chat with me later tonight. I plan to tell him then.”

“And that’s going to make everything better?” West exploded. “You left without a word, hid a secret for nine years and think you can come back as if you’ve done nothing wrong?”

Daphne stiffened.

“West,” Jase said. “I love you, man, but I won’t let you talk to her like that.”

“Someone has to look out for you.” West’s gaze practically spewed fire as it landed on Jase. “I didn’t before, but I will now.”

He closed his eyes for a moment, drew in a breath. This was what guilt did, he realized. Tore down. Left you in a rut. Unable to move forward. And Jase didn’t want to live like that any longer. He didn’t want his friends to live like that.

He stood, walked to the couch where West and Beck sat and eased onto the coffee table in front of them, his attention remaining on West. “Let it go,” he said softly. “It’s time. The past is a noose around your neck, and it’s choking the life out of you.” He looked to Beck. “You, too. You just hide it better.”

Both men focused on something other than Jase and remained silent.

“I want better for you. I want better for me.” He patted each of their knees. “I want my friends back. The ones who see me as an equal, not someone they owe.”

Again, silence.

“I’m asking you to move forward. Therefore, you have to move forward,” he continued. “You’ve paid enough. I’ve paid enough. We’re going to enjoy life. Finally.” He gave them another pat before standing and meeting Daphne’s watery gaze. “I’m really glad you found your happily-ever-after.”

“Me, too. I hope you find yours.”

“I’m working on it.”


BROOK LYNN SANG and danced through the kitchen as she put together orders for You’ve Got It Coming. Twenty-three sandwiches and six casseroles. But the growing business wasn’t what had put her in such a great mood. Jase had come over last night, and he’d rocked her world. Stripped her, touched her. Loved her.

I think we broke the mattress. And the world record for the number of orgasms achieved in one night.

Before he’d left early this morning to be with Hope, he’d kissed her so tenderly she would have sworn her soul melded with his. Afterward, when he’d lifted his head and peered deep into her eyes, his thumbs caressing the line of her jaw, she’d experienced the most sublime sense of contentment.

I belong in his arms.

Gena Showalter's books