The Closer You Come

“What do you mean?...No, impossible...She isn’t...she can’t...” Jase turned away from Brook Lynn, and dread slithered through her. “Okay. I’ll be right there.”

He hung up, but didn’t face Brook Lynn right away.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

The longest moment she could ever imagine passed before he turned. He’d grown pale, waxen. “Beck’s secret. He tracked down my ex-girlfriend. Daphne. Had emailed her once he found her, so now she’s here. In town. At my house.”

“What!” Chilled to the bone, Brook Lynn hopped to her feet.

“That’s not all.” Jase tunneled a hand through his hair. “She has a kid—and she says the girl is mine.”


THOUGH BROOK LYNN was in a knock-down-drag-out fight with her nerves, she was able to hide it behind the warden persona. A stern expression and clipped, efficient movements. The talent came in handy as she and Jase climbed into her car.

“We will get this figured out,” she said. Would they, though? Would they, really? He might have a kid—and a former girlfriend he might want to support.

He mumbled an agreement, too dazed to respond any further than that.

She took extra care on the road, going slower than usual as her mind lobbed questions and statements at her as if they were baseballs and she held a bat.

Jase...a father?

Jase...a family man?

A family that did not include Brook Lynn, but did include Daphne, the girl he’d once loved.

He loves me now. He said so.

But does he love me more than he once loved her? Brook Lynn had a major mark against her. She’d walked away from him the moment she’d learned the truth about his past. Did this Daphne person have any marks?

By the time she reached his house, her fingers had clenched the steering wheel so tightly the two were practically fused together. Her legs trembled as she trailed Jase to the porch and inside the house.

Beck waited by the door, and as they passed him, he marched outside, casting Brook Lynn a pitying glance and saying, “I’ll give you guys some privacy.”

He wanted Jase to have a choice, he’d once told her. Now she understood. The choice between Brook Lynn and Daphne, present and past.

The moisture in her mouth dried when she noticed the floral-printed luggage stacked in the foyer. How long did the woman hope to stay?

Jase stopped in the living room, and Brook Lynn moved beside him. A pretty brunette in her late twenties sat on the couch. She wore a crisp gray blouse and black slacks, and despite the heat outside, she looked as fresh as a newly bloomed rose. Her makeup was perfectly applied and demure. The slenderness of her bones gave her a regal air Brook Lynn would never be able to achieve.

Studying the competition, she began to feel like an idiot for ever being jealous of her sister, who would never make a play for Jase now that Brook Lynn was dating him...and Jase would never do anything with Jessie Kay to jeopardize their relationship. But this Daphne person was a whole different story. She had what Jase never had but had probably always wanted. A family.

A little girl sat at Daphne’s side. She wore a white sundress and shifted uncomfortably, tugging at one of the dress’s straps. She had a shoulder-length crop of dark hair that was straight as a pin and eyes as flawless as the most expensive emeralds. A thought Brook Lynn had often had about Jase’s eyes. The little girl had his mouth, too, with an upper lip plumper than the bottom.

Calm. Steady.

Brook Lynn’s gaze returned to Daphne...who was staring at her with curiosity, probably speculating about her relationship with Jase.

“Daphne,” Jase said, his voice rough. “It’s good to see you again.”

“You, too. Although you look so different. So big.” Her attention returned to Brook Lynn. “And who do we have here?”

“This is Brook Lynn,” he said.

She waited for him to add, She’s my girlfriend. But the words never came.

Gena Showalter's books