The Closer You Come

He stalked toward the woman whose careless words had cut through Brook Lynn’s hard-won self-confidence. He’d never hit a female before, and he wouldn’t start today, but she was with a man and he’d do.

In the back of Jase’s mind, a warning screamed. Don’t do this. You’ll get in serious trouble with your PO. But the scream wasn’t loud enough to overshadow the rage. Someone had to pay.

The couple noticed him, paled and backed away. He kept coming.

Soft fingers suddenly wrapped around his biceps, a touch he recognized. He jolted out of the darkness of his thoughts and stopped.

“Jase.” Different degrees of upset and fear layered Brook Lynn’s voice.

He whipped around. Eyes of baby blue peered up at him with concern.

“I want to leave,” she said. “Let’s leave. All right?”

Leave? Inside him, two needs warred. To punish those who’d hurt her...or to please her.

No contest. He gathered her in his arms and led her outside.

“I’m sorry,” she said as soon as they reached the car. “I’m sorry I ruined everything.”

Confused, he pinned her against the hood. “You didn’t ruin anything. Why would you think you did?”

“My ears—”

“Were not the problem.” Jase cupped her cheeks, his thumbs caressing back and forth. “There is nothing wrong with you, angel. You are the most perfect person I’ve ever met and those implants are a part of you. I think they’re as sexy as you are.”

Her eyes widened with every word, her breathing coming faster.

“I was about to lose my temper in there,” he said. “I wanted to hurt the woman for hurting you. I wouldn’t have hit her, but I would have hit the guy with her. So if anyone is to blame for ruining everything, it’s me.” And he needed to make up for it.

He scanned the distance. Across the street was a barn with a flashing sign over the roof, advertising gourmet desserts.

“Hungry?” he asked.

“Yes, actually.”

“Come on.”

A bell chimed over the door as they entered. There were more customers than he had expected for this early in the day, but he understood why they were there. The scent of coffee and chocolate laced the air, combining into an irresistible summoning finger.

Brook Lynn squealed with delight as she studied the contents of the display case. “Did we pass through the pearly gates and I just don’t remember? This has to be heaven.”

“What can I get you?” the young girl behind the counter asked.

As Brook Lynn continued to study the case, the light in her eyes dimmed all over again. She straightened, cleared her throat and tugged at the collar of her shirt. “Um, just water for me, thanks.”

“What’s wrong?” he asked her. “Don’t you dare tell me you starve yourself to stay thin or I swear I’ll tie you to my bed and force-feed you Twinkies and Ho Hos for a week.” Maybe a few other things, as well.

“Trust me, I never purposely starve myself.” Her cheeks paled as she looked up at him and whispered, “Jase, the desserts are over five dollars each.”

She would deprive herself of a treat over five measly dollars? He’d taken this woman under his care—an angel who should never lack for anything—and yet she still struggled with money issues. He wanted to fall at her feet and offer everything he had, everything he would ever have. She shouldn’t have to scrimp and save and miss out on little pleasures while he had millions he hadn’t really earned sitting in the bank.

“We’ll have one of everything,” he announced.

Brook Lynn gasped and squeezed his wrists. Then she laughed nervously, saying to the salesgirl, “He’s kidding. Of course he’s kidding.”

“I wasn’t fuc—freaking kidding,” he said. “One of everything.”

The girl rushed to obey him, and within minutes, he had Brook Lynn and three large boxes at a table in the back of the shop.

“Eat,” he said.

She peered at the plethora of desserts with ravaging hunger in her eyes. “I shouldn’t take advantage of your generosity.”

“Why? I offered. No advantage will be taken.”

Gena Showalter's books