The Closer You Come

What would a future with him entail? Those rare smiles that lit his entire face...the rusty sound of laughter only she seemed capable of summoning...a quirky wit that perfectly matched her own...unconditional acceptance for who and what she was...

Would he ever be interested in marriage? What about a family? Both were important to her.

But did she really want marriage if she wasn’t sure it was with the right man? Was a family already set up for failure if the right couple wasn’t at its helm?

Being with Jase would be a big-time gamble. He could decide he was done with her at any time and walk away. But so could anyone else. He was her boss, and being with him could backfire and make her feel like a whore. He could fire her if things didn’t work out. Or, even worse, he could keep her on, and she would have to see him with other women.

But he could also fall head over heels in love with her...

How awesome would that be? She could touch him anytime the urge hit...hug him and kiss him, comfort him...take care of him while he took care of her...shiver as he offered her a smile designed for her and her alone...

She squared her shoulders. “I’ll fight for him,” she announced. Jase angered and frustrated her, yes, but he also fascinated and delighted her. “I need you to listen to this next part and heed it. I’ll do it my way. You two aren’t to interfere. No matter what I say or do. Got it?”



Seven miserable days.

That’s how long ago Jase had woken up in Brook Lynn’s bed, her naked body curled around him. He’d experienced such bliss. Such...contentment. Like nothing else he’d ever known. But then the familiar fear that it couldn’t—wouldn’t—last had intruded, and panic had set in.

He’d left her, basically running for his life, thinking a little time away from her would put him back on track, strengthen his resolve to remain alone and detached...but he’d only grown to want her more.

Gritting his teeth, Jase toyed with the strawberry charm she’d given him. The one she’d made. He’d removed Jessie Kay’s photo and now carried it everywhere, a reminder of what he shouldn’t want...but couldn’t resist.

To be honest, it wasn’t just sexual things he craved from Brook Lynn. It was her as a person. He was so much more...complete when they were together. She met needs he hadn’t known he’d had.

If he was fire, she was water. If he was dark, she was light. She wasn’t afraid to tease him, to let down her guard with him, and she actually seemed to enjoy him. But he hadn’t come clean about his past. She deserved to know who he was—what he was—before they went any further. If she even wanted to go further. That damn contract.

He stood in the kitchen, watching as she straightened couch cushions in the living room. The hem of her summer dress was too short, lifting with every move she made, revealing an indecent amount of trim, tanned thigh... One nibble wouldn’t hurt either of us...

She caught his gaze and, with a smile trying to form, said, “Oh! I forgot to tell you today’s affirmation. Are you ready?”

He forced himself to nod.

“I am both dominating and submissive at the same time.”

Taunting me?

He’d take the abuse and then some. He deserved it.

He just couldn’t go on like this. He had to talk to her, admit to his feelings and his past so they could move on—the facts were like obstacles, so many in their way. And if they couldn’t move on, he’d have to come to terms with it; at least the mental torment would finally end.

He stalked toward her, determined to confess all. Maybe.

“I promised I’d help you with your list,” he found himself saying instead. “It’s time to check off another item.”

She stepped back, maintaining a certain amount of distance between them. “I already planned to check something off today,” she said. “I’m attending a wine-and-cheese tasting later.”

“I’ll take you.”

She beamed at him. “Thank you. I’d like that.”

Gena Showalter's books