The Black Widow (Gabriel Allon #16)

“Actually, his track record is rather good, too.”

“He didn’t travel to the café in Saint-Denis on a magic carpet,” said Gabriel. “He took a train, or a bus, or he walked along a street with security cameras.”

“Our network of CCTV cameras is nowhere near as extensive as yours or the British.”

“But it exists, especially in a place like Saint-Denis.”

“Yes,” said Rousseau. “It exists.”

“So find out how he got there. And then find out who he is. But whatever you do,” Gabriel added, “do it quietly. And don’t mention any of this to our friend from Langley.”

Rousseau consulted his wristwatch.

“What time are you seeing him?”

“Eleven. His name is Taylor, by the way. Kyle Taylor. He’s the chief of the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center. Apparently, Monsieur Taylor is very ambitious. He’s droned many terrorists. One more scalp, and he might be the next director of operations. At least, that’s the rumor.”

“That would come as news to the current director.”

“Adrian Carter?”

Gabriel nodded.

“I’ve always liked Adrian,” said Rousseau. “He’s a decent soul, and rather too honest for a spy. One wonders how a man like that could survive so long in a place like Langley.”

As it turned out, it took Rousseau’s Alpha Group just forty-eight hours to determine that the man from the café in Saint-Denis had traveled to Paris from London aboard a Eurostar high-speed train. Surveillance photographs showed him disembarking at the Gare du Nord in late morning and boarding a Métro a few minutes later, bound for the northern suburbs of Paris. He departed Paris the morning after he was photographed on the rue de Rivoli and the Champs-élysées, also aboard a Eurostar train, this one bound for London.

Unlike most international trains in Western Europe, the Eurostar requires passengers to clear passport control before boarding. Alpha Group quickly found their man in the manifests. He was Jalal Nasser, born in Amman, Jordan, in 1984, currently residing in the United Kingdom, address unknown. Rousseau dispatched a cable to MI5 in London and, in the dullest language possible, asked whether the British security service had a place of residence for one Jalal Nasser and whether it had reason to suspect his involvement in any form of Islamic extremism. His address arrived two hours later: 33 Chilton Street, Bethnal Green, East London. And, no, said MI5, it had no evidence to suggest that Nasser was anything more than what he claimed to be, which was a graduate student in economics at King’s College. He had been enrolled there, on and off, for seven years.

Gabriel dispatched Mikhail to London, along with a pair of all-purpose field hands named Mordecai and Oded, and within a few hours of their arrival they managed to acquire a small flat in Chilton Street. They also managed to snap a photograph of Jalal Nasser, the eternal student, walking along Bethnal Green Road with a book bag over one shoulder. It appeared on Gabriel’s mobile phone that evening as he was standing in the nursery of his apartment in Jerusalem, staring down at the two children sleeping peacefully in their cribs.

“They missed you terribly,” said Chiara. “But if you wake them . . .”


She smiled, took him by the hand, and led him into their bedroom.

“Quietly,” she whispered as she loosened the buttons on her blouse. “Very quietly.”



EARLY THE FOLLOWING MORNING Gabriel slipped from the apartment while Chiara and the children were still sleeping and climbed into the back of his armored SUV. His motorcade contained two additional vehicles filled with well-armed Office security agents. And instead of heading west toward Tel Aviv and King Saul Boulevard, it skirted the gray Ottoman walls of the Old City and spilled down the slopes of the Judean Hills, into the unforgiving flatlands of the West Bank. Stars clung to the cloudless sky above Jerusalem, oblivious to the sun that lay low and fiery above the cleft of the Jordan Valley. A few miles before Jericho was the turnoff for the Allenby Bridge, the historic crossing between the West Bank and the British-created Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The ramp on the Israeli half had been cleared of traffic for Gabriel’s arrival; on the other side idled an impressive motorcade of Suburbans filled with mustachioed Bedouin soldiers. The head of Gabriel’s security detail exchanged a few words with his Jordanian counterpart. Then the two motorcades merged into one and set off across the desert toward Amman.

Their destination was the headquarters of Jordan’s General Intelligence Department, also known as the Mukhabarat, the Arabic word used to the describe the all-pervasive secret services that safeguarded the fragile kingdoms, emirates, and republics of the Middle East. Surrounded by concentric rings of security men, a locked stainless steel attaché case in one hand, Gabriel strode swiftly across the marble lobby, up a flight of curved stairs, and into the office of Fareed Barakat, the GID’s chief. It was a vast room, four or five times the size of the director’s suite at King Saul Boulevard, and decorated with somber curtains, overstuffed chairs and couches, lustrous Persian carpets, and expensive trinkets that had been bestowed on Fareed by admiring spies and politicians around the world. It was the sort of place, thought Gabriel, where favors were dispensed, judgments were passed, and lives were destroyed. He had upgraded his usual attire for the occasion, exchanging his denim and leather for a trim gray suit and white shirt. Even so, his clothing paled in comparison to the worsted sartorial splendor that hung from the tall slender frame of Fareed Barakat. Fareed’s suits were handmade for him by Anthony Sinclair in London. Like the current king of Jordan, the man he was sworn to protect, he had been expensively educated in Britain. He spoke English like a news presenter from the BBC.

“Gabriel Allon, at long last.” Fareed’s small black eyes shone like polished onyx. His nose was like the beak of a bird of prey. “It’s good to finally meet you. After reading those stories about you in the newspaper, I was convinced I’d missed my chance.”

“Reporters,” said Gabriel disdainfully.

“Quite,” agreed Fareed. “Your first time in Jordan?”

“I’m afraid so.”

“No quiet visits to Amman on a borrowed passport? No operations against one of your many enemies?”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.”