That One Moment (Lost in London #2)

He’s feeling. He’s doing exactly what Doc said is the hardest challenge of all and he’s making it look bloody good. He looks happier than I’ve ever seen him.

As I watch them, my heart pounds like it’s going to burst out of my chest any second. It already felt like it was holding on by a very thin thread all week. But now, that thread is cinching up around my heart, tighter and tighter with every second I’m forced to stand up here and not next to Vi, touching her and telling her everything I’ve wanted to tell her since the first time I met her.


When the pastor tells Theo he can kiss his bride, I slam my eyes shut, unable to observe the end of the most vulnerably raw and absolutely beautiful wedding I’ve ever witnessed. Tears slip out from beneath my lashes because, even though I can’t see their kiss, I can feel it. I think everyone in this tiny chapel can feel it.

Finally, I open my eyes and I can’t help but smile at Leslie as she beams from ear to ear with tears in her eyes. She lifts Marisa up between her and Theo and they both kiss either side of her cheeks simultaneously. Cameras flash wildly as the small congregation of less than fifty people all “aw” in unison at the perfectly beautiful little family.

The wedding was gorgeous. Simple, but in no way understated. That just wouldn’t be Leslie. Punches of colour explode everywhere from the wildflower bouquets, to the bold multi-coloured bridesmaids’ dresses, to the unique fitted men’s suits.

Hayden wore his better than every man up there.

Damn him all to hell.

I spent the last couple of days psyching myself up for my first sight of him. I envisioned him looking cold and detached, similar to how he appeared the night of the gala only six weeks ago. How could our story have only lasted six weeks? Somehow it feels like no time and tons of time all at once.

My expectation of him today was that he’d continue to block me out and further drive the stake through my already hardened heart.

What I didn’t expect was for him to look so…concentrated.

The three times I mistakenly locked eyes with him during the service felt like we were frozen in time. In those moments, he was showing me the same passionate, intense, brooding, possessive man who threw a fit over me nearly kissing Ethan. I thought I could be strong enough to not let his presence consume me, but he’s messing everything up looking at me the way he is. I think he stared at me through twenty-five of the thirty minutes worth of ceremony. I have no idea what he’s after, but I just pray that he knows the damage done last week is irreconcilable.


The congregation stands to file out of the church. I catch sight of Leslie and Theo, along with the rest of the bridal party forming a reception line in the narthex. “Great,” I groan quietly.

“You’re fine. Only a couple more hours to go,” Gareth mutters under his breath.

I offer a shaky smile to my brother who’s dressed in a black fitted suit. Several people turn and gawk at him as we meander through the line. “You could have dressed down a bit. I told you this was a small, casual wedding.”

He frowns down at me. “I’m not wearing a tie.”

I roll my eyes. “Gucci is hardly casual.”

His eyes narrow as he looks over my shoulder. A playful smirk teases his lips, so I turn to see him catching a sensual gaze from a tall, busty brunette. “Nice,” I croak.

“Hey, I’m here for moral support. But I’m no bloody saint.” He flashes Busty a megawatt smile.

“Can you at least keep it in your pants until we get through this reception line? Hayden is right there.” The pain I feel just saying his name is acute.

He frowns and his flirty eyes suddenly turn serious. “You’ve got this.”

Do I? I think to myself just as we reach Leslie. “Vilma!” she sings happily. “I’m so glad you’re here.” She yanks me into a tight hug and her arms feel firm and solid around me. She pulls back and looks into my eyes with a pensive expression. “I was worried you wouldn’t come.”

I shake my head dismissively. “I wouldn’t miss your wedding, Leslie,” I say just as Theo finishes with the couple in front of us and looks to me. “You’re too damn needy for me to avoid anyway.”

Theo laughs and casts his twinkling, happy eyes down to his blushing bride. “I can vouch for that. And now I have two of them.” We glance over to Marisa as she smiles from the arms of Theo’s parents, whom I met briefly at the gala last month.

“Guys, this is my brother, Gareth Harris. I’m not sure you’ve all met.” I turn to my brother as he moves in closer.

Theo’s eyes fly wide. He pulls his glasses off as if to confirm that who he’s looking at isn’t a mirage. “Gareth Harris, for Man U? Bugger. I’m…yeah, I’m a fan.” Theo stammers as he cuts accusing eyes to Leslie. “Leslie, how could you not mention who Vilma’s brother is?”

She purses her lips and shrugs as if the thought never once occurred to her. “I don’t watch soccer! How am I supposed to know he’s a big deal?”

Amy Daws's books