That One Moment (Lost in London #2)

I turn my surprised expression to her and see Ethan pulling Vi up out of the corner of my eye. They head toward the dance floor, so I quickly stand, grabbing Julie’s small hand as I go. I drag her through the throngs of wasted Londoners grinding on each other. She hoots with excitement as we pass by Leslie, Frank, Theo, Finley, and Brody. I position us in a place where I can keep my eyes on Ethan and Vi, but not so close that I look like a tosser from “To Catch a Predator.”

Julie’s hands grip my biceps, and she sings along to the music as we begin moving. “You’re not an ugly looking bloke, Hayden!” she yells above the roaring beats.

“Thanks?” I reply, frowning down at her.

“I’ve been in a bit of a bubble for the last couple of years. Mitch took a walk and I feel like my whole world looks different now, know what I mean? Like…I’ve always been in a relationship. I jumped from one to the next to the next. I considered getting a cat to keep myself occupied, thinking maybe a new companion might stop me from jumping straight into another relationship. But then I was terrified that might turn me into a permanent crazy cat lady. So I thought…maybe if I could shag a new bloke, I’d feel better!”

“I guess that could help,” I murmur half-heartedly listening while mulling over what Leslie said earlier. How can one sentence uttered by a drunken redhead throw me so much?

“I think you’d do me properly, don’t you?”

“Excuse me?” I look down, my brow furrowed at what I think Julie’s just suggested.

She squeezes my biceps appreciatively. “No strings attached. Just a good physical effort. What do you say?”

“Uh, Julie,” I begin, trying to find a way to let her down. But before I can finish my sentence, she yanks me down by the collar and connects our lips in a painfully awkward kiss. Her tongue forces its way through my teeth and the scent of alcohol blazes into my senses. It feels wrong. It feels like cheating…in more ways than one. I quickly break her grip on my collar and detach my face from hers.

“I’m sorry, Julie, but that’s really not a great idea,” I say, doing my best to be kind.

“Why ever not?” She actually has the nerve to haul me down for another snog.

“Julie, I’m not in a place to be in a relationship right now. Really. I just…I’m focusing on my own life before I even consider diving in with anybody.”

“Well, bugger,” she whines, releasing me and placing her hands on the back of her neck. “I just need a proper servicing for bloody sake! Whose balls do I have to suck to get a proper dicking?”

My eyes widen in disbelief and I glance around nervously at the people gawking at us. Vi’s eyes draw me to her and the hurt on her face is crushing. Ethan attempts to twirl her back into him, but she ends up pulling away from him and storming off the dance floor. He follows closely behind and my heart thuds with growing frustration.

“Fuck,” I groan, feeling annoyingly out of control. “Julie, I’ve got to go.”

“Hayden, just be honest with me first. Are you just not attracted to me? Be specific. I’d rather you just be straight with me than have this whole weak, ‘It’s not you, it’s me excuse.’”

“Julie, you’re beautiful. I’m a fucking mess. Believe me. You don’t want a thing from me.”

I slip past her and head over to Finley and Brody dancing nearby to let them know they should go check in on Julie. The last thing I want is for someone to take advantage of her. She’s obviously going through something as well. Then I make my way through the crowd, back to the VIP section where I find Ethan completely wrapped around Vi, encasing her against the side railing and attempting to kiss her.

I see red.

Bright, angry, vengeful, frustrated, possessive red.

I don’t think. I just…react.

“What the fuck’s going on?” I seethe through clenched teeth, grabbing Ethan by the shoulders and aggressively wrenching him backward.

“Oi, Hayden.” Ethan’s tone is light and playful, setting me more on edge. “Shove off. This has nothing to do with you.”

I turn my back to Vi, inserting myself between them so I’m nose to nose with Ethan. “Yes, it fucking does.” My words are slow and menacing.

“She hasn’t mentioned a thing about you, Hayden,” he sneers, giving me the look of a fucking righteous, self-entitled prick. “So I beg to differ, mate.”

I step even closer to him, inhaling a large breath.

“Hayden, stop it right there.” Vi’s tone is a warning as she moves to stand beside me. I ignore her, nudging my chest into Ethan. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch sight of her heeled foot stamping to the ground in haste. “This is ridiculous. I can handle myself.”

“You heard her,” Ethan smirks cockily. Then he pats me heartily on my shoulder and gives me a light shove away from her.

Amy Daws's books